Mini-syncup, 10 March 2020
Paul, Pradyun, TP
- State update
TP: Just clobbered up something to wire up the resolver into pip CLI. I’m doing this in RequirementCommand (which install, download, and wheel subclass). Sounds about right?
- What’s the process to introduce a new vendored lib into pip?
- Pradyun: I can write documentation for that! :P
Pradyun: Add it to pyproject.toml -- ala vendoring
- Paul: Working on tests for the new resolver objects, and linking the code in with them.
What to do about A->B,C; B->D==version, C->D@url?
- If we have a named requirement, name @ url, then when we prepare the URL, we need to check the name matches and error if not.
- Next steps
- Paul: Work on requirement/candidate abstraction, assemble the provider, start proposing PRs to master
- TP: Finish the resolver wrapper, wire up Paul’s work after PR proposal, and propose PR for the CLI
- Pradyun: I need to actually write the docs. Not blocked on anything.