Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
The Diversity and Inclusion Working Group is a volunteer workgroup of the Python Software Foundation.
The workgroup's purpose is to further the PSF’s mission to ‘support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.’ We also aim to provide guidance to the PSF Board of Directors in line with this mandate.
The Workgroup will pursue this goal in several ways including:
- Recruiting globally representative Workgroup members that will advocate for and provide insights on behalf of their local communities. Our members will, where possible, include representatives from each continent.
- Discussing policy, initiatives and grant proposals to recommend to the PSF Board of Directors in line with the group’s purpose.
- Communicating and collecting feedback from the Python community to understand how the PSF can better serve and grow a diverse membership.
- Measuring, evaluating, and sharing the PSF’s progress towards its diversity initiatives on a regular basis
Active Time
It will continue to exist as long as the Workgroup and the PSF Board determine it is needed.
Core Values
The core values for this group are:
- Inclusion
- Empathy
- Respect
- Integrity
- Equity
- Belonging
The workgroup adopts the PSF Code of Conduct (https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/). Any actions made against the principles in the Code of Conduct (found by a simple majority of 51%+) will result in the acting person being removed from the workgroup.
- Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup voting members are required to confirm their intent to continue participating in the Workgroup within one month of a new PSF Board election. This will be led by chair/vice-chairs. If there is no response within two weeks, then the individual is automatically removed.
- A member of the Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup can step down at any time, and the workgroup will work to replace that voting member.
Folks that would like to join the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group should send an email to the WG (diversity-inclusion-wg@python.org) introducing themselves. The WG will vote on new member requests verbally at meetings.
Rules & Guidelines
- The Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup will strive to include and understand a diverse group of perspectives as it implements its mission
- The Workgroup reserves the right to consult with outside experts.
- The Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup will submit a monthly report to the PSF Board of Directors.
- The Workgroup will include at least one active PSF Director as a member
Decision Making Procedures
- Discussions will happen via online communication platform, video chat, or mailing list.
- With respect to new policy recommendations:
- The workgroup may solicit feedback on proposed drafts.
- The workgroup will consider outside input, edit the document, then vote for final approval.
- The workgroup will vote on new standards and will require a quorum of two-thirds of the voting members for approval of motions/content.
Communication Plan
The team will communicate via the diversity-inclusion-wg@python.org mailing list and through Slack. If needed, conference calls may be set up. The method of voting on projects and proposals will be determined by the workgroup. Preferred method of voting will be electronically (email or chat) and the vote results will be reported via email to the board in the monthly report. Asynchronous communication will be preferred as membership will be in many different time zones.
Initially, the Workgroup is requesting $5000 annually (the budget will primarily be used to hire consultants where applicable.) This amount may be reevaluated if necessary.
List of Members/Who we are
- Georgi Ker (Chair)
- Tereza Iofciu (Co-Chair)
- Ali Tavallaie
- Alla Barbala
- Boluwaji Akinlade
- Cynthia Xin
- Débora Azevedo
- Filipe Laíns
- Jimena Bermúdez
- Juliana (Jules) Barros Lima
- Karo Ladino
- Keanya Phelps
- Marlene Mhangami
- Marie Nordin
- Mannie Young
- Mariam Haji
- Miguel Johnson
- Nathan Bransby
- Reuven Lerner
- Sayantika Banik
Past members:
- Anna Ossowski
- Anthony Shaw
- Christian Heimes
- Dustin Ingram
- Iqbal Abdullah
- Katia Lira
- Lorena Mesa
- Manuel Kaufmann
- Phoebe Chua
Administration and Contact
Georgi Ker (Chair) georgi@python.org
Marie Nordin (PSF Staff) marie@python.org