Differences between revisions 491 and 711 (spanning 220 versions)
Revision 491 as of 2013-11-12 20:13:21
Size: 29380
Editor: AdelMerabet
Revision 711 as of 2024-06-18 16:47:46
Size: 49271
Editor: Ali Nawaz
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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There about '''401''' Python user groups '''worldwide''' in almost '''191''' cities, '''37''' countries and over '''127,010''' members. Check in these two places to find if there is already a group in your area: There about '''1,637''' Python user groups '''worldwide''' in almost '''191''' cities, '''37''' countries and over '''860,333''' members. Check in these two places to find if there is already a group in your area:
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There are also a number of "In House Users Group" within some, (mostly larger), companies - while these are normally closed to anybody who does not work for the company your company may already have one or you may wish to start one. In either case you may find the information at TipsForInHouseUserGroups useful.
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== Africa ==
=== Namibia ===
 * ([[http://pynam.org/|PyNAM]]) - Python Software Association of Namibia

=== Nigeria ===
 * ([[http://pythonnigeria.org/|PyUNG]]) - Python Users Nigeria Group
  * [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-nigeria|Mailing List]]

  * [[https://pythonnigeria.slack.com/|Slack]]

  * [[https://github.com/pyung/|Github]]

=== South Africa ===
 * [[http://ctpug.org.za/|Cape Town Python Users Group]] - Cape Town

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/The-Durban-Hyperion-Python-Team/|Durban Hyperion Python Team]] - Durban

=== Zimbabwe ===
 . The Python Software Community Zimbabwe - Python Zimbabwe
  * [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/zimpy|Forum]]
  * [[http://zw.pycon.org/|PyCon]]

 * [[https://pythonbyo.netlify.com/|Python Local User Group Bulawayo]] - Python Bulawayo

=== Ghana ===
 . The Python Software Community Ghana - Python Ghana
  * [[http://www.pythonghana.org|Our Website]]

  * [[http://gh.pycon.org|PyCon Ghana]]

  * [[https://blog.pythonghana.com|Our Blog]]

  * [[https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/pythonghana.python.org|Mailing List]]

  * [[https://github.com/pythonghana|Github]]

  * [[https://twitter.com/PyGhana|Twitter Community]]

  * [[https://twitter.com/PyconGhana|Twitter - PyCon Ghana]]

 * PyLadies Ghana
  * [[http://ghana.pyladies.com|Website]]
  * [[http://twitter.com/pyladiesghana|Twitter]]

 * PyData Ghana
  * [[http://www.pythonghana.org/pydata|Website]]
  * [[http://twitter.com/PyDataGhana|Twitter]]

 * Python Ghana - Ghana
  * [[http://python.org.gh|Website]]

  * [[http://groups.google.com/group/ghanapug|Mailing List]]

  * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/PythonGhana/|Facebook Group]]

  * [[https://www.facebook.com/PythonGhana/|Facebook Page]]

  * [[https://twitter.com/PythonGhana|Twitter]]

=== Ivory Coast ===
 * [[http://www.pythonci.org/|Website]]
 * [[https://twitter.com/PythonCI|Twitter]]

=== Togo ===
 * [[https://twitter.com/pythontogo|Twitter]]

=== Mozambique ===
==== Maputo ====
 * [[https://pythonmaputo.slack.com/|Slack]]
 * [[https://github.com/PyCMaputo/|GitHub]]

=== Morocco ===
 * [[https://www.meetup.com/rabat-py/|Rabat Python User Group]] - PyRabat
 * [[http://groups.google.co.ma/group/python-ma|Python Maroc]] - Maroc et Maghreb

=== Other Africa ===
 * [[https://pythontz.github.io/|Tanzania Python User Group]] - United Republic of Tanzania

 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/python-eg|Python Egypt]] - Egypt and Arab World

 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/python-tunisia|Python Tunisia]] - Tunisia

 * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pythondz/|Python Algeria]] - Algeria

 * [[http://python.eljazeir.com|Python Algeria]] 2 - Algeria

 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/naipug|Nairobi Python User Group]] - Nairobi, Kenya.

 * [[https://mesfind.github.io/PyEthiopia|Python Ethiopia]] - Addis ababa, Ethiopia.

 * [[https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/116140232867928048844|Angola Python User Group]] - Angola (Luanda)

 * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/fasopy|FasoPy]] - Groupe des Utilisateurs de Python au Burkina Faso(Ouagadougou)

=== Indian Ocean ===
 * [[http://www.pymug.com|pymug]] - Mauritius (Python Mauritius User-Group)
  * [[https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/pymug.python.org/|Mailing List]]
  * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/318161658897893/|Facebook]]
  * [[https://twitter.com/pymugdotcom|Twitter]]
  * [[https://www.linkedin.com/company/pymug/|LinkedIn]]
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 * Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/python-apac
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=== Bangladesh ===
 * [[http://pybd.org/|Python Bangladesh]] is the largest Python User Group from Bangladesh: [[http://pybd.org/|http://pybd.org]]
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 * [[http://pykhmer.org/|Python Cambodian User Group]] - Cambodian Python User Group

 * http://docs.pykhmer.org - wiki of PyKhmer
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 * [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers|BangPypers (Bangalore Python Users Group)]] - India (BangPypers wiki)  * [[http://www.meetup.com/BangPypers|BangPypers (Bangalore Python Users Group)]]
    [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers|Mailing List]]

 * [[https://pyjaipur.github.io|PyJaipur]] - India - Python Jaipur User Group
    [[https://meetup.com/pyjaipur|MeetUp]] [[https://twitter.com/PyJaipur|Twitter]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/company/pyjaipur/|LinkedIn]]

