PyOhio 2010
July 31 - Aug 1, 2010
Columbus, OH
PyOhio 2010 will be held the Ohio Union at Ohio State University on July 31 - Aug 1, 2010.
PyOhio/Physical checklist
PyOhio 2009
July 25-26, 2009
Columbus, OH
PyOhio 2009 will be held at Knowlton Hall at Ohio State University on July 25-26, 2009.
Sponsorship opportunities are now available - see our Sponsorship Prospectus.
PyOhio 2008 was great! Thanks to all volunteers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors! See last year's wiki page for details.
Main PyOhio page is now online.
You can join a GroupChat during the event.
PyOhio is a daylong regional miniconference. A one-day PyOhio was held July 26, 2008; for 2009, we are extending PyOhio to a full weekend.
Watch this page for news on PyOhio! To receive PyOhio announcements, please join the PyOhio mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio
To help make PyOhio happen, please join the organizers' mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio-organizers
Like PyOhio 2008, PyOhio 2009 will be free of charge for attendees.
Help other attendees (or yourself) reduce their lodging costs: see RoomShare
- Social Activities:
Social Networking
For the 2010 event, the PyOhio Publicity Pythonista has set up a few spots, so make sure you check us out on: