Scientific Python Working Group

Note: When creating new wiki pages related to this group, please use wiki subpages, e.g. BylawsWG/Charter.


This working group shall draw on the expertise of both the PSF and NumFOCUS, and on the broader scientific Python community in general, to select the best use of its budgeted funds to advance the scope, breadth, and utility of Python for scientific work.  In essence, the purpose of the group is to grant funds allocated to it by the PSF towards conferences, user groups, educational, and development efforts.


Mailing List


Discussions will happen on the mailing list:


Members (alphabetical by surname)


Approved Grant Requests


| Date             | Description                                 | Debit | Credit |
| [2019-09-24 Tue] | Allocation for Charter v3 allocation        | 30000 |        |
| [2020-03-09 Mon] | Python in Astronomy, Dublin, Ireland        |       |   2400 |
| [2020-03-09 Mon] | PyHEP 2020, Austin, TX                      |       |   1000 |
| [2020-03-09 Mon] | Python Machine Learning, Basel, Switzerland |       |   2500 |
| [2021-02-25 Mon] | C-Blosc2                                    |       |   3000 |
| [2021-02-25 Mon] | Scientific CI docs                          |       |   2500 |
| [2021-02-25 Mon] | The Carpentries Python Curriculum           |       |   4000 |
| [2021-02-25 Mon] | Online Learning Content for Spyder          |       |   4000 |
| [2021-02-26 Mon] | PyGrappa                                    |       |   4000 |
| [2021-04-20 Tue] | Sparcle for spatial transcriptomics         |       |    300 |
| [2021-06-15 Tue] | AIQC for time-series analysis               |       |   4000 |
|                  | Subtotal                                    | 30000 |  27700 |
|                  | Total                                       |  2300 |        |

Budget History

| Date             | Description                   |    Debit |   Credit |
|                  | Initial allocation            |    25000 |          |
| [2015-08-20 Sun] | Brett Morris, GSoC attendance |          |  2152.80 |
| [2015-11-12 Thu] | PyData Madrid                 |          |     2000 |
| [2015-11-27 Fri] | SciPy India                   |          |     2000 |
| [2015-12-01 Tue] | Python in Astronomy           |          |      500 |
| [2015-02-26 Thu] | SciPy Latin America           |          |     2000 |
| [2016-01-08 Fri] | SciPy/NumPy: MinGW Fortran    |          |     5000 |
| [2016-03-14 Mon] | SciPy2016                     |          |     2000 |
| [2016-03-24 Thu] | PyData London                 |          |     1800 |
| [2016-04-12 Tue] | Peter Kubben                  |          |      400 |
| [2016-04-15 Fri] | Software Carpentry at Lund    |          |   913.16 |
| [2017-10-23 Mon] | Tie-over funding              |     5000 |          |
| [2017-11-01 Wed] | SciPy Latin America           |          |     2048 |
| [2017-11-01 Wed] | SciPy Latin America canceled  |     2048 |          |
| [2018-01-18 Thu] | Python in Astronomy 2018      |          |      600 |
| [2018-02-01 Thu] | SciPy US Silver Sponsorship   |          |     2000 |
| [2018-02-12 Mon] | Python in High Energy Physics |          |     1250 |
| [2018-06-13 Wed] | Joint ICML and IJCAI Workshop |          |     1500 |
| [2019-02-12 Tue] | SciPy2019 Financial Aid       |          |     6000 |
| [2019-02-12 Tue] | Overdraft allowance from PSF  |   115.96 |          |
|                  | Subtotal                      | 32163.96 | 32163.96 |
|                  | Total                         |       0. |          |

ScientificWG (last edited 2021-06-15 18:01:43 by StefanVanDerWalt)

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