 * [[https://www.facebook.com/BarodaPUG/|Baroda Python Users Group]] - India ([[https://wiki.python.org/moin/Viren%20Parmar|BarodaPUG]] wiki)
Line 40: Line 147:
 * [[http://dehradunpython.com/|DehraDun Python]]
  . -[[https://facebook.com/dehradun.python|Dehradun Python Facebook Page]] -[[https://twitter.com/Dehradun_Python|Follow Dehradun Python On Twitter]]

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/|BangPypers Meetup Group]]

 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/chennaipy?pli=1|ChennaiPy (Chennai Python User Group)]] - India
 * [[http://dehradunpython.com/|DehraDun Python User Group]] (DPUG)
    [[https://facebook.com/dehradun.python|Facebook Page]] [[https://twitter.com/Dehradun_Python|Twitter]] [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/dehradun-python|Mailing List]] [[http://dehradunpython.com/blog/|Blog]]

 * Python Developers Baroda
   [[https://www.facebook.com/pydevbaroda|Python Dev Baroda Facebook page]] [[http://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/python-developers-baroda|Google group]]

 * GTU Python User Group, Ahmedabad - [[http://www.meetup.com/gtupython/|'''Meetup Group''']]

 * PyGuj (Python User Group - Gujarat)
   [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pyguj|Google Group]] [[https://www.facebook.com/PyGuj|PyGuj Facebook Page]] [[https://twitter.com/pyguj|@Pyguj on Twitter]]

 * [[http://chennaipy.org/|ChennaiPy (Chennai Python User Group)]] - India
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 * [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/ncr-python.in|Ncr-Python.in (Ncr Python Users Group)]] - India

 * [[http://pythonpune.github.com/|Pune Python User Group]]

 * [[http://www.lug-iitd.org/|IITD Lug]] - IIT Delhi Lug has active Python users

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Hyderabad-Python-Meetup-Group/%20Hyderabad%20Python%20Users%20Group%20-%20HyPy|http://www.meetup.com/Hyderabad-Python-Meetup-Group/%20Hyderabad%20Python%20Users%20Group%20-%20HyPy]]

 * http://www.meetup.com/PyladiesBangalore - Pyladies Bangalore, India
 * [[https://pydelhi.org|PyDelhi]] - Python Delhi User Group (Website)

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/pythonpune|PythonPune Meetup Group]]
     [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pythonpune|Google Group]] [[https://pythonpune.in|Website]]

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Hyderabad-Python-Meetup-Group/|Hyderabad Python Meetup Group]]

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/PyladiesBangalore|Pyladies Bangalore, India]]

 * [[http://kovaipy.org/|KovaiPy (Kovai/Coimbatore Python User Group)]] - India
 * [[https://pybhopal.github.io/|PyBhopal]] - Python Bhopal User Group
  . [[https://groups.google.com/g/pybhopal|Google Group]] [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pybhopal/|Facebook Group]]
 * [[https://pypatna.github.io/|PyPatna]] - Python Patna User Group
  . [[https://groups.google.com/g/pypatna|Google Group]] [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pypatna/|Facebook Group]]
 * [[https://pythonandhra.org | Python Andhra Pradesh User Group ]] - Andhra Pradesh
  . [[https://groups.google.com/g/pyandhra|Google Group]] [[https://www.facebook.com/pyandhra|Facebook]] [[https://twitter.com/pyandhra|Twitter]] [[https://github.com/PythonAndhra|Github]]
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 * [[https://github.com/id-python|GitHub]]

 * [[https://botbot.me/freenode/python-id/|IRC]]

 * [[http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/id-python/info|Mailing List]]

 * [[http://members.python.or.id|Members]] - Python Indonesia Community Maps

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Python-ID|Meetup.com]]
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 * [[http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/id-python/info|Mailing List]]
=== Iran ===
 * Tehran Python User Group (TehPUG)
  * [[http://tehpug.ir|Web Site]]

  * [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tehpug|Mailing List]]

  * [[https://www.facebook.com/tehpug|Facebook]]

  * [[https://twitter.com/TehPUG|Twitter]]

  * [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=python-ir&uio=d4|IRC Channel]]

  * [[https://trello.com/b/B4ZUJzZH/tehpug|Trello Board]]

  * [[http://github.com/tehpug|Github]]

  * [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqrqROjFUFccIWh1cKQ8IA|YouTube]]

 * Gilan's Python User Group (GilPUG)
  * [[https://gilpug.ir|Web Site]]

  * [[http://github.com/gilpug|Gitlab]]

  * [[https://instagram.com/gilpug|Instagram]]

  * [[https://t.me/gilpug|Telegram]]

 * Mashhad Python User Group (MashhadPUG)
  * [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mashhadpug|Mailing List]] - Python Users Group in Mashhad
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 * [[https://linktr.ee/IslamabadPUG]]- Islamabad Python User Group
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=== Nepal ===
 * DN: Python Users Group Nepal
  * [[http://pythonnepal.org/|Website]]

  * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pythonnepal/|Facebook Group]]

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/PythonNepal/|DN: Python Users Group Nepal Meetups]]

  * [[https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/pythonnepal|DN: Python Users Group Nepal Google Group]]
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  * [[http://pugs.org.sg/|PUGS]] - Python User Group Singapore
Line 87: Line 264:
  * https://www.facebook.com/groups/pythonsg
Line 89: Line 268:
  * https://www.facebook.com/groups/pythonsg

