IRC Meeting #12
The meeting will take place on Monday 28th May (2007-05-28) 18:00 CEST (17:00 BST, 16:00 UTC/GMT) in the #europython channel on That's 5pm UK time, 6pm in most of Western Europe. The suggested duration of the meeting is at most one hour.
Bea discussed the idea of inviting people to enhance the open space experience at the conference, as suggested in a message to the europython mailing list.
- The response was generally positive, so she will pursue one contact to make a proposal in order to get PSF funding for travel and accommodation costs. The program chairs will deal with this.
- Bea and others will look around for other likely candidates for this purpose. Bea suggested Jim Hugunin, David suggested Brett Cannon and the Jython people, Paul suggested some GNOME people.
- David clarified the situation regarding Simon Willison's accommodation, and Michael sent a reminder to Guido to make sure he has somewhere to stay. Laura will receive the reimbursement claims.
- We looked at the talk situation and felt that some areas/themes were underrepresented. The programme will be finalised a little later than planned while some of the organisers finish other work. We can try to get a partial programme released for the original deadline.
The WorldPay application process is still ongoing.
- Sponsorship options were discussed:
- Paul mailed Laura and Dario about sponsorship proposals that need to be processed.
Next week's meeting will focus on the programme, but may also cover any other issues that arise. Information about any meetings that take place will be posted to the mailing list.
- Registration
Status of the WorldPay application process.
- Confirm arrangements for the keynote speakers.
- Report on announcements and messaging (sponsors, keynotes, registration, submissions).
- Status of potential sponsors.
- Status of conference programmes, badges, T-shirts, conference dinner information.
See the calendar to get an idea of where we should be at this point in time.