Mini-syncup, 12 March 2020

Paul, Pradyun, Tzu-Ping

Team meeting

Team syncup, 12 March 2020




Pradyun has not yet submitted invoice for Jan/Feb. waiting for accountant .... Sumana says, separate Jan from Feb.








PyCon & The Virus

We discussed the new travel bans (Europe (not UK), and India), and how those complicate our situation. It's very likely that, by next week, Pradyun will not want/be able to come, in case he can't get back home. And Tzu-Ping is in Taiwan, which has been taking aggressive measures, and might ban travel to the US.

From a proximity perspective, Ernest, Georgia, and Sumana can easily go to Pittsburgh at the last minute. So, there is an option to scale back -- no INTERNATIONAL travel to this particular meeting (that is, default to "no" for our international visitors).

And of course we will want details about refunds of travel & accommodations. But we know we'll be able to get that sorted out once a decision is made.

UX findings so far:

Bernard: so far, we have done interviews with ~7-8 what I'm calling "Python maintainers" (maintainers of various different projects). Tried to talk with them about understanding the Python packaging tools ecosystem, get THEIR understanding of the ecosystem, because there are many diff. tools. Wanted to understand what they are for, if they are categorized in any particular way -- like "building". Wanted to understand issues they see with pip.

Majority of them are about commands:

Also understanding (initially) - were gonna try to "onboard" as pip contributors. Bernard looked through pip contributing documentation on how to install/contrib, but it seemed kind of convoluted and lacking in clear steps (e.g., clone the pip repo, install tox with pip, but in order to do that, needed to install Python, then pip. chicken and egg, which comes first?)

Continuing the UX discussion later:

(further Questions turned into topics )

PackagingWG/2020-03-12-pip (last edited 2020-03-13 02:27:33 by SumanaHarihareswara)

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