This page coordinates the Google Summer of Code projects involving Python under the umbrella of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) in 2012.
The 2012 PSF GSoC coordinator is ArcRiley (at Contact him if you have any questions.
Prospective Students
If you are a student interested in working on core Python development or on a project that helps the Python community, we'd love to have you apply to the Python Software Foundation for this year's Google Summer of Code.
You should join the soc2012-general mailing list and take a look at the Project Ideas section below. These ideas are intended to give a general idea what each project is looking for, you're strongly encouraged to talk with developers from these projects to learn more about them and flesh out your proposal.
Application deadline is Friday, April 6th. We strongly encourage you to submit your application(s) much earlier than this so you can work with your prospective mentor(s) in refining your application.
By Monday, April 16th all prospective students are required to have completed the following to pass final screening:
- Demonstrate to your prospective mentor(s) that you are able to complete the project you've proposed
Blog for their GSoC project. Free blogs are available at
- Contribute at least one patch to the project(s) you're applying to work with
The code contribution is intended to demonstrate your ability to work with the project's toolchain, your current programming skill in contrast with the goals stated in your application, and your ability to work with the project's developers.
Students should read SummerOfCode/Expectations to understand what is expected of accepted students.
Please read SummerOfCode/Application for help completing your application.
Prospective Mentors
If your team has not done so already, please contact ArcRiley to participate in GSoC under the PSF umbrella.
If your team has already been accepted it should appear below. Have your project's contact person email ArcRiley with your name, email, phone #, and link_id to be added to the mentor's mailing list and approved as a PSF mentor.
Core Python |
CPython and standard library |
Website | | #python-dev on Freenode | Ideas Page |
Mailman |
Mailing list package written in Python |
Website | | #mailman on Freenode | Ideas Page |
Pandas |
Python Data Analysis Library |
Website | mail list | #pydata on Freenode | Ideas Page |
pygame |
The python game library. |
Website | #pygame on Freenode | mail list | Ideas Page |
Pylons |
Web framework for Python |
Website | #pylons on Freenode | mail list | Ideas Page |
PySide |
Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework |
Website | mail list | #pyside on Freenode | Ideas Page |
PySoy |
Python 3D Game Engine with a focus on cloud gaming |
Website | #pysoy on Freenode | Mentors | Ideas Page |
scikit-learn |
machine learning in Python |
statsmodels |
Python module for estimation of many different statistical models |
Tryton |
A complete ERP and CRM providing modularity, scalability and security. |
Website | #tryton on Freenode | | Ideas Page |
Twisted |
An event-driven networking engine written in Python. |
Website | #twisted on Freenode | | Ideas Page |
Affiliated Groups
These Python groups are participating in Summer of Code as their own mentoring organizations.
SymPy |
Python library for symbolic mathematics |
Website | #sympy on Freenode | Mailing List | Ideas Page |