Sunday 25 Nov

Pradyun-Sumana meeting

Major changes in this release:

  1. DISRUPTION: Switch to the new dependency resolver by default. (#9019) Watch out for changes in handling editable installs, constraints files, and more:

  2. DEPRECATION: Deprecate support for Python 3.5 (to be removed in pip 21.0) (#8181)
  3. DEPRECATION ANNOUNCEMENT: pip freeze will stop filtering the pip, setuptools, distribute and wheel packages from pip freeze output in a future version. To keep the previous behavior, users should use the new --exclude option. (#4256)
  4. Substantial improvements in new resolver for performance, output and error messages, avoiding infinite loops, and support for constraints files.
  5. Support for PEP 600: Future ‘manylinux’ Platform Tags for Portable Linux Built Distributions. (#9077)
  6. Documentation improvements: Resolver migration guide, quickstart guide, and new documentation theme.
  7. Add support for MacOS Big Sur compatibility tags. (#9138)

PackagingWG/2020-11-25-pip-small-meeting (last edited 2020-12-17 00:05:44 by SumanaHarihareswara)

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