Feedback from PyCon 2007
Answers to the question "What tutorial topics would you like to see in the future?" on the PyCon 2007 tutorial feedback forms (duplicates removed, edited):
- Advanced Python: language features, techniques
- Advanced XML
- Audio and Python
- cTypes (
- CPython (Intro to Python core development for those who wish to start contributing; Python Internals: how to modify Python; walk through Python source code)
- Django: more hands-on. How to do a non-trivial app, rather than internals.
- Eggs (Creating setuptools installs)
- Embedded Python
- Faster Python Programs
- Flash/flex widgets in Python
- Future of Python
- IronPython
- Jython - the complete guide
- Kamaelia (
- LDAP integration
- Language tips/tricks by a language lawyer
- Mac and Python
- Metaprogramming (Metaclasses & descriptors)
- Newforms: tips & tricks, real-world examples, etc.
- NumPy
- Object-oriented approach for procedural programmers
- Plone
- Profiling tools (i.e. finding the actual bottlenecks)
- PyPy
- Pyrex or other C wrappers
- Pyro
- Python for sysadmins (idioms, not syntax)
- Python tutorial part III in B2B
- Pythonic patterns
- ReStructuredText + Docutils
- SQLAlchemy (
- SWIG & Python tutorial
- Scientific visualization topics: specifically SciPy, matplotlib
- Signal Processing
- Standard Library tour
- Styles of Programming
- Testing (How to use Python tools to test non-Python code; TDD [test-driven development])
- Tools that make up packages like Django and Turbogears, e.g. CherryPy, templates, Kid, etc.
- TurboGears
- Twisted (& nevow)
- Web appl database access with a simple application
- Win32 Python (COM, MSOffice, ActiveDir interaction, etc.)
- wxPython
- Zope, Zope 3/Five
Also see the general tutorial feedback info.
Other Ideas
These ideas are from other sources, not from the feedback forms:
- Creating Command Line Tools in Python
- Using Cheese Shop to Share Modules
- Python 3000 Idioms (not migrating to P3K, how should our thinking change). This may be more suited to a presentation than a tutorial.
- Intermediate Python (Iterators, Decorators, other various topics).