Diversity and Inclusion Working Group

The Diversity and Inclusion Working Group is a volunteer workgroup of the Python Software Foundation.


The workgroup's purpose is to further the PSF’s mission to ‘support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.’ We also aim to provide guidance to the PSF Board of Directors in line with this mandate.

The Workgroup will pursue this goal in several ways including:

Active Time

It will continue to exist as long as the Workgroup and the PSF Board determine it is needed.

Core Values

The core values for this group are:

The workgroup adopts the PSF Code of Conduct (https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/). Any actions made against the principles in the Code of Conduct (found by a simple majority of 51%+) will result in the acting person being removed from the workgroup.


Rules & Guidelines

Decision Making Procedures

Communication Plan

The team will communicate via the diversity-inclusion-wg@python.org mailing list and through Slack. If needed, conference calls may be set up. The method of voting on projects and proposals will be determined by the workgroup. Preferred method of voting will be electronically (email or chat) and the vote results will be reported via email to the board in the monthly report. Asynchronous communication will be preferred as membership will be in many different time zones.


Initially, the Workgroup is requesting $5000 annually (the budget will primarily be used to hire consultants where applicable.) This amount may be reevaluated if necessary.

List of Members/Who we are


Past members:

Administration and Contact

DiversityandInclusionWG (last edited 2024-12-13 16:22:57 by marienordin)

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