Tuesday 1 December
- Sumana
- Nicole
- Pradyun
- Georgia
- Yay, pip 20.3 release!
- Yay and thank you Pradyun
Spacebar CPU
- [and thank you to Sumana]
- some serious issues have come in but not showstopper horrible ones
- when new issues come in that could have been caught in beta: "tell us what could have happened differently so you could have tested and caught this during the beta" +++
- this will be useful partly to know where they are following, what info sources to use next time
- UX folks may come up with tweaked language
- Yay and thank you Pradyun
Status & blockers
Nicole: working on pip docs, been compiling recommendations based on user interviews & doc survey. working on a revised site map for pip docs.
- no blockers
- ?: how to recruit packaging maintainers to training sessions
Pradyun: no blockers; has day job commitments. triaging issues as they come in. noticing 3 issues in particular. working on a point release. putting things in 20.3.1 milestone. (PyCharm stuff first.)
Sumana: partway through https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8936#issuecomment-721440282 checklist
- todo: Paperwork, CZI presentation
- Georgia: wrangling training stuff and other last [Phase III] stuff to have a tighter plan
- blocker: Thurs and Fri, doing some home logistics
- Bernard: went with Pradyun through the data on the users with 2-10 years of experience, their mental models. Today: hope to get back onto report stuff
- no particular blockers
- Invoices - for November - please submit them
- UX training
- per notes from Wednesday last week: UX team wants to get Doodle out to mailing list, ideally this week, to start finding times in December and, likely, offer some in January.
- give email to Pradyun or Sumana so we can forward to pypa-committers list
- per notes from Wednesday last week: UX team wants to get Doodle out to mailing list, ideally this week, to start finding times in December and, likely, offer some in January.
Probably defer to Wednesday: 20.3.1 planning & triaging issues