Talk Subjects
Tutorials are scheduled for Wednesday & Thursday, Conference Talks for Friday-Sunday at PyCon.
Here is what people are asking for:
- Core Python - Just the facts, ma'am.
- Twisted - The most requested subject in 07. How do you explain twisted in one session?
- Basic Python - a subset of the core language elements. Cover the import command, but don't cover any modules. Scope, lists vs tuple... that stuff, but don't cover lambda and other things that would make someones head explode.
- Python for Java programmers
- Under the hood of Python - or what ever you want to call the interaction between = and __eq__() and all the other things listed here:
- Python's Dark Magic - the pros and cons of messing with __magic__()
- Intro to easy_install and PyPI.
- Debugging with WinPDB
- Python for embedded systems / embedded Linux - tips, tricks, traps, etc.
There are tutorial suggestions from last year, as well as the feedback survey results (& survey comments).
Once you have picked a subject, check out the proposal process: