Resolver mini-syncup
Mini-syncup, 5 Mar 2020
Paul, Pradyun, TP
TP: Initial effort posted. What’s that PreviousBuildError about
Paul: We will get into a mess (I can’t prove it) if we ever reuse a build directory for two things. Maybe it will be easier if we ever only build InstallRequirement from a link, and nothing else.
So only use InstallRequirement for Candidate, and not for Requirement
- TP: Now that I re-read the implementation, it would make sense to do that.
- Paul and Pradyun will spend some time after the meeting to read the PR and work on that.
- Pradyun wants to split the provider, requirement, candidate, etc. into different PRs, each with tests, and submit them separately.
- TP: Requirement and Candidate are very coupled so that’d probably be the most problematic to separate,
- Let’s see what we can do
Someone from Twitter filed an issue within the last day saying: hey! we have implemented pip resolver that turns requirements into ? ....
Team syncup
Team syncup, 5 March 2020
- Bernard
- Pradyun
- Tzu-Ping
- Paul
- Sumana
- Georgia
Bernard & Georgia are working to share their notes from CZI convening
- Invoices
- TP - check
Pradyun - started, can send Jan & Feb invoices within a day or two.
- Q: Invoicing the week at CZI EOSS?
TODO - Sumana to follow up separately with Pradyun & Georgia about this -- DONE
- Q: Invoicing the week at CZI EOSS?
- Atos/Paul - please chase this to get a combined Jan/Feb invoice
- Atos invoice has gone through the system, but that copy may go to the formal invoicing address.
- Brian will follow up with a PDF copy to the requested names/emails, should go out today.
- Georgia for Simply Secure - adding details for Jan + Feb -- by end of this week?
- Changeset - submitting this week
- Blockers?
Georgia & Bernard:
- Research plan? Spending some time in a longer catchup on Monday, thinking about tools, ongoing resources, etc.
- No particular blockers
- Coming up: B has finished recruitment survey, will make a personal blog post about it, would like to get it circulated widely! Will want input/help
- TODO: Sumana to help signal-boost and advise on publicity -- DONE
- Pradyun: Let me know when you have that up; I'll signal boost on my blog too.
- Tzu-Ping:
Things are moving along .... reading some other implementations from Twitter: ...
resolver prototype... now & next week ( )
- Paul:
this past week, been fragmented, other stuff in the way.... pre-meeting chat, now knows what is next ... refactoring prototype implementation, look at , get some tests of new implementation in place
- Was short on time this week, will grab time back from work NEXT week.
- Pradyun:
- not blocked on anything .... not that I'm aware of right now
- Sumana:
TODO: get in touch with Bethanie, and Phyllis, for things TODO for PyCon plans
PyCon registration fees refunded to individuals so cost is coming from donated funds -- easier logistically; no effects.
- Personal errands taking up a lot of time -- delegating where can.
pip logo issue
- (last discussion) It's probably OK to delay -- is that still True?
- Bernard previously said: ok to delay. Bernard notes: activity to come up with "what pip is" is an important activity, for SS's user-centered design, and later for branding
- Today: reiterating that. (And yes a logo is _useful_.) Logo design brief would be useful.
if people feel very strongly to get a logo NOW, we can put it up as a job (free/paid) on OpenSourceDesign -- logo design requests are common there -- may or may not be picked up.
- Sumana: I don't think we urgently need it
- Georgia: As part of promoting the work, it might make sense to ask in interviews / collect ideas / bring engagement.
- Sumana: I have had past experiences where bikeshedding / untrained input about visual design has been noisy and drowned useful thought / caused burnout. If we can "channel" this appropriately, we might be able to do it -- we may not be able to put in the time needed to do so.
- Georgia: If more people would want to give input; we could have that used to create a brief -- we want people to understand that we are asking about the "feeling" that the logo conveys.
- Sumana: my memory was w.r.t. logo design contest -- getting inputs from users would be better perhaps.
- Georgia: [note taker was too slow] we can do
- Sumana: we can talk about this more later.
- (last discussion) It's probably OK to delay -- is that still True?
Do we have any news on impact of corona virus on Python conferences? currently says all AOK.
PyCon plans: regular updates from PyCon
- None of the team is planning on cancelling NOW, but keeping an eye on it
- Pradyun: I'll need keep an eye out for it, in case the situation becomes drastically works, especially closer to the conference
- Bernard: agree with that.
- Paul: Being sponsored by work -- will need to check with them -- should likely be OK. I do have some concerns, and agree w/ Pradyun on taking a cautious approach.
- Communication
with stakeholders:
- Need a way to describe what we are doing with the new resolver to scale down people's expectations.
- pip will not magically be able to read users' minds and do the right thing when it isn't right now
- We'll need to involve Sumana in this, and provide the topics we want to send across to the users
- TODO: edit the gist to reflect that
Paul notes: re branding: have a certain level of style, pulls together "this is the new pip/info" distinguishing us from old resolver.... Warehouse rollout (not just calling it "PyPI") ... distinction between new & old ... consistent reference
- Georgia: opporunity to give whole new identity upon rollout
Can we do this work in a collab doc instead of GitHub gist?
- Sure!
- TODO: Sumana to move to another document platform -- DONE
- TODO: question in Zulip - what other topics/points to cover?
- Call for input to interview?
- Input on the logo/brand ideas?