PyPI: The Python Package Index
PyPI, the Python Package Index, is a web-based software catalogue and distribution mechanism. See PublishingPythonModules for other channels through which Python software may be distributed and obtained.
At the time of writing the following pages are available when searching for "PyPI":
- 3to2
- A new pypi module
- AbhishekSingh
- Admin/Machines
- AliTavallaie
- AndrewKuchling/Timeline
- Android
- ApplicationInfrastructure
- Applications
- ArticleIdeas
- Asking for Help/Gui Toolkit for python 3?
- Asking for Help/How can I run an untrusted Python script safely (i.e. Sandbox)
- Audio
- BeginnersGuide
- BeginnersGuideChinese
- BenjaminPeterson
- BetterPyPI
- BinPy
- BitManipulation
- ByteplayDoc
- CharlottesvillePythonUserGroup
- CheeseShop
- CheeseShopDev
- CheeseShopTutorial
- CloudPyPI
- CloudPyPI/ExampleCDN
- CloudPyPI/Proposal
- CodeCoverage
- Codice
- CodingProjectIdeas
- CodingProjectIdeas/FileSystemVirtualization
- CodingProjectIdeas/StandardLibrary/RestructuredStandardLibrary
- Concurrency
- ConfigurationAndBuildTools
- Console/Ascii_table
- ContentManagementSystems
- Core Python
- CubicTemp
- DanielStutzbach
- DbApi3
- DbusExamples
- DeadLinks
- Decorators
- Distribute
- DistributionUtilities
- Distutils
- Distutils/Extensions
- Distutils/Metadata
- Distutils/Projects
- Distutils/Proposals/DependencySupport
- Distutils/Proposals/DevelopmentDistributions
- Distutils/Proposals/Distutils20
- Distutils/Proposals/SplitAndCompoundDistributions
- Distutils/TestingInfrastructure
- Distutils/Tutorial
- Distutils/VersionComparison
- Distutils2
- Distutils2/Contributing
- Distutils2/Sprints
- DistutilsBof
- DistutilsSprint
- Durus
- Early2to3Migrations
- Email SIG
- EnhancedPyPI
- Esky
- EuroPython2006/PYxIDEsSprint
- EuroPython2015/Aioinotify
- EuroPython2020/PackagingSprint
- EuroPython2020/Sprints
- Firebird
- FlowBasedProgramming
- GIS/Web_services
- Git
- GnuPrivacyGuard
- Grako
- GuiProgramming
- HealthCare
- HelpingPython
- HierConfig
- HigherLevelDatabaseProgramming
- How to publish Python modules
- HowTo/FileMagic
- HowTo/Sorting
- IDLEextensions
- IntegratingPythonWithOtherLanguages
- IntermediatesGuide
- Inventory
- Is there any tiny project or source for participation or reference
- ItalianPythonUrloCoordination
- ItalianPythonUrloSources
- LanguageParsing
- LocalSpellingWords
- LoggingPackage
- MacPython/py2app
- Md5Passwords
- MelbournePUG
- Mirroring infrastructure
- MovingToPythonFromOtherLanguages
- NumericAndScientific
- NumericAndScientific/Formats
- NumericAndScientific/Libraries
- NumericAndScientific/Plotting
- OAuth2
- Olivier Pirson
- OptionParsing
- Oracle
- PUB/FIT171209
- PUN/ABC201202
- PackagePopularity
- Packaging Survey
- ParallelProcessing
- PersistenceTools
- PeterFein
- Plotly
- PortingPythonToPy3k
- PortingToPy3k/34to35
- PortingToPy3k/PortingHelpers
- PortlandPythonUserGroup
- PradeepGowda
- PublishingPythonModules
- PyAudio
- PyCon2007/Feedback
- PyCon2008/Feedback
- PyCon2008/SprintSignups/Orbited
- PyCon2011/Distro Sprint
- PyConDC2004/SprintPlan
- PyConDC2005/LightningTalks
- PyDevSummaries/2008/November/FirstHalf
- PyFit
- PyPI
- PyPI/DownloadMetaDataProposal
- PyPIComments
- PyPIOAuth
- PyPISimple
- PyPITestingInfrastructure
- PyPIXmlRpc
- PyPiImplementations
- PyPiTestServer
- PyPortMidi
- PyQt/Creating_GUI_Applications_with_PyQt_and_Qt_Designer
