Revision 6 as of 2008-03-12 00:17:40

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PyCon Recording BoF

Last year we recorded partial audio of the speakers, but much material was lost due to A/V problems. We're paying more attention this year, and will probably have video as well as better-quality audio.

This will result in dozens of gigabytes of material that needs to be examined, edited, cleaned up, and packaged as a podcast or as streaming videos. We're going to need a team of volunteers to work on it.

This is a great opportunity to learn about audio/video editing and podcasting, to experiment with editing software, and to practice your skills while contributing to the PyCon community.

Date and Time

A day and time for this BoF hasn't been set yet; I'm leaning toward some time Sunday morning. If you have a preference, please add good dates/times for you when you add your name to this page.



Add your name if you're interested.

CategoryPyCon2008 CategoryPyConPlanning

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