Warehouse weekly meeting notes
Monday, Feb. 12, 2018
- Sumana
- Laura
- Mark
- Dustin
- Ernest
- Nicole
Current work/announcements:
- "Just dumb week last week."
- [infrastructure discussion]
- working on platform setup for deployments -- can shift into Warehouse mode if blocked on that
- focused on release detail page
- functionality for managing a project is working
- will work on manage email PR
- will do testing of new UI
- Ernest: Eagerly Volunteers :-D
- Laura: I can help test UI
Not blocked, needs Dustin to set up branch for reset password - \o/ - already in progress
- In Progress/blocked
- Manage Emails
- Reset Password
- Delete Account - last bit of work for me in Milestone #1
- Moving on to Milestone #2
- bug triage, doc improvement for PyPA website
- stakeholder communication
twine docs PRs merged https://github.com/pypa/twine/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+author%3Algh2+
- Reviewed PR to add additional emails to account
- Created a draft plan for promotion post-Maintainer MVP milestone:
- Landing page for testers will be on Packaging WG wiki
- First reach out to a small group of active maintainers/power users (~100 humans)
- Then, when power users are happy, reach out to top 100 most active projects
- Brainstorming document for promotional activities: (shared with group)
Need to test manage email changes PR per Dustin
- Donald has approved changes for PEP541, next steps to review and discuss with packaging-wg.
- Worked on [infrastructure], [contact] will hopefully get back to us soon.
- Would like to help with testing of any UI stuff.
- [finance detail]
- Mark out February 19th
Bug/PR triage:
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2850 Support searching for an exact phrase #2850
- Sumana Suggestion: milestone 3, publicizing beta. Search is already better on Warehouse - good contribution for someone familiar with Elasticsearch - nice to have
- Sumana's now updated this.
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/345 Ability to mark a version of a package as deprecated or unsupported #345
- Sumana Suggestion: Post-launch
- Sumana's now updated this.
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2206 Sort user page project list by last release date #2206
- Was a PR, closed due to test issues - SH will reach out to see if contributor can work on it again
https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/2213#issuecomment-352225097 -- had problems with running tests
- Sumana's replied and marked the issue in the beta publicizing milestone
* JSON API documentation https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2913
- Sumana Suggestion: milestone 4, launch
- PR exists - needs more prose, change pypi.python.org to pypi.org
- Should have this in time to publicize beta -- read-only API for programmatic access
- Break into minimum (user mvp) vs. fuller docs
- Sumana's updated the issue
* Request for Trio trove classifier https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2881
- Sumana Suggestion: maintainer MVP
- Can only be done by administrator of pypi -- we'll add admin UI to Warehouse before final launch
Ernest has done the trove update task, Sumana has moved https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2649 to milestone 4
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2401 Indicate in UI/API if a name has been prohibited #2401
- Sumana Suggestion: milestone 4, launch
- may allow malicious users to determine what the blacklist is
- FAQ addresses why some names are prohibited - how/where do we currently link to this?
- Have UI for packages removed by author? Not common
- This is a question about UI for *upload*, not search, so how much does it protect non-package-maintainer users?
- PEP 541 to take care of a bunch of this....
- SH will share thoughts with Packaging WG before commenting
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/994 Add support for API keys #994
- lukesneeringer wants to scope this out and asks whether anyone objects, volunteers to do this work + two-factor auth
- Yes - Luke can work on this -- mark as post-launch milestone
- Sumana has updated the issue
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/360 Add some sort of webhooks support #360
- Sumana Suggestion: post-launch
- New feature, not in legacy
- Sumana has updated the issue
* https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/1855 Expose what extras are available for install #1855
- Sumana Suggestion: cool but not urgent
- Nice to have - nice additional feature
- Sumana updated the issue
* Issue 999
- Nicole asks about this. maintainer MVP - will be closed with change password PR.
Things to ask Donald to do:
Sumana to find out his current PyPA work
Maintainer MVP milestone work remaining:
Still on schedule for maintainer MVP milestone at end of Feb, and in fact, may well be substantially earlier
https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/projects/1 is a helpful overview, teammates say
Dustin and Nicole report they believe their Maintainer MVP issues will be resolved by Monday Feb 19th, unless her UI testing reveals showstoppers
Infrastructure readiness: Barring unforeseen issues, we can promote maintainer MVP on Heroku. Infra changeover needs to be done before milestone 3, but we can shift over a fraction of pip installs starting at milestone 2 -- need monitoring and metrics to do this.
Cautious optimism about publicizing Maintainer MVP middle of next week
To do:
Sumana to email packaging wg about https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2401 Indicate in UI/API if a name has been prohibited #2401