IRC Meeting #10
The meeting will take place on Monday 14th May (2007-05-14) 18:00 CEST (17:00 BST, 16:00 UTC/GMT) in the #europython channel on That's 5pm UK time, 6pm in most of Western Europe. The suggested duration of the meeting is at most one hour.
- Registration
- It was decided that registration would open as soon as the infrastructure is ready, hopefully Tuesday 15th May, after final testing of the process.
Changes to the student rates were agreed. (See EuroPython/2007/FeeStructureAttendees.)
- Registration details will be published along with special accommodation details once registration is enabled.
- An announcement of registration will be prepared with information about keynote speakers, a reminder about paper submissions. Information for potential sponsors may be made available in full as a separate announcement.
- Keynote speaker #3 is still uncertain, or at least no news from Steve is forthcoming.
- Sponsorship
- Aiste will pursue other avenues within Google.
- Michael had nothing to report.
The EuroPython/2007/CallForSponsors was finalised with deadline details.
- Related to sponsor deadlines, the issue of programmes was discussed with various points of view expressed:
- Some people prefer paper programmes, others would find PDF versions acceptable.
- "On demand" programmes might be nicer to the environment, but previous experiences with self-service arrangements (eg. in 2005) apparently led to disappointment.
- Some kind of paper version, albeit not a "posh" one, seemed to appeal to the meeting participants.
- Visa issues were discussed, with the group agreeing...
- That registrants requiring visas have to sort the bureaucracy out themselves. In other words, contact the appropriate entity, be familiar with the procedures, and so on.
- And that such registrants requiring visas would most probably need to provide the "reason for participation" which already appears in the registration form.
- That the letter of invitation is as involved as the organisers are prepared to be on this matter. This is consistent with other conferences - GUADEC being just one example.
- The questionnaire results from last year's conference will be made available by Aiste.
- Registration
- Special accommodation details and forms have been made available, but now need to be published.
- The registration form (and Indico "workflow") should be approved and published. Benedikt was to complete the e-payment section, but anyone with knowledge in this area might like to assist.
Any last minute negotiations about student rates should occur at the meeting so we can make the announcements and forms available. (See EuroPython/2007/FeeStructureAttendees.)
- Keynotes
- Steve needs to confirm what's happening with keynoter #3.
- Sponsorship
- Aiste will report about the current status of Google.
- Michael will report about any progress with his contacts.
- Announcements
- We should agree to make announcements about the above points this week.
The text and timing of the keynote announcement, EuroPython/2007/CallForSponsors and registration announcement will be finalised.
See the calendar to get an idea of where we should be at this point in time.