 * Google Group: https://groups.google.com/group/pythonsg

 * IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=python-sg

 * [[http://www.pugs.org.sg/|Singapore PUG]]

 * [[http://ladypy.com/|LadyPy]]

 * LadyPy Google Group: https://groups.google.com/group/ladypy
 * Google Group:
  * https://groups.google.com/group/pythonsg

  * https://groups.google.com/group/ladypy (local pyladies)

 * IRC:
  * http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=python-sg
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 * Philippines Python Users Group
Line 120: Line 293:
* [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pinoypug/|Facebook Groups page]]
 * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pythonph/|Facebook Groups page]]

 * IRC: #pythonph
Line 124: Line 298:
[[http://www.codenone.com|PyTPUG]] - Thailand Python User Group  * __[[http://www.meetup.com/ThaiPy-Bangkok-Python-Meetup/|ThaiPy - Bangkong Python Meetup Group]]__
Line 134: Line 308:
 * [[Brisbane|http://www.meetup.com/Brisbane-Python-User-Group/]] - A monthly meeting of food, drink and Python.  * [[http://www.meetup.com/Brisbane-Python-User-Group/|Brisbane]] - A monthly meeting of food, drink and Python.
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 * [[CanberraPUG]] - revitalised Canberra User Group, first Wednesday of every month at ANU: [[Canberra meetup group|http://www.meetup.com/Canberra-Python-Meetup-Group/]].  * [[CanberraPUG]] - Active (2023), punching above our weight Canberra User Group, come down and hang out with a lovely community all levels and backgrounds welcome, first Thursday of every month at Hannah Neumann building(MSI), ANU. Events link: [[https://www.meetup.com/canberra-python-meetup-group/|CanberraPUG]].
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 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Perth-Django-Users-Group/|Perth Django Users Group]] - Django and Python enthusiasts alike.

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/SiligongValley/|siligong.py AKA Wollongong Python Users Group]] - Gong based Pythonistas who formed out of the Siligong Valley tech community.
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=== Caribbean === == Caribbean ==
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 * [[http://prpig.blogspot.com|prPIG]]: Puerto Rico Python Interest Group. Started in January 2013.  * [[http://www.prpig.org|prPIG]]: Puerto Rico Python Interest Group. Started in January 2013.
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=== Albania ===
 * [[https://www.python.al/|PYRANA]] - Python Tirana User Group

Line 179: Line 361:
 * [[http://salzpug.at|SalzPUG]] - Salzburg Python User Group

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/django-vienna|Django Friends Vienna]] - Django Friends Vienna

=== Belarus ===
 * [[https://minskpython.github.io/|Minsk Python Community]]

 * [[https://t.me/brest_python|Brest Python Meetup]]

 * [[https://t.me/mogilevpythonchat|Mogilev Python Community]]

Line 180: Line 375:
 * [[https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups&hl=en#!forum/afpyro-be|AFPyro-BE]] - Python Drinks in Belgium
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 * [[http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?groupID=3679088|PythonInBelgium]] - Python in Belgium group on Linkedin  * [[https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/belgium|Belgium mailing list]] - Python community of Belgium mailing list
Line 191: Line 384:
=== Czech and Slovak ===
 * http://python.cz - Python community hub

 * [[http://www.py.cz/|PyCZ]] - Czech and Slovak User Group covers both Python and Zope.
=== Czech Republic ===
 * [[http://python.cz|python.cz]] - Czech Python user group homepage

 * [[http://pyladies.cz|PyLadies CZ]]

 * [[http://pycon.cz|PyCon CZ]]

 * [[http://pyvec.org|pyvec.org]] - Local PSF-like nonprofit supporting Python-related activities

 * [[http://py.cz|py.cz]] - previous, rather outdated Czech homepage of the Python programming language
Line 197: Line 396:
 * http://groups.google.com/group/python-dk Danish Python user group  * [[http://djangocph.dk/|DjangoCPH]] - Django Copenhagen, meetups and conference

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/copenhagen-python/|PythonCph]] - Python meetups in Copenhagen
Line 200: Line 401:
 * [[https://helsinki-python.github.io/|Helsinki Python ("HelPy")]] - Python meetups in Helsinki

 * [[https://archipylago.dev/|archipylago]] - Meetups, sprints and gatherings in Turku
Line 204: Line 409:

 * [[http://pythongrenoble.github.io|Python Grenoble]], Grenoble Python User Group, French Speaking

=== Georgia ===
 * Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PythonGE/
Line 218: Line 428:
 * [[http://wiki.python.de/User_Group_Berlin|PUB]] - Python Users Berlin

 * [[http://www.pycologne.de|pyCologne]], the Python User Group Köln - Cologne, Germany
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Python-Users-Berlin-PUB/|PUB]] - Python Users Berlin

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/meetup-group-uztynoom/|Python User Group Cologne]] (PyCologne) - Cologne, Germany

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Koln-Django-Meetup-Gruppe|Django Meetup Cologne]], Django Meetup Cologne - Cologne, Germany
Line 228: Line 440:
 * [[http://pyddf.de/|Python Meeting Düsseldorf]] (PyDDF) - Düsseldorf, Germany; [[https://youtube.com/pyddf|PyDDF Videos]] on !YouTube.  * [[http://pythontrier.com/|PythonTrier]] - Python User Group in Trier

 * [[https
://pyddf.de/|Python Meeting Düsseldorf]] (PyDDF) - Düsseldorf, Germany; [[https://youtube.com/pyddf|PyDDF Videos]] on !YouTube.
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 * [[http://pyugrm.de|Python User Group Rhein-Main]] Python Community im Rhein-Main Gebiet

