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Scientific Python Working Group Charter
Purpose & Common Goals
This working group shall draw on the expertise of both the PSF and NumFOCUS, and on the broader scientific Python community in general, to select the best use of its budgeted funds to advance the scope, breadth, and utility of Python for scientific work. In essence, the purpose of the group is to grant funds allocated to it by PSF and/or NumFOCUS towards conferences, user groups, educational, and development efforts.
Active Time
This working group shall stay in existence indefinitely.
Core Values & Internal Governance
This working group shall issue public statements at the time that any grants are made by it. These statements shall explain the perceived value and significance of the project(s) to which grants have been given. In the case of conferences or other public events, we may give grants in the form of sponsorships that will increase publicity and public recognition of both the PSF and NumFOCUS (e.g. via have booths, banners, or pamphlets for these groups available at those events as a benefit of sponsorship).
Rules & Decision Making Procedures
- Consensus must be reached between all interested members of the committee that are available to respond within 5 days. At minimum, approval by three members, at least one of whom is a chair, is required to approve any grant.
- After 5 days (and on or before 14 days), one of the chairs will email the decision to the PSF board; the PSF Administrator will then forward the decision to the requester and the treasurer, and note it in the board minutes. If the WG fails to reach a decision by two weeks, the request is referred back to the PSF board of directors.
- If there is a joint decision to fund a grant, but the budget is unclear, the co-chairs may decide together on how to proceed.
Funding guidelines
- We consider applications that involve Python and science.
- The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.
Workshops, tutorials, and events seeking grants are encouraged to create and publish a Code of Conduct/Anti Harassment guide and foster the PSF mission to facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.
The PSF will only sponsor conferences that have or agree to create and publish a Code of Conduct/Anti Harassment guide for their conference. A basic template to work from has been generated by the Ada Initiative at
- For workshops / tutorials, any material generated must be released under an open license that allows modification and re-use, e.g., CC BY, CC BY-SA, or CC-0.
Grant request size guidelines
- The conference grant size is up to USD 10 per attendee, with exception for smaller conferences that need extra financial assistance. Example: A conference with 500 attendees can be funded with a grant of up to USD 5000.
- The educational program grant size is up to USD 25 per student, provided the students each receive at least 6 hours of Python instruction as part of the educational program. The grants workgroup should give preference to students who would otherwise not be able to attend such classes. Example: A workshop with 30 attendees can be funded with a grant of up to USD 750.
Communication Plan
The bulk of communication among the working group shall be over the mailing list As needed, we may use other communication means such as video conferencing, phone calls, or in-person meetings.
- David Mertz (chair)
- Stefan van der Walt (co-chair)
- Andy Terrel (co-chair)
- Dana Bauer
- Travis Oliphant
- Kurt B. Kaiser
- Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Anthony Scopatz
- Leah Silen
- Carol Willing
- Laura Richter
Support Requirements
Mailman list:
The PSF has recently pledged initial annual support in the amount of of US$25,000, and agreed to match any amount NumFOCUS contributes beyond $25,000, up to $50,000 contributed by the PSF, during the PSF Board meeting on April 28, 2015 (for combined funding up to $100,000).