Getting Involved in Discussions |
Discussions on advocating the use of Python take place on the following mailing lists:
Greetings! I'm the PythonAdvocacyCoordinator. You can reach me via email at <advocate AT python DOT org>. I'm always glad to hear ideas or corrections.
Current Focus
to create a series of 5-minute videos introducing uses of Python
- to write whitepapers as a follow-on to the 5-minute videos
How You Can Get Involved!
Want to help with some writing? Check out our list of whitepaper/flyer AdvocacyWritingTasks or magazine ArticleIdeas.
Suggestions from the Community
- Identify a shirt store in Europe, to provide a more local source of Python wearables than Cafe Press.
Help complete the remaining 15% of Python-equivalent recipes (and review the existing 85% for being current with Python 2.5) of the Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook, a side-by-side comparison of algorithms in different programming languages based on the Perl Cookbook.
- Do something about! Python is a great teaching language, but one of the first things a curious student is likely to do in search of more info is go to their browser and surf to Yikes! It is unlikely that we can get them to give up their domain name, but maybe they could be convinced to at least put up a front page with "You are about to enter an adult site, are you 18, etc..." And if we were really lucky, their front page could contain "If you are looking for info on the Python programming language, go to" How can we "encourage" them to do the right thing?
Advocacy Resources
Python Advocacy Kits
College Student's Python Advocacy Kit (being developed)
IT Department Python Advocacy Kit (being developed)
University Educator's Python Advocacy Kit (being developed)
K-12 Educator's Python Advocacy Kit (being developed)
Home Schooling Educator's Python Advocacy Kit (being developed)
Python for Scientists Advocacy Kit (should be developed)
Reusable/Retargetable Teaching Materials
Excellent Slide Presentations - we're looking for the best out of many
Other Resources
WellKnownPythonPrograms - you may already be using Python!
LanguageComparisons - Python Compared to Other Languages
Pythonology: A Site for Python Advocacy (success stories, how-tos, press list, and more)
Executive Summary ("What is Python?")
Python Marketing Yet another article collecting quotes and facts pointing to explosive growth of Python in the enterprise.
And if you think that Python programs run slowly, please read PythonSpeed where some of the issues related to speed are discussed.
Python23Release (preparation of PR and marketing message for Python 2.x Release)
postive reports about Python Brian M. Clapper explains his feelings "Why is Python more fun than Java?"
Please send me <advocate AT python DOT org> any files that might be useful for giving out at user groups or business meetings.
Existing material appears (also) at evangelism support materials and PromotingPythonBof. Note
General Notes
Advocacy is the process of letting people know what Python is good at, and drawing them into using the language. The most effective forms of advocacy lure users to the language by impressing them with results, rather than brow beating or lecturing them on language design.
Published articles that answer the question "how do I solve X with Python?" are a good way to get people interested.
One goal for writing articles might be to develop a library of How-Tos for Python. Much information exists, but it has not been collected for convenient access from (or another central location), and there are certainly gaps in covering key strengths of Python.
A collection of Python Success Stories already exists. These are also useful, usually by helping engineers convince their bosses that Python is worthy of attention. But success stories tend to be lean on "how-to" style information, so they do not offer a convenient path to get new users working with Python.
Since the goal for advocacy is to highlight Python's strengths, this Key Strengths list may be useful.
Print and Online Magazines that Accept Technical Articles
We would like to focus on those magazines outside the Python community, in order to reach those who don't know about us. Also there are many magazines that accept press releases that do not accept articles. We need those that welcome articles.
Byte Magazine (no guidelines found; may not accept non-staff material)
O'Reilly Python Dev Center -- Inside Python community in a sense but O'Reilly gets a lot of exposure.