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Ruhr-py/events/234127872/?eventId=234127872|Ruhr.Py]] Python Developers around Duisburg, Mülheim, Essen, Oberhausen

 * [[https://www.pyac.de|PyAc]] Python Usergroup Aachen and Euregio
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 * [[http://chatterbox.pydinner.org|Pydinner]] - Python dinners (and beers!)  * [[http://pycon.it|PyCon Italia]] - Annual Italian Python Conference

 * [[https://linktr.ee/pythonbiellagroup|Python Biella]] - Python Local User Group in Biella

 * [[http://campania.python.it|Python Campania]] - Python Local User Group in Campania

 * [[http://catania.python.it|Python Catania]] - Python Local User Group in Catania

 * [[http://roma.python.it|Python Roma]] - Python Local User Group in Roma

 * [[http://www.pyre.it|Python Reggio Emilia]] - Python Local User Group in Reggio Emilia

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/python-firenze/|Python Firenze]] - Python Local User Group in Firenze

 * [[http://milano.python.it|Python Milano]] - Python Local User Group in Milano

 * [[http://pescara.python.it|Python Pescara]] - Python Local User Group in Pescara

 * [[http://trento.python.it|Python Trento]] - Python Local User Group in Trento

 * [[http://torino.python.it|Python Torino]] - Python Local User Group in Torino
Line 259: Line 499:
=== Lithuania ===
 * [[http://vilniuspy.lt|Vilnius Python Group]]

 * [[https://djangogirls.org/kaunas|Django Girls Kaunas]]

 * [[https://plus.google.com/communities/108018939812342947290|Google+: Python Lietuva]]

 * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/302121470208794|Facebook: Python Lietuva]]

 * [[https://www.konferencijos.lt/mailman/listinfo/python|Mailing list]]

 * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/973463996100454|Facebook: Django Lietuva]]

 * [[https://python.lt|Python forums]]

 * [[http://pycon.lt|PyCon Lithuania]]

=== Luxembourg ===
 * [[https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/luxembourg.python.org/|Luxembourg mailing list]] - Python community of Luxembourg and the Greater Region

 * [[http://pythontrier.com/|PythonTrier]] - Python User Group in the neighbouring Trier, Germany

=== Malta ===
 * [[https://pymalta.org|PyMalta]] - a Python user group for the Maltese islands; also see [[https://www.meetup.com/pymalta/|the meetup page]].

=== Moldova ===
 * Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pymoldova/
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 * [[https://py.amsterdam]] [[https://meetup.com/pyamsterdam]] - Py.Amsterdam - Python Amsterdam Community.

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/Pythonistas-NL/|Pythonistas-NL]] - Python Community, The Netherlands
Line 268: Line 540:

 * [[https://amsterdam.pyladies.com]] [[https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesAMS]] - PyLadies Amsterdam Chapter.
Line 288: Line 562:
 * [[https://www.meetup.com/Python-%C5%81od%C5%BA/|Python Łódź]] - Python community in Łódź
Line 291: Line 567:
 * [[http://pythonporto.org|Python Porto]] - Oporto city Python User Group
Line 292: Line 570:
 * Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pycon.ro/

 * !LinkedIn Group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4707397

 * Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/101140633087568795690

 * Google Group: [[http://groups.google.com/group/python-romania|Romania Python User Group]] - 'Romania Python User Group'

=== Russian Federation ===
 * [[http://plone.org.ru|Russian Plone/Zope User Group]] - Russian Zope/Plone/Python user group. Most popular community site for russian speaking users.

 * [[http://pydev.ru|Russian Python Site]] contains forums for discussing Python in Russian, list of Russian python sites and python news aggregator.

 * Russian-speaking Python & Zope User Group, the oldest user group, is no longer active.
 * [[http://ropython.org/|RoPython]] - Romanian Python community (originally from Iași)
  * [[http://www.meetup.com/RoPython-Timisoara/|RoPython-Timisoara]] - Timișoara's branch

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/Cluj-py/|RoPython-Cluj]] - Cluj-Napoca's branch

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/ropython-iasi/|RoPython-Iasi]] - Iași's branch

=== Russia ===
 * [[http://meetup.piterpy.com/|PiterPy Meetup]] - Python Meetups, Breakfasts and other events, [[https://meetup.com/piterpy|Meetup.com]], [[https://twitter.com/piterpy_meetup|Twitter]]

 * [[http://spb.pyladies.com|PyLadies SPb]] - Saint Petersburg PyLadies branch, [[https://pyladies-spb.timepad.ru/events/|TimePad]], [[https://twitter.com/pyladies_spb|Twitter]]
 * [[https://spbpython.guru|SPb Python]] - Saint Petersburg Python User Group, [[https://www.meetup.com/spbpython/|Meetup.com]], [[https://twitter.com/spbpython|Twitter]], [[https://facebook.com/spbpython|Facebook]]
 * [[https://www.meetup.com/PyData-SPb/|PyData SPb]]

 * [[http://www.moscowpython.ru/|MoscowPython]]

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/PyData-Moscow/|PyData Moscow]]

 * [[https://pychel.timepad.ru/events/|Python Community Chelyabinsk]]

 * [[https://www.surpy.ru/|SurPy]] - Surgut Python User Group
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=== Slovakia ===
 * [[http://pycon.sk|pycon.sk]] - Slovak Python user group and PyCon SK homepage
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 * [[http://soup.zen.si|Slovenski Ortodoksni Uporabniki Pythona ;)]]  * [[https://www.meetup.com/Ljubljana-Python-Group/|Ljubljana Python Meetup Group]]
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 * [[http://www.es.python.org/|Asociación Python España]] Python Spain Association. Organisers of PyConES
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 * [[http://www.python-madrid.es/|Python-Madrid]] es un grupo de usuarios de Python con reuniones mensuales. [[http://twitter.com/python_madrid|Twitter]] - [[https://lists.es.python.org/listinfo/madrid|Mailing List]] - [[http://www.meetup.com/Madrid-Python-Meetup/|Meetup]]
Line 319: Line 611:

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/malaga-python/|Málaga Python]] Málaga Python User Group.

