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Revision 4 as of 2008-03-21 20:32:37
Size: 2522
Editor: px4o
Revision 74 as of 2008-10-07 20:09:51
Size: 3560
Editor: px0o
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PyOhio is a daylong regional miniconference being planned for the summer of 2008 in Columbus, OH. #format rst
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.. image:: attachment:pyohio2.png
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Let's try to avoid having one! If we can get a location for free and turn attendees loose for lunch, we can avoid this headache. **PyOhio**
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Location **Summer 2009**

**Columbus, OH**

**PyOhio 2008 (July 26) was great! Thanks to all volunteers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors!**

Planning has begun for PyOhio 2009.

Main PyOhio_ page is now online.

 .. _PyOhio: http://pyohio.org

You can join a GroupChat_ during the event.

 .. _GroupChat: http://www.meebo.com/room/pyohio

PyOhio is a daylong regional miniconference. PyOhio 2008 was held from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the `Columbus Metropolitan Library`_ (map_) in beautiful Columbus, OH.

 .. _map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=96+S.+Grant+Ave.+Columbus,+OH+43215&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.310334,117.949219&ie=UTF8&ll=39.965773,-82.990637&spn=0.010032,0.028796&z=15&iwloc=addr
 .. _Columbus Metropolitan Library: http://www.columbuslibrary.org/ebranch/index.cfm?pageid=30&bldgid=730

Watch this page for news on PyOhio! To receive PyOhio announcements, please join the PyOhio mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio

To help make PyOhio happen, please join the organizers' mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio-organizers


PyOhio will be free of charge for attendees.


Thank you, WearPython, for the beautiful swag! (Nosy kitty not included)

.. image:: attachment:wearpythonswag.jpg
   :height: 400

(That little silver-and-blue thingy at the bottom? That's a `1 GB USB drive with the Python logo`_. Sweet!)

.. _`1 GB USB drive with the Python logo`: http://www.wearpython.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=47&osCsid=3d20cd712a1d1f9d8555292595f8b531

Thank you, Apress, for the beautiful swag!

.. image:: attachment:apressswag.jpg
   :height: 400

The `Agile Python`_ and Django_ books are *very* new - both published *in June*!

.. _`Agile Python`: http://apress.com/book/view/1590599810

.. _Django: http://apress.com/book/view/1590599969

Thank you, Python Magazine, for free July issues for everyone!


 * Talks_

  .. _Talks: PyOhio/Talks

 * `Open Spaces`_

  .. _Open Spaces: PyOhio/OpenSpaces

 * `Lightning Talks`_

  .. _Lightning Talks: PyOhio/LightningTalks

 * `Poster session`_

  .. _Poster session: PyOhio/PosterSession

Getting There

`Driving Directions`_

.. _Driving Directions: http://www.columbuslibrary.org/ebranch/index.cfm?pageid=31&bldgid=730

The library has an attached parking garage (maximum charge $10/day), and there are several privately-managed surface lots around the library.

Carpool_ to save on gas and parking!

.. _Carpool: PyOhio/Carpool

`From the Columbus Greyhound station`_, exit the station, turn east (right) on Town Street, walk three blocks to Grant Ave, and turn left.

.. _From the Columbus Greyhound station: http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=96+S+Grant+Ave,+Columbus,+OH+43215+(Columbus+Metropolitan+Library)&geocode=17469270175289288627,39.959178,-82.996678&dirflg=&saddr=111+E+Town+St,+Columbus,+OH+43215+(Greyhound+Bus+Lines:+Cols)&f=d&dq=greyhound+loc:+96+S+Grant+Ave,+Columbus,+OH+43215+(Columbus+Metropolitan+Library)&sll=39.961165,-82.990625&sspn=1.254027,1.660946&ie=UTF8&hl=en&z=17

Megabus_ runs from Chicago to Columbus through Indianapolis.

.. _Megabus: http://megabus.com/us/

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Requirements: Our planning notes have been moved to a separate wiki page:
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 * Ideally, space for 2 talks of ~ 50 attendees each, plus 2 Open Space groups of ~ 20 each  * Planning_
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 * Wireless! Absolutely crucial if we have sprints, very desirable otherwise   .. _Planning: PyOhio/Planning
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Places to check with:  * Budget_
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 * Ohio Supercomputing Center

    They did, after all, put this on: http://www.osc.edu/press/releases/2007/python.shtml

 * Universities

 * High schools

 * Library

    The Columbus Public Library has a very generous policy on letting groups meet: http://evanced.columbuslibrary.org/evanced/lib/roomrequest.asp The only problem is the funny capacity: a 200-seating auditorium (OK but overkill) and two conference rooms (seating 15 and 10). That would suit a single talk track and two open spaces OK, but things would get funny in the afternoon when it's all open spaces.

 * Private company

    Anyplace with substantial Python-using population might be willing

 * Training companies

    The Cincinnati and Dayton branches of New Horizons have been friendly to user groups; is that true of Columbus?


I suggest one or two tracks of pre-scheduled talks in the morning, with Open Space available outside. The afternoon can be an unconference, devoted entirely to Open Space.

Anyone who would like to schedule a sprint in conjunction with PyOhio should definitely do so!

And let's have Lightning Talks!

Gear needed

 * Projectors: At least one per scheduled talk track; ideally, Open Space rooms should have projectors, too

    CatherineDevlin can borrow one from work. Can anybody else?

 * Big board for Open Space scheduling


Attendees should get a handout describing:L

 * what Open Spaces are & how to participate


Shouldn't be necessary, since we're trying to go without a budget. However, if any sponsors do appear, there are some things they could do for us:
 * Buying lunch or snacks

 * Swag or door prizes

 * Paying for a locale (if all else fails)

 * Paying for an after-party


Don't look at me, I'm a nerd. But it is a possibility...

More planning resources at [http://wiki.python.org/moin/Advocacy/UsergroupSupport User Group Support]
  .. _Budget: PyOhio/Budget


Summer 2009

Columbus, OH

PyOhio 2008 (July 26) was great! Thanks to all volunteers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors!

Planning has begun for PyOhio 2009.

Main PyOhio page is now online.

You can join a GroupChat during the event.

PyOhio is a daylong regional miniconference. PyOhio 2008 was held from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the Columbus Metropolitan Library (map) in beautiful Columbus, OH.

Watch this page for news on PyOhio! To receive PyOhio announcements, please join the PyOhio mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio

To help make PyOhio happen, please join the organizers' mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio-organizers


PyOhio will be free of charge for attendees.


Thank you, WearPython, for the beautiful swag! (Nosy kitty not included)


(That little silver-and-blue thingy at the bottom? That's a 1 GB USB drive with the Python logo. Sweet!)

Thank you, Apress, for the beautiful swag!


The Agile Python and Django books are very new - both published in June!

Thank you, Python Magazine, for free July issues for everyone!

Getting There

Driving Directions

The library has an attached parking garage (maximum charge $10/day), and there are several privately-managed surface lots around the library.

Carpool to save on gas and parking!

From the Columbus Greyhound station, exit the station, turn east (right) on Town Street, walk three blocks to Grant Ave, and turn left.

Megabus runs from Chicago to Columbus through Indianapolis.


Our planning notes have been moved to a separate wiki page:

PyOhio08 (last edited 2009-04-05 01:13:51 by pool-68-238-9-184)

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