Python Training

If you are seeking upcoming open-to-the-public training events, check out the PythonTraining/Events page.

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The sections tends to be ordered by "time since last person edited it" or by event date in the case of upcoming public courses. As such, entries towards the top will cycle slowly towards the bottom of the section over time. If you're offering an upcoming class or have updated your entry, it's fine to bump it back to the top, but be considerate of others and use some common sense. Entries with dead links may be removed.

Formatting of Entries

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 * '''Trainer''' offers training on ...

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* Marilyn Davis, Ph.D. Marilyn specializes in Python training in corporate environments in the Silicon Valley, and anywhere, either through UCSC-Extension, where students earn University credit, or independently. She has taught Python at Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Google, Intuit, LLNL, NASA, Nokia, Oracle, Plantronics, Skype, VMware, and more.

* Skill Distillery is a coding school providing career transformation programs for those pivoting careers in technology. Its award-winning online programs attract career changers worldwide. Skill Distillery also offers masterclasses for those wanting to continue their career growth. Masterclasses are offered in a convenient online evening format over 4 to 5 weeks.

* Webucator regularly provides live online Python training.

* DataCreative delivers Python training classes online and in-person in Sacramento and San Jose.

* The Hartmann Software Group is an IT training and consulting organization based in Denver, Colorado that offers an extensive catalog of Python courses. If you are looking to integrate Python with .NET, Java or C++, wish to employ Python's extensive Machine Learning libraries or hope to tackle many other out of the box development challenges, we can be of tremendous assistance either by way of training, mentoring and/or consulting.

* David Beazley, author of the Python Essential Reference, 4th Ed (Addison-Wesley) and the Python Cookbook, 3rd Ed (O'Reilly Media), teaches ongoing in-person programming and computer science Courses in Chicago. If you've learned the basics of Python and want to advance your skills by applying what you've learned to more difficult projects, these courses provide an opportunity to do just that. Dave's courses are taught in round-table format that is strictly limited to 6 students--a size that fosters group discussion.

* Web Age Solutions offers instructor-led and virtual Python training in US and Canada. Our current offerings include Introduction to Python Programming and Advanced Python Programming. Web Age Solutions also provides customized training as per the needs of the organizations.


* Web Age Solutions offers instructor-led and virtual Python training in US and Canada. Our current offerings include Introduction to Python Programming and Advanced Python Programming. Web Age Solutions also provides customized training as per the needs of the organizations.


* Python Academy specializes in Python training and offers a wide variety of public as well customized in-house courses. The courses are held in German as well as in English at Python Academy's teaching center in Leipzig, Germany, in-house across Europe as well as online. Training topics include:


Latin America







New Zealand


Internet - Python Online Training

* Marilyn Davis, Ph.D. Marilyn specializes in Python training in corporate environments in the Silicon Valley, and anywhere, either through UCSC-Extension, where students earn University credit, or independently. She has taught Python at Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Google, Intuit, LLNL, NASA, Nokia, Oracle, Plantronics, Skype, VMware, and more.

Thinkful offers training in Python for web programming and data science, Courses are generally student-led with regular one-on-one meetings with a mentor, but a bootcamp option is also available.

Firebox Training consistently delivers Python training courses as live, instructor-led online, on-site, and classroom style training classes for individuals and groups. Courses Offered:

* Batky-Howell has been training IT Professional's for over 20 years training over 40,000 students in over 3,200 courses with live instructor led online training. At Batky-Howell we offer three unique live online instructor led Python training courses. Our 4 day intro course, Python Training I: Essentials leads the student from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and using the extensive functionality of Python Training modules. We offer two additional advanced courses: Python Training II: Applied Python, a 4 day course that puts extra emphasis placed on features unique to Python , such as tuples, array slices, and output formatting and our newest release Python Training for Scientists and Engineers that is an intense 5 day course that teaches scientists and engineers the Python, NumPy, SciPy, SymPy, and other skills they need to work with data, manipulating arrays, performing statistical calculations, and plotting results.

Python Academy specializes in Python training and offers a wide variety of public as well customized in-house courses. Training topics include a solid Introduction to Python and Advanced Python to dive deeper into the language. Furthermore, courses are available for Cython as well as Testing with pytest and tox. Scientists and engineers can learn about what offers Python in the course Python for Scientists and Engineers. Python can be very fast as the course High Performance Computation with Python proves. Introduction to Django provides all the basics to get started developing professional web applications. Even more insight into this powerful Python web framework offers Advanced Django. Theses courses are held online.

A growing wealth of other "Audio/Video Instructional Materials for Python" are becoming available, including a variety of podcasts and screencasts.

* GoSkills is an online learning platform that helps anyone learn business skills to reach their personal and professional goals. With a subscription, members have access to over 80+ courses consisting of bite-sized and interactive content.

GoSkills has three beginner-friendly, bite-sized Python courses: Intro to Python, Introduction to Data Analysis with Python, and Python with Excel.

* DataCamp is an interactive platform to learn data science that has already trained over 600,000 students and offers more than 250 hours of course content, which has been built out with academic and corporate partners such as Continuum Analytics, RStudio and Microsoft, and experts from companies like Pfizer, Liberty Mutual, H2O, DataRobot, and many other leaders.

DataCamp has recently been building a collection of cheat sheets for Python learners: right now, they have a Python for Data Science Cheat Sheet, a Pandas Cheat Sheet and a Bokeh Cheat Sheet available.

Python Trainers, Promote Thyself

Many trainers are individuals or small companies, and it can be hard to get the attention of the big IT houses. While skill credentials and a portfolio of past training gigs are important, perhaps one of the best promoters is when someone has actually experienced one of your classes. They gain insight into your speaking style, how you relate to the students and your ability to explain complex technical subjects in an approachable way. No class syllabus can convey that. The Python community has a valuable resource that can give you the next best thing.


Marilyn Davis, Ph.D., of, offers a free course: Python For Programmers Check it out:

||Screencasting is a multimedia creation that focuses on the instructor's desktop, with voiceover guidance. It can be in the format of an online slideshow, a guided sourcecode walkthrough or a follow-along interactive session. They can be as long or short as you wish and they have opportunities for branding, by using custom wallpaper behind your talks desktop and musical lead-in/fade-out.

Screencasts can be hosted on They can also be embedded in your website while hosted elsewhere, as shown in our 5-Minutes with Python series.

But perhaps you're really busy on current projects and short on time. Consider doing an audio interview about an upcoming seminar you're offering and releasing it as a podcast. Ron Stephens of Python 411 makes available an excellent collection of podcasts and may be interested in hosting yours.

Unlike face-to-face presentation opportunities, screencasts/podcasts have the additional benefit that they promote your training offerings while you're busy on other gigs. It's almost like cloning yourself and having more time for promotion. It's all about leverage. Use it. ||

Public training courses presented by these trainers are listed on the PythonEvents page.

Before creation of this page, CameronLaird maintained a private one on the same subject.


PythonTraining (last edited 2025-01-29 09:02:24 by bona akubue)

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