PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup Charter

Purpose & Common Goals

The workgroup's purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing guidance and recommendations to the Python community on codes of conduct, that supports the PSF mission of “ongoing development of Python-related technology and educational resources”.

We work toward this common goal in three ways:

  1. Review, revise, and advise on policies relating to the PSF code of conducts and other communities that the PSF supports. This includes any #python chat community & email list under PSF jurisdiction.

  2. Create a standard set of codes of conduct and supporting documents for multiple channels of interaction such as, but not limited to, conferences, mailing lists, slack/IRC, code repositories, and more.
  3. Develop training materials and other processes to support Python community organizers in implementing and enforcing the code of conduct.

Active Time

It will continue to exist as long as the workgroup and the PSF Board determines it is needed.

Core Values

The core values for this group are:

The workgroup adopts the PSF Code of Conduct ( Any actions made against the principles in the Code of Conduct (found by a simple majority of 51%+) will result in the acting person being removed from the workgroup.


Rules & Guidelines

* "The Code of Conduct Workgroup will strive to include and understand a diverse group of perspectives as it implements its mission

Decision Making Procedures

Communication Plan

The team will communicate via the mailing list. If needed, conference calls may be set up. The method of voting on projects and proposals will be determined by the workgroup. Preferred method of voting will be electronically (email or chat) and the vote results will be reported via email to the board in the monthly report.

We will attempt to limit information shared about specific instances. Our priority is ensuring community members' safety, but we protect individuals' privacy to the greatest extent possible. Calls and face-to-face meetings are preferred for discussions of specific incidence.



List of Participants/Who we are

Chair: Łukasz Langa


Past members:

ConductWG/Charter (last edited 2024-12-06 15:47:31 by LukaszLanga)

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