- PyQt/Deploying_PyQt_Applications
- PyQt/GUI_Testing
- PyQt/PyKDE_and_xattr
- PyQt/PyKDE_and_xattr (pykde-edit-xattrs)
- PyQt/SomeExistingApplications
- PyQt/Tutorials
- PySerial
- PyTable
- PyTextile
- Pyarmor
- PyjamasDesktop
- Pypi package downloads statistics RSS
- Pyro
- Python3FAQ
- Python3LinuxDistroPortingStatus
- Python3PortingStatus
- PythonBlogSoftware
- PythonDebuggingTools
- PythonDecoratorLibrary
- PythonEditors
- PythonForArtificialIntelligence
- PythonGameLibraries
- PythonImagingLibrary
- PythonMed
- PythonPackagingTerminology
- PythonSites
- PythonSoftwareFoundation
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2007
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2010
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2011
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2012
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2013
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2015
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2016
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2017
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/FellowNominations
- PythonSoftwareFoundation/Proposals/StrategicPriorities
- PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips
- PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy
- PythonUrloWeek30
- PythonUrloWeek31
- PythonUrloWeek32
- PythonUrloWeek33
- PythonUrloWeek34
- PythonVsPhp
- PythonWebsite/Learning/Top
- PythonXml
- RdfLibraries
- RevisedPyPiCategories
- RichardJones
- SQLite
- Schevo
- ScriptingJava
- SiteImprovements
- SkeletonBuilderTools
- Special Interest Groups
- SpecializedCommercialHosts
- StandardLibraryBackports
- StaticSiteGenerator
- SumanaHarihareswara
- SummerOfCode/2006
- SummerOfCode/2009
- SummerOfCode/2009/Incoming
- SummerOfCode/2010
- SummerOfCode/2013/python-core
- SummerOfCode/2015/python-core
- SummerOfCode/Distutils2
- SummerOfCode/Mentors
- SummerOfCode/PyPITestingInfrastructure
- Talk Subjects
- Templating
- TestOob
- TestPyPI
- TestSoftware
- Testing Infrastructure
- TkInter
- Topically Organized PEP List
- TrackerDevelopment
- UnitTests
- UsefulModules
- VanPyZ
- VaultsOfParnassus
- VersionControl
- Wax
- WebBrowserProgramming
- WebClientProgramming
- WebComponents
- WebFrameworks
- WebServers
- WebServices
- WebStack
- WebsiteRedesignProposal
- What applications that support 'the application lifecycle' are available to Python developers?
- WhereDoIReportThis?
- WindowsCompilers
- WinnipugBuildoutPresentation
- WorkingWithTime
- alexdzul
- buildout
- cppyy
- lwickjr
- pytest
- usage_stats
- weave
At the time of writing the following pages are available when searching for "Cheese Shop" (the other name for PyPI):
- CheeseShop
- CheeseShopTutorial (PKG-INFO)
- Distutils/Tutorial
- EuroPython2007/CheeseshopSprint
- MarketingPython
- PradeepGowda
- PublishingPythonModules
- PyCon2007/Feedback/TutorialIdeas
- PyCon2008/Feedback
- PyConIndiaTShirt
- PyPI
- PythonWebsiteHomePageDeibel
- PythonWebsiteHomePageGoodger
- PythonWebsiteMiscSuggestions
- SummerOfCode/2006
The real point of this page, however, is to provide some help for the poor unfortunates who do not know that PyPI is also known colloquially as the "Cheese Shop" (due to misplaced enthusiasm for Monty Python humour even when it obscures the real purpose of a piece of software). -- SteveHolden