Dev mini syncup
14 April 2020
Participants: Paul, Pradyun, Tzu-Ping
- pip 20.1 +
- - What is still missing in the resolver (vs old resolver)
- TP: If the test suite covers everything, then we're missing
user installs (may be solved by
- upgrade strategy (need to emit a warning/error for this)
- constraints (has error message)
- wheel cache
- error messages (see below)
- circular dependency (has error message)
- Also some things that are failing but I can’t figure out why
- Pradyun: there's a lot of stuff that the resolver doesn't actually test.
[discussed REQUESTED implementation]
- nothing specific to be mentioned in the release notes
- “If something works, yay, tell us so that we can party, otherwise still tell us so we can fix it” -- there's a new label!
- Where do users report issues
zazo? rename & repurpose
- move issues -- TP pointed out that we can only use this within the same namespace / org / user repos.
- Pradyun: don't want a temporary repo on the PyPA org.
- [TODO 1]
- - [TODO 2]
- TP: If the test suite covers everything, then we're missing
- optimising network requests
- Resolvelib will take an iterator in "highest priority first" order
- Transition plan, take a list for now with a deprecation warning (and reverse?)
TP will look at the code and decide what's best
- error messages
Pradyun: seems like only 1 failure
- Paul: will look at that after call.
Pradyun: normalization. * will have to deal w/ in revendoring
- [TODO 1]: Remind Sumana to get us an email address for resolver-related reports as we promised in the PSF blog
- [TODO 2]: Discuss w/ Sumana about communication around pip 20.1 + where does she think the notes from Paul should go
Check the above two TODO points with Sumana. Maybe syncup tomorrow (Wed) if there’s update on those. Or... Zulip! :P