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Mallorca-Python-Meetup/|Mallorca Python Meetup]] Mallorca Python user group.

 * [[http://www.python-granada.es/|Python Granada]] Granada Python User Group

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Python-Sevilla/|Python Sevilla]] Seville Python User Group

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Python-Valencia-Meetup/|Python Valencia]] Valencia Python User Group

 * [[https://www.python-vigo.es/|Python Vigo]] Vigo (Pontevedra) Python User Group
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 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/skanepy|SkanePy]] Skåne Python User Group

 * [[https://www.pythonvarmland.se|Python Värmland]] Python Värmland User Group
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 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/python-istanbul|Pyİst]] İstanbul Python User Group.  * [[http://pyistanbul.org|Pyİstanbul]] İstanbul Python User Group.
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 * [[http://exception.org.ua|Exception]] - Python seminar in Kiev - Ukraine

 * [[http://python.com.ua|PythonUA]] - Community portal - Ukraine
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 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/campug|Cambridge and East Anglia]]  * [[https://campug.uk/|Cambridge and East Anglia]]
Line 356: Line 660:
 * [[https://twitter.com/PyPool|Python Liverpool]]  * [[http://pypool.github.io/|Python Liverpool]]

 * [[LondonFinancialPythonUserGroup|London Financial Python User Group]]

 * [[http://london.pydata.org/|PyData London Meetup]] - a very large group with regular meetings focused on uses of Python in data science

 * [[http://southampton-python.github.io/|Southampton Python]]

 * [[http://ldnpydojo.org.uk/|The London Python Coding Dojo]]

 * [[http://www.pydiff.wales/|Python Cardiff]] holds monthly meetups in Cardiff for anyone who uses or wants to learn about Python.

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/python-dbbug/|Django & Python Bristol & Bath]] users group for Django (and Python) set up by people in the Bristol and Bath area of the UK in 2008.
Line 360: Line 676:
 * [[http://python.org.ar/|PyAr - Python Argentina]]: Community portal, [[http://python.org.ar/pyar/ListaDeCorreo|mailing list]], [[http://python.org.ar/pyar/Trabajos|job list]], [[http://python.org.ar/pyar/Eventos#reuniones|meetings]], sprints, etc.  * [[https://python.org.ar/|PyAr - Python Argentina]]: Community portal, [[https://wiki.python.org.ar/foro_y_redes/|mailing list]], [[https://www.python.org.ar/trabajo/|job list]], [[https://www.python.org.ar/eventos/|meetings]], sprints, etc.
Line 373: Line 689:
   * [[http://groups.google.com/group/pug-pb|PUG-PB]] - Paraíba -[[https://github.com/DuddaWolf/PUG-PB|Github]]
Line 381: Line 699:
   * [[http://groups.google.com/group/grupy-sp|Grupy-SP]] - São Paulo - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/grupysp/|Photos]] and [[http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=grupy-sp|Videos]]    * [[http://groups.google.com/group/grupy-sp|Grupy-SP]] - São Paulo - [[https://www.meetup.com/grupy-sp|meetup and photos]] and [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/grupysp/|Old Photos]]
Line 387: Line 706:
   * [[http://grupysanca.com.br|grupy-sanca]] - São Carlos / SP

   * http://meetup.com/pythonguarulhos - Guarulhos / SP
Line 391: Line 714:
 * [[http://www.el-directorio.org/PythonColombia|- Python Colombia]] Grupo de usuarios y desarrolladores de aplicaciones en Python.  * [[https://www.python-colombia.org|Python Colombia]] Python Community in Colombia. [[https://twitter.com/ColombiaPython|Twitter]] [[https://www.facebook.com/ColombiaPython|Facebook Page]] [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pythonco|Facebook Group]] [[https://github.com/ColombiaPython|Github]] [[https://python-colombia.slack.com|Slack]] [[https://medium.com/@pythoncolombia|Medium]]

 * [[https://pycon.co/|Pycon Colombia]] Python Conference in Colombia [[https://twitter.com/pyconcolombia|Twitter]] [[http://facebook.com/pyconcolombia|Twitter]] [[https://github.com/PyConColombia|Github]] [[https://medium.com/@pyconcolombia|Medium]] [[https://instagram.com/pyconcolombia|Instagram]]

 * Django Girls Colombia [[https://twitter.com/DjangoGirlsCo|Twitter]] [[https://www.facebook.com/djangogirlscolombia|Facebook]]

 * Cities Communities
  * Django Bogotá: [[https://www.meetup.com/pythonbogota/|Meetup]]

  * Pyladies Medellín: [[https://www.meetup.com/Python-Ladies-Medellin/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pyladiesmedellin/|Facebook]]

  * Python Medellín: [[https://www.meetup.com/Medellin-Python-y-Django-Meetup/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pythonmedellin/|Facebook]]

  * Python Bucaramanga: [[https://www.meetup.com/PythonBucaramanga/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/PythonBucaramanga/|Facebook]]

