PyPI: The Python Package Index

PyPI, the Python Package Index, is a web-based software catalogue and distribution mechanism. See PublishingPythonModules for other channels through which Python software may be distributed and obtained.

At the time of writing the following pages are available when searching for "PyPI":

  1. 3to2
  2. A new pypi module
  3. AbhishekSingh
  4. Admin/Machines
  5. AliTavallaie
  6. AndrewKuchling/Timeline
  7. Android
  8. ApplicationInfrastructure
  9. Applications
  10. ArticleIdeas
  11. Asking for Help/Gui Toolkit for python 3?
  12. Asking for Help/How can I run an untrusted Python script safely (i.e. Sandbox)
  13. Audio
  14. BeginnersGuide
  15. BeginnersGuideChinese
  16. BenjaminPeterson
  17. BetterPyPI
  18. BinPy
  19. BitManipulation
  20. ByteplayDoc
  21. CharlottesvillePythonUserGroup
  22. CheeseShop
  23. CheeseShopDev
  24. CheeseShopTutorial
  25. CloudPyPI
  26. CloudPyPI/ExampleCDN
  27. CloudPyPI/Proposal
  28. CodeCoverage
  29. Codice
  30. CodingProjectIdeas
  31. CodingProjectIdeas/FileSystemVirtualization
  32. CodingProjectIdeas/StandardLibrary/RestructuredStandardLibrary
  33. Concurrency
  34. ConfigurationAndBuildTools
  35. Console/Ascii_table
  36. ContentManagementSystems
  37. Core Python
  38. CubicTemp
  39. DanielStutzbach
  40. DbApi3
  41. DbusExamples
  42. DeadLinks
  43. Decorators
  44. Distribute
  45. DistributionUtilities
  46. Distutils
  47. Distutils/Extensions
  48. Distutils/Metadata
  49. Distutils/Projects
  50. Distutils/Proposals/DependencySupport
  51. Distutils/Proposals/DevelopmentDistributions
  52. Distutils/Proposals/Distutils20
  53. Distutils/Proposals/SplitAndCompoundDistributions
  54. Distutils/TestingInfrastructure
  55. Distutils/Tutorial
  56. Distutils/VersionComparison
  57. Distutils2
  58. Distutils2/Contributing
  59. Distutils2/Sprints
  60. DistutilsBof
  61. DistutilsSprint
  62. Durus
  63. Early2to3Migrations
  64. Email SIG
  65. EnhancedPyPI
  66. Esky
  67. EuroPython2006/PYxIDEsSprint
  68. EuroPython2015/Aioinotify
  69. EuroPython2020/PackagingSprint
  70. EuroPython2020/Sprints
  71. Firebird
  72. FlowBasedProgramming
  73. GIS/Web_services
  74. Git
  75. GnuPrivacyGuard
  76. Grako
  77. GuiProgramming
  78. HealthCare
  79. HelpingPython
  80. HierConfig
  81. HigherLevelDatabaseProgramming
  82. How to publish Python modules
  83. HowTo/FileMagic
  84. HowTo/Sorting
  85. IDLEextensions
  86. IntegratingPythonWithOtherLanguages
  87. IntermediatesGuide
  88. Inventory
  89. Is there any tiny project or source for participation or reference
  90. ItalianPythonUrloCoordination
  91. ItalianPythonUrloSources
  92. LanguageParsing
  93. LocalSpellingWords
  94. LoggingPackage
  95. MacPython/py2app
  96. Md5Passwords
  97. MelbournePUG
  98. Mirroring infrastructure
  99. MovingToPythonFromOtherLanguages
  100. MySQL
  101. NumericAndScientific
  102. NumericAndScientific/Formats
  103. NumericAndScientific/Libraries
  104. NumericAndScientific/Plotting
  105. OAuth2
  106. Olivier Pirson
  107. OptionParsing
  108. Oracle
  109. PUB/FIT171209
  110. PUN/ABC201202
  111. PackagePopularity
  112. Packaging Survey
  113. ParallelProcessing
  114. PersistenceTools
  115. PeterFein
  116. Plotly
  117. PortingPythonToPy3k
  118. PortingToPy3k/34to35
  119. PortingToPy3k/PortingHelpers
  120. PortlandPythonUserGroup
  121. PradeepGowda
  122. PublishingPythonModules
  123. PyAudio
  124. PyCon2007/Feedback
  125. PyCon2008/Feedback
  126. PyCon2008/SprintSignups/Orbited
  127. PyCon2011/Distro Sprint
  128. PyConDC2004/SprintPlan
  129. PyConDC2005/LightningTalks
  130. PyDevSummaries/2008/November/FirstHalf
  131. PyFit
  132. PyPI
  133. PyPI/DownloadMetaDataProposal
  134. PyPIComments
  135. PyPIJSON
  136. PyPIOAuth
  137. PyPISimple
