7 June 2019
- William
- Dustin
- Nicole
- Ernest
- Sumana
- William to confirm with his internal PM that it's ok to switch tasks now and do the initial a11y audit right away
- Nicole to reach out to some users to get direct UX feedback. Maybe Duo could help facilitate/participate
- Ernest or Dustin to talk with Filippo re Golang experience
Sumana will schedule weekly 15 min triage, to ask "how urgent is this" & make delegating to volunteers easier
Sumana to start planning coordinating volunteer effort on the finding & labelling of currently-hardcoded strings
- Sumana to ask Duo for recovery code work
- Sumana to ask Duo to offer their eyes on the existing PR -- point out things they like/don't like about how William is using their library
Sumana to ask the NYU crew for opinions on threat model/needs discussion/how much security do we need here? GitHub issues
- Sumana to ask Mattias to become part of this miniteam! ask re availability! Help with PR review would be great!
Sumana to start WebAuthn rollout prep, "how to test this" documentation
making the most of William's limited time
[limited] remaining in Milestone 1 (API keys & audit log)
- getting reviews faster
- a thumbs-up from Dustin or Ernest is sufficient to approve. They are the accepting parties.
during Eastern business hours, please "blow [Ernest] up" - if you're waiting for a review, ping but not via GitHub notifications. IRC or Slack.
- tight scope of work
- Sumana trying to get volunteers to do stuff that is more ancillary
TODO: Sumana will schedule weekly 15 min triage, to ask "how urgent is this" & make delegating to volunteers easier
availability, especially Nicole's schedule for the next few months (discussion redacted for privacy)
first a11y and i18n steps
- Accessibility (estimate: 2 weeks for Trail of Bits; ? for Nicole):
- Nicole: who has volunteered to help?
- just Matthias.
- Can we get the audit now so we can parallelize/speed Nicole's work?
- There's a case for Nicole to get started. Works well for William.
- If we're talking about running an audit, need to do that across codebase, split up front/back. Nicole could set up time with the relevant person to .... who will it be? William?
- TODO - William to confirm with his internal PM that it's ok to switch tasks now and do the initial a11y audit right away
some existing research on finding issues & adding a11y checks to CI: https://github.com/SolutionGuidance/psm/issues/415
- Nicole: who has volunteered to help?
- Localization/internationalisation (estimate: 3 weeks for Trail of Bits, ? for Nicole):
- changing hardcoded strings to localizable: bunch of tedious labelling work. Who can/wants to do it?
- Nicole could do some on templates while ToB does on views.... could split it up
- William has experience localizing C programs. Prework: ID and build tables of strings that need parameterizing. ID where they are. Makes job easier.
Nicole: has experience with this on dayjob. We ID strings that need localizing & provide context. A small description of string that needs translating. Useful to ensure quality of translation. The verb "complete" - could be a status or action! In French, that's different verb vs adjective. "this is a COMPLETE BUTTON and when you press it, foo happens." In some translation software, you can add screenshots, which is also useful.
- TODO: Sumana to start planning coordinating volunteer effort on this
- changing hardcoded strings to localizable: bunch of tedious labelling work. Who can/wants to do it?
- Accessibility (estimate: 2 weeks for Trail of Bits; ? for Nicole):
making the most of volunteer help (Duo, Mathias, TUF crew at NYU)
Duo & py_webauthn.
- Testing?
- TODO: Sumana to ask them for recovery code work!!!
- TODO: Sumana to ask them to offer their eyes on the existing PR -- point out things they like/don't like about how William is using their library
- user testing, possible documentation....
- TODO: Nicole to reach out to some users to get direct UX feedback. Maybe they could help facilitate/participate
Mattias [address] https://github.com/JazzBrotha is a front end developer working at axesslab.com <http://axesslab.com>. Axesslab pay their employees to work on any open source project for up to 10 hours per month, and Mattias is interested in using that time to help us!
(as of a year ago.) Already did a light audit: https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingWG?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=May-2018-Warehouse-accessibility-audit-Mattias-JazzBrotha May2018WarehouseaccessibilityauditMattiasJazzBrotha.pdf which Nicole turned into https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/labels/accessibility
- Ask for more auditing and recommendation work?
- TODO: Sumana to ask Mattias to become part of this miniteam! ask re availability! Help with PR review would be great!
- Ask for more auditing and recommendation work?
Trishank, Justin, Lukas Puehringer... (multi-factor auth & TUF)
- create architectural plan? prework for the upcoming Facebook-funded work????
- BUT some of this will come down to the results of the RFP process.
- TODO: Ernest or Dustin to talk with Filippo re Golang experience
TODO: Sumana to ask them for opinions on threat model/needs discussion/how much security do we need here? GitHub issues
- create architectural plan? prework for the upcoming Facebook-funded work????
Any other general updates?
- Ernest: burn rate?
- number of invoices Ernest's received .... needs updates
Sumana: adding issues to milestones https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/milestones?direction=asc&sort=count&state=open
- Everyone: invoices!
How close are we to merging WebAuthn?
- very close. Maybe next week?
- TODO: Sumana to start rollout prep, "how to test this" documentation
Unavailability between now & end of August: [availability details redacted]