  * Pyladies Cali: [[https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/pyladies-co-cali/|Meetup]], [[https://www.instagram.com/pyladiescali/|Instagram]]

  * Python Cali: [[https://www.meetup.com/Python-Cali/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pythoncali/|Facebook]], [[https://www.pythoncali.com|Website]]

  * Python Cúcuta: [[https://www.meetup.com/Python-Cucuta/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/PythonCucuta/|Facebook]], [[https://twitter.com/PythonCucuta|Twitter]]

  * Python Santa Marta: [[https://www.meetup.com/python-santamarta/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pythonsantamarta/|Facebook]]

  * Python Barranquilla: [[https://www.meetup.com/pythonbaq/|Meetup]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pybaq/|Facebook Page]] , [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/813920708682845|Facebook group]], [[https://twitter.com/pybaq|Twitter]], [[https://pybaq.slack.com|Slack]], [[https://github.com/PyBAQ|Github]], [[http://pybaq.co/|Website]]

  * Pydata Bogotá: [[https://www.meetup.com/PyData-Bogota/|Meetup]]

  * Python Arauca: [[https://www.meetup.com/PythonArauca/|Meetup]]

  * Python Tunja: [[https://www.meetup.com/PythonTunja/|Meetup]]

  * Python Popayán: [[https://www.facebook.com/pythonistapopayan/|Facebook]]

  * Python Pasto: [[https://www.meetup.com/Pasto-Python/|Meetup]]

  * Python Cartagena: [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/pydjctg|Facebook group]], [[https://www.facebook.com/Python-CTG-122260291668601/|Facebook page]], [[https://www.meetup.com/Python-Django-CTG/|Meetup]]

  * Python Pereira: [[http://PyPereira.co|Website]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pythonpereira|Facebook]], [[https://twitter.com/pythonpereira|Twitter]], [[https://instagram.com/pythonpereira|Instagram]]

=== Costa Rica ===
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Python-Costa-Rica|Python Costa Rica]] Grupo de usuarios de Python en Costa Rica

=== Ecuador ===
 * [[https://python.ec/|Python Ecuador]] Python Community in Ecuador. [[https://t.me/pythonecuador|Telegram Group]], [[https://www.meetup.com/es/python-ecuador/|Meetup]], [[https://github.com/pythonecuador|GitHub]]

 * Django Girls Ecuador. [[https://twitter.com/DjangoGirlsEc/|Twitter]]
 * Pyladies Ecuador. [[https://twitter.com/PyladiesEc/|Twitter]], [[https://www.facebook.com/pyladiesecq/|Facebook]]
Line 394: Line 763:
 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/pythoncabal|- PythonCabal]] Python User Group in Guadalajara.
Line 396: Line 767:
 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/pythoncabal|- PythonCabal]] Python User Group in Guadalajara, meets the fourth Monday of every month at the [[http://tinyurl.com/hpmontemorelos|HP]] cafeteria.
Line 400: Line 769:
 * [[https://www.meetup.com/Python-Queretaro|- Python Querétaro]] Python User Group in Querétaro.

=== Nicaragua ===
 * [[https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Python-Nicaragua/|Python Nicaragua]] User Community
 * [[https://t.me/pythonNic|Telegram group]]
 . [[http://listas.softwarelibre.org.ni/listinfo/python-ni|Mailing list]]
Line 401: Line 777:
 * [[http://www.pynama.org/|- Pynama]]: Python User Community in Panama.  * Python Panama Community: [[https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Python-Panama/|Meetup]], [[https://www.instagram.com/pythonpanama/|Instagram]], [[https://twitter.com/pythonpanama|Twitter]]

=== Paraguay ===
 * [[https://pythonpy.org|PythonPy - Python Paraguay]] Python User Community in Paraguay, [[https://t.me/pythonparaguay|Telegram group]], [[https://groups.google.com/group/python-paraguay|Mailing list]], [[https://www.meetup.com/es/Python-Paraguay/|Meetup]], [[http://twitter.com/PythonParaguay|Twitter]]
Line 411: Line 790:
 * [[http://pyve.org.ve/|- Python Venezuela (PyVE)]]
  * Regional (by State)
   * [[http://sites.google.com/site/pythoncaracas/|- python-caracas]] : Website of Python Community in Caracas - Grupo de usuarios Python en Caracas, lista de correo.
 * [[https://python.org.ve/|- Python Venezuela (PyVE)]]
Line 416: Line 793:
 * [[https://lipug.cofares.net|Liban Python Users Group]] - To join the community put a post in the discussion bord at [[https://github.com/lipug/lipug.github.io/discussions|LIPUG discussions]] all goodwill are welcome
Line 420: Line 799:
 * [[http://wiki.python.org.il/Main_Page|Python Israel]] - Python users community in Israel

== Africa ==
=== South Africa ===
 * [[http://ctpug.org.za/|Cape Town Python Users Group]] - Cape Town

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/The-Durban-Hyperion-Python-Team/|Durban Hyperion Python Team]] - Durban

=== Other Africa ===
 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/python-eg|Python Egypt]] - Egypt and Arab World

 * [[http://groups.google.co.ma/group/python-ma|Python Maroc]] - Maroc et Maghreb

 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/python-tunisia|Python Tunisia]] - Tunisia

 * [[https://groups.google.com/d/forum/python-dz|Python Algeria]] - Algeria

 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/naipug|Nairobi Python User Group]] - Nairobi, Kenya.

