Wednesday 9 Dec
- Sumana
- Pradyun
- Georgia
- Bernard
- Anything anyone wants to talk about today/needs to? (short meeting so CZI convening participants can rest a bit)
- Note to PyPA committers has gone out to start scheduling UX trainings
- [talking with folks a little about yesterday's CZI keynotes and discussions] > Chris Holdgraf's new initiative for Jupyter environments as infrastructure
- 2 UX interviews done yesterday during unstructured time
- notes: in a notion page that Sumana is not linking to because it has some private login credentials
we probably have some open slots today & tomorrow
- Georgia cannot attend nearly any of the convening, FYI
future plans for PSF, hiring/funding, packaging & product management
this year
- if we could get a multiyear grant for this that would be awesome
Simply Secure's lessons learned from MOSS work.... people and projects learn how to think about project & product management
- SustainOSS efforts