See also PromotingPythonBof and Advocacy.
PSF chairman Stephan Deibel aptly observed that these are "needed:
- Slides / notes for presentation overviewing the PSF (I have some very simple slides I can provide as a start to whoever takes this on, and can help but can't lead this)
- Course materials for an 'evangelism training seminar'
- Review of PSF web pages to make them more evangelist-friendly
Possibly, printable handouts and other supplementary materials". Some notes on this are on the PsfMaterials page.
This Wiki page is where we'll start to flesh out Stephan's outline. Note, for example, AMK's slides for a talk on the Python development process.
Here is the outline from my slides (the ones I attempted to show at PyCon 2005 except my laptop didn't work w/ the projector). The slides are also available in Powerpoint format and OpenOffice format:
* Cover Page:
- Python Software Foundation
- Founded 2001
* What is the PSF? (Slide 1)
- The Legal Foundation for Python
Holds & Protects the “IP”
- Licenses, Contribution Forms, other Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- Keeps Python Open and Free
- Trademarks
* What is the PSF? (Slide 2)
Makes PyCon Possible
- Takes the fixed cost risk
- May lose money some years
* What is the PSF? (Slide 3)
- Funds Python-related Projects
- Grants: e.g. Jython
- Other: e.g. redesign
- Wherever volunteerism fails
- To surmount larger hurdles
- Vision
- Fund some core developers? Python 3000?
- Tap into 750K to 1M world-wide user base
- 100$/yr average from 1%?
- $750K annual revenues
* What can I do?
Donate: Tax deductible!
- Advocate
MAL writes: "
- How you would benefit from using Python
- better time-to-market
- faster turn-around
- one-stop solution for back office and middle office
- system integration
- Python and X: perfect companions (with X in (Java,C++,C##))
- comparison of languages
- usefulness of Python as scripting add-on
- test applications written in X
- A short Python introduction
- appetizers, main course, desert
- a bottle of Burgundy with that
- The PSF
- IP
- Grants
- Living in the Python world
- Python communities
- User groups
- python-dev
- Python Killer Applications
See WellKnownPythonPrograms for a list.
AMK observes that, "It might be worth creating a customized version of the S5 slide stylesheets so that PSF presentations can have a consistent look." (This work is now in progress.)
Also available, on request: both Stephan (through the psf-volunteers list) and evangelism support materials czar Cameron Laird maintain a list of volunteers at least occasionally available to speak on Python, sorted by locale (DC, Seattle, Texas, Central America, and so on).
Other highlights I want to elaborate: Pythonology; language comparisons; presentation tips; PBF ...; Greg's eShop story; ...
(also, more hyperlinks)