 * [[https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/116140232867928048844|Angola Python User Group]] - Angola (Luanda)
 * [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pyweb-il|PyWeb-IL]] - Python users community in Israel. We have a meetup every month, see updates on the mailing list or our [[https://www.meetup.com/PyWeb-IL/|meetup.com page]]
Line 450: Line 810:
 * [[http://hsvpy.org|hsv.py]] - Huntsville and North Alabama Area Python Users Group.
Line 475: Line 837:
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/fresnopython/|Fresno.py]] - Fresno Python User Group
Line 488: Line 852:
=== Hawaii ===
 * [[http://pyhawaii.com|PyHawaii]]: Bringing Python to Honolulu, Hawaii and the Pacific
  * Join PyHawaii's[[http://www.meetup.com/PyHawaii-Python-Users-Group/|meetup.com group]]

  * Check us out on [[https://www.facebook.com/pyhawaii|Facebook]], [[https://github.com/pyhawaii|Github]], and [[https://twitter.com/py_hawaii|Twitter]].

=== Idaho ===
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/boise-area-python-user-group/|BAPUG]] Boise Area Python User Group
Line 491: Line 864:
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/ChicagoPythonistas/|Chicago Pythonistas]]
Line 502: Line 877:
 * [[http://python.meetup.com/182|Indianapolis, IN]] The IndyPy User Group  * [[http://python.meetup.com/182|Indianapolis, IN]] - The IndyPy User Group

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/derbypy|DerbyPy]] - Louisville / Southern Indiana User Group
Line 512: Line 889:
=== Kentucky ===
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/derbypy|DerbyPy]] - Louisville / Southern Indiana User Group
Line 513: Line 893:
 * [[http://pangalactic.us/bacon-pig|BACON-PIG]] - The Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia, and Other Northern DC suburbs Python Interest Group.  * [[http://www.meetup.com/baltimore-python/|Python Baltimore]] - Baltimore, Maryland Python User Group.

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/python-frederick/|Python Frederick]] - Frederick, Maryland Python User Group.
Line 516: Line 898:
 * [[http://python.meetup.com/181/|Boston / Cambridge Python Users Group]] will be meeting in Boston, MA.  * [[https://about.bostonpython.com|Boston Python Users Group]] meets in and around Boston, MA.
Line 519: Line 901:

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Southcoast-Massachusetts-Python-User-Group/|Southcoast Python User Group]] will be meeting in Dartmouth, MA.
Line 530: Line 914:
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/PyRochesterMN/|PyRochesterMN]] - Rochester, MN. Meets on the fourth Thurdsay every month.
Line 531: Line 917:
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/pyCOMO/|pyCOMO]] - Python User Group for CoMO (Columbia, MO)  * [[http://pycomo.org|pyCOMO]] - Python User Group for CoMO (Columbia, MO)
Line 538: Line 924:

 * [[http://meetup.com/STL-Python|STL Python]] - St Louis Python meetup
Line 548: Line 936:
=== New Mexico ===
 * AbqPython Python Users Group in Albuquerque, NM.
Line 556: Line 947:
 * [[http://trizpug.org/|TriZPUG]]: The Triangle Zope and Python User Group in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (Research Triangle) area of North Carolina, USA.  * [[http://tripython.org/|TriPython]]: The Triangle Python Userd Group (formerly TriZPUG) in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (Research Triangle) area of North Carolina, USA.
Line 584: Line 975:
=== South Carolina ===
 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Greenville-Python-Meetup/|Greenville Python Meetup]]

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/CharlestonPython/|Charleston Python Group]]
Line 603: Line 999:
 * [[http://utahpython.org/|Utah Python User Group]].  * [[http://utahpython.org/|Utah Python Meta Group]] — Provides resources for all interested Utah Pythonistas
  * [[http://www.meetup.com/SLCPython/|Salt Lake City]]

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/PythonAtThePoint/|Draper, Sandy]]

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/Python-Utah-North/|Logan/Northern Utah]]

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/pywasatch/|Provo]]

=== Vermont ===
 * [[http://www.btvpy.org/|Burlington Python]] - Python User Group in Burlington, VT. We've got pizza!
  * [[http://www.meetup.com/btvpython/|Meetup]]
Line 606: Line 1013:
 * [[http://www.zope.org/Members/poster/zpug_info|Fredericksburg ZPUG]]: Meets at the [[http://www.zope.com|Zope Corporation]] building in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

 * [[http://pycho.us/|Charlottesville]] - Charlottesville Python User Group (Richmond and Central Va. should start here.)

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/757-Python-Users-Group/|757 Python User Group]] - Hampton Roads and northeastern NC
 * [[http://pycho.us/|Charlottesville]] - Charlottesville Python User Group.

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/757-Python-Users-Group/|757 Python User Group]] - Hampton Roads and northeastern NC.

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Python/|NOVA-Python]] - Northern Virginia Python User Group, meets at the [[http://www.sciencelogic.com/|ScienceLogic]] office in Reston, VA.

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/PyRVA-Meetup/|PyRVA]] - Richmond area Python User Group starting up in Fall 2015/Winter 2016. Visit the Meetup page or [[http://www.pyrva.org/|PyRVA.org]] for more information.

