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Beginner's Guide to Python


没玩过编程? Python语言是免费的,如果你知道从何处开始,它很容易上手! 本指南将帮助你快速入门。






目前Python有两个主要版本:Python 2和Python 3。根据Python2orPython3 页面提供的建议,你可以决定哪个版本最适合你。在撰写本文时(2010年6月21号),以下内容假设你决定使用Python 2。

查看文章 BeginnersGuide/Download,按步骤下载正确的Python版本。

在某些阶段,你想编辑并保存你的程序代码,可以看一下 HowToEditPythonCode 以听取一些意见和推荐方法。

Learning Python


Next, read a tutorial and try some simple experiments with your new Python interpreter.


Most tutorials assume you know how to run a program on your computer.


If you are using Windows and need help with this, see How do I Run a Program Under Windows.


Once you've read a tutorial, you can browse through Python's online documentation. It includes a tutorial that may be helpful, a Library Reference that lists all of the modules that come standard with Python, and the Language Reference for a complete (if rather dry) explanation of Python's syntax.

当你读完教程后,可以浏览Python在线文档。它包括:有用的a tutoriala Library Reference详列了Python的标准库中的模块和[[|the Language Reference]介绍了Python语法的完整解释(有些枯燥)

When you are ready to write your first program you will need a text editor. To get started you can use any editor you are familiar with - even something like Notepad - but as you gain experience you may want to use a text editor with features that help you write Python programs. See PythonEditors for a list of programs friendly to Python code editing.

在准备写第一个程序前,你需要一个文本编辑器。开始时使用你任何你熟悉的编辑器-即使像Notepad记事本-但当你有经验后,你会想使用带有Python编程辅助功能的文本编辑器。参考 PythonEditors 包含了一个带有友好的Python代码编辑功能的程序列表。

Need Help?


Need help with any of this? Read BeginnersGuide/Help for mailing lists and newsgroups.

需要以下帮助吗?阅读 BeginnersGuide/Help,加入邮件列表和新闻组。

Most Python books will include an introduction to the language; see IntroductoryBooks for suggested titles.

绝大多数的Python书会包含本编程语言的介绍:查看 IntroductoryBooks中的建议标题。

Consult BeginnersGuide/Examples for small programs and little snippets of code that can help you learn.


Or, if you prefer to learn Python through listening to a lecture, you can attend a training course or even hire a trainer to come to your company.


Consult the PythonEvents page to see if any training courses are scheduled in your area, and the PythonTraining page for a list of trainers.

参考 PythonEvents 页面看在当地有无定期的培训课程,在PythonTraining页面有培训人员列表。

Teachers can join the EDU-SIG, a mailing list for discussion of Python's use in teaching at any level ranging from K-12 up to university.

老师可以加入 EDU-SIG,在该邮件列表中讨论从K-12到大学的各级别中的Python应用。

Complete list of Beginner's Guide pages

Quiz and Exercises


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