  138. PyPITestingInfrastructure
  139. PyPIXmlRpc
  140. PyPiImplementations
  141. PyPiTestServer
  142. PyPortMidi
  143. PyQt/Creating_GUI_Applications_with_PyQt_and_Qt_Designer
  144. PyQt/Deploying_PyQt_Applications
  145. PyQt/GUI_Testing
  146. PyQt/PyKDE_and_xattr
  147. PyQt/PyKDE_and_xattr (pykde-edit-xattrs)
  148. PyQt/SomeExistingApplications
  149. PyQt/Tutorials
  150. PySerial
  151. PyTable
  152. PyTextile
  153. Pyarmor
  154. PyjamasDesktop
  155. Pypi package downloads statistics RSS
  156. Pyro
  157. Python3FAQ
  158. Python3LinuxDistroPortingStatus
  159. Python3PortingStatus
  160. PythonBlogSoftware
  161. PythonDebuggingTools
  162. PythonDecoratorLibrary
  163. PythonEditors
  164. PythonForArtificialIntelligence
  165. PythonGameLibraries
  166. PythonImagingLibrary
  167. PythonMed
  168. PythonPackagingTerminology
  169. PythonSites
  170. PythonSoftwareFoundation
  171. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2007
  172. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2010
  173. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2011
  174. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2012
  175. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2013
  176. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2015
  177. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2016
  178. PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2017
  179. PythonSoftwareFoundation/FellowNominations
  180. PythonSoftwareFoundation/Proposals/StrategicPriorities
  181. PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips
  182. PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy
  183. PythonUrloWeek30
  184. PythonUrloWeek31
  185. PythonUrloWeek32
  186. PythonUrloWeek33
  187. PythonUrloWeek34
  188. PythonVsPhp
  189. PythonWebsite/Learning/Top
  190. PythonXml
  191. RPM
  192. RdfLibraries
  193. RevisedPyPiCategories
  194. RichardJones
  195. SAML
  196. SQLite
  197. SSL
  198. Schevo
  199. ScriptingJava
  200. SiteImprovements
  201. SkeletonBuilderTools
  202. Special Interest Groups
  203. SpecializedCommercialHosts
  204. StandardLibraryBackports
  205. StaticSiteGenerator
  206. SumanaHarihareswara
  207. SummerOfCode/2006
  208. SummerOfCode/2009
  209. SummerOfCode/2009/Incoming
  210. SummerOfCode/2010
  211. SummerOfCode/2013/python-core
  212. SummerOfCode/2015/python-core
  213. SummerOfCode/Distutils2
  214. SummerOfCode/Mentors
  215. SummerOfCode/PyPITestingInfrastructure
  216. Talk Subjects
  217. Templating
  218. TestOob
  219. TestPyPI
  220. TestSoftware
  221. Testing Infrastructure
  222. TkInter
  223. Topically Organized PEP List
  224. TrackerDevelopment
  225. UnitTests
  226. UsefulModules
  227. VanPyZ
  228. VaultsOfParnassus
  229. VersionControl
  230. Wax
  231. WebBrowserProgramming
  232. WebClientProgramming
  233. WebComponents
  234. WebFrameworks
  235. WebServers
  236. WebServices
  237. WebStack
  238. WebsiteRedesignProposal
  239. What applications that support 'the application lifecycle' are available to Python developers?
  240. WhereDoIReportThis?
  241. WindowsCompilers
  242. WinnipugBuildoutPresentation
  243. WorkingWithTime
  244. ZODB
  245. alexdzul
  246. buildout
  247. cppyy
  248. lwickjr
  249. pytest
  250. usage_stats
  251. weave

At the time of writing the following pages are available when searching for "Cheese Shop" (the other name for PyPI):

The real point of this page, however, is to provide some help for the poor unfortunates who do not know that PyPI is also known colloquially as the "Cheese Shop" (due to misplaced enthusiasm for Monty Python humour even when it obscures the real purpose of a piece of software). -- SteveHolden

PyPI (last edited 2013-03-08 12:31:50 by MarcAndreLemburg)

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