 * [[https://www.meetup.com/Shenandoah-Python/|Shenandoah Python]] - Shenandoah Valley Python User Group.
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 * [[http://www.meetup.com/DCPython/|DC Python]] - Washington, DC Python User Group.
Line 618: Line 1031:
 * [[http://www.seapig.org|Seattle Python Interest Group]].  * [[https://www.pspython.com/|Puget Sound Programming Python User Group (PuPPy)]]

 * [[http://www.meetup.com/Spokane-Python-Meetup/|Python Spokane]]
Line 627: Line 1042:
 * [[https://www.meetup.com/MKE-Python-Meetup/|MKE Python]] - Milwaukee Python User Group
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CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryIndianPythonSoftwareSociety CategoryPythonIndia CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryCategory CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups

Users of the Python programming language meet periodically in so-called Python User Groups 1. Intermediate and advanced users share how they use the language and learn new tricks; they also welcome beginners and help them step in. It is a great place to ask for help and socialize with other people with a similar interest. Meetings are usually once every month, they are very informal and open to everyone.

sprint-small.png sprint2-small.png

There about 1,637 Python user groups worldwide in almost 191 cities, 37 countries and over 860,333 members. Check in these two places to find if there is already a group in your area:

  • The list below which is sorted by geographical region, country, and state in some cases.
  • A world map of Python Meetups in meetup.com. Enter your country and city to list the local group if any.

If there is not a Python user group in your area, please check StartingYourUsersGroup if you are interested in organizing one.

There are also a number of "In House Users Group" within some, (mostly larger), companies - while these are normally closed to anybody who does not work for the company your company may already have one or you may wish to start one. In either case you may find the information at TipsForInHouseUserGroups useful.



  • (PyNAM) - Python Software Association of Namibia


South Africa



Ivory Coast





Other Africa

Indian Ocean



Cambodia(សីល >>> សមាធិ >>> បញ្ញា)

  • pythonkhmer[at]google[dot]com- Mailing lists for PyKhmer(cambodian user group)


Hong Kong







  • PyKUG - Python Users Group in Korea




Sri Lanka






New Zealand


  • TorontoDjangoPython - Toronto Python/Django User group.

  • MontrealPython - Montreal's Python community.

  • OPAG - Ottawa Python Authors Group. A group devoted to learning, using and providing resources for Python. OPAG also serves as a general gathering place for Python programmers from the Ottawa region and beyond.

  • PyGTA - the Toronto Python/Zope User Group meets regularly to explore the expanding world of Python and Zope.

  • KWPUG - the Kitchener/Waterloo Python User Group - just starting July 17, 2006.

  • WinniPUG - Winnipeg Python Users Group - active since December 2005.

  • VanPyZ - The Vancouver Python and Zope User Group discusses Python and various uses of the language.

  • WatPy - The Waterloo Region Python User Group. Started in February 2012.


  • JamaicanPy: JamaicanPy, Jamaican Python Community Mailing List, Programming Opportunities etc....

  • prPIG: Puerto Rico Python Interest Group. Started in January 2013.

  • TTPUG - Trinidad and Tobago Python Users Group

  • PyDo - Python Dominicana User Group. Started in September 2012.



  • PYRANA - Python Tirana User Group





Czech Republic

  • python.cz - Czech Python user group homepage

  • PyLadies CZ

  • PyCon CZ

  • pyvec.org - Local PSF-like nonprofit supporting Python-related activities

  • py.cz - previous, rather outdated Czech homepage of the Python programming language


  • DjangoCPH - Django Copenhagen, meetups and conference

  • PythonCph - Python meetups in Copenhagen



  • AFPY Association Python Francophone, French Speaking Python & Zope User Group

  • Python Grenoble, Grenoble Python User Group, French Speaking



General Community Resources

User Groups



  • Hungarian Python Site Contains Hungarian translations of Python tutorials and manual and much more. Good starting point for new Hungarian Python users.











The Netherlands

Republic of Macedonia













United Kingdom

Latin America





Costa Rica








Middle East

New Zealand



  • PyHam - Birmingham Area Python Users Group.

  • hsv.py - Huntsville and North Alabama Area Python Users Group.



  • PyAR^2 - Python Artists of Arkansas





  • PyAtl Atlanta, Georgia Python User Group



  • BAPUG Boise Area Python User Group






  • DerbyPy - Louisville / Southern Indiana User Group




  • Michipug - Michigan (Detroit / Ann Arbor) Python group is just starting up

  • GRPUG - A Python Users Group in Grand Rapids, Michigan


  • PyMNtos - Minnesota Python Users Group, meets the 2nd Thursday of the month.

  • PY FM - PY FM, Fargo-Moorhead Python Users Group, meets on the last Wednesdays every month.

  • PyRochesterMN - Rochester, MN. Meets on the fourth Thurdsay every month.



New Hampshire

New Jersey

  • PIGIP NJ: Python Interest Group In Princeton, NJ.

New Mexico

  • AbqPython Python Users Group in Albuquerque, NM.

New York

North Carolina

  • TriPython: The Triangle Python Userd Group (formerly TriZPUG) in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (Research Triangle) area of North Carolina, USA.

  • CharPy: The Charlotte Python Group. Seeking members and ideas for the location of our first meetup. Join and discuss!

  • PYPTUG: The PYthon Piedmont Triad User Group in the Winston Salem-Greensboro-High Point (Piedmont Triad) area of North Carolina, USA.





South Carolina






Washington, DC

  • DC Python - Washington, DC Python User Group.

  • ZPUGDC: Zope/Python Users Group - Washington, DC.

  • django-district: a group for Django users in the Washington, D.C. area



  • Madison Python Users' Group

  • FoxPUG - Fox Valley (Oshkosh/Appleton) Python Users Group

  • MKE Python - Milwaukee Python User Group

CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryCategory CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups CategoryUsergroups

  1. Python User Groups are sometimes called PIGgies, for Python Interest Group meetings. The term PIGgies was coined by the Bay Area PIGgies group. (1)

LocalUserGroups (last edited 2024-11-04 17:28:22 by MarcAndreLemburg)

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