Differences between revisions 112 and 125 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 112 as of 2017-05-01 17:40:51
Size: 7970
Editor: EwaJodlowska
Revision 125 as of 2020-11-24 08:03:49
Size: 8373
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 15: Line 15:
- `Candidates for the 2018 PSF Board of Directors <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2018>`_ (public page)
Line 54: Line 55:
- `PSF Education WG <PythonEduWG>`_
- `PSF Fellow WG <FellowWG>`_
- `PSF Grants WG <GrantsWG>`_
- `PSF Infrastructure WG <InfrastructureWG>`_
- `PSF Jobs WG <JobsWG>`_
- `PSF Marketing WG <MarketingWG>`_
- `PSF Meta WG <MetaWG>`_
- `PSF Packaging WG <PackagingWG>`_
Line 56: Line 65:
- `PSF Sponsor WG <SponsorWG>`_
Line 57: Line 67:
- `PSF Meta WG <MetaWG>`_
- `PSF Grants WG <GrantsWG>`_
- `PSF Education WG <PythonEduWG>`_
- `PSF Marketing WG <MarketingWG>`_
- `PSF Packaging WG <PackagingWG>`_
- `PSF Sponsor WG <SponsorWG>`_
- `PSF Fellow WG <FellowWG>`_
- `PSF Translation WG <TranslationWG>`_
- `PSF Conduct WG <ConductWG/Charter>`_
- `PSF Funding WG <ProjectFundingWG>`_
- `PSF Diversity and Inclusion WG <DiversityandInclusionWG>`_

Python Software Foundation (PSF) Wiki

Please note: The wiki pages in this wiki default to world readable. Unlike in previous years, the wiki is no longer private. You do need to be in the MembersGroup to make changes. For this, you will need to create an account in this wiki (click on "Login" on the left). Please contact the staff for details (psf-staff@python.org).


PSF Projects

Certification Program

This section is from 2008 and is not something that evolved into a PSF project.

Fellow / Nominated Member Nominations



Access Control

This page and many of the pages linked to from this page, are editable by all members and readable world-wide (per default wiki settings).

To make them readable only by members, use the following ACL definition:

#acl MembersGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:

Contents (last edited 2020-11-24 08:03:49 by marlenemhangami)

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