Here is a list of known Python-based WikiEngines sorted by status and alphabetical order.
Active Wikis
MoinMoin -- an evolution over PikiPiki that you're using here - multiple ways to run, plugin-based architecture with lots of plugins and large community, GPL2. (2022) -- extendable wiki integrated with Markdown, SQLite and OpenDocument Text, AGPL3. (2022)
SahrisWiki -- Mercurial backend support, plugins, MIT licensed. (2016)
Sphene Community Tools -- Django based wiki and forum applications. (2018)
Trac -- an enhanced wiki, issue tracking and source code browser system. Supports multiple markup formats including MoinMoin, reStructuredText, html, and textile. Runs as FastCGI, WSGI or standalone. Pluggable architecture. Modified BSD License. (2022)
zim-wiki - WYSIWIG personal/desktop wiki with index, links, image inclusion, checkboxes and bulleted lists, equations, graphviz; calendar, ToDo; prints to clean html. Customizable, all-python over gtk2, inbuilt-server, uses filesystem as db; debian packaged. Documentation. GPL2. (2021)
Unsupported Wikis
The following projects are available but no more maintained:
Luminotes -- a WYSIWYG personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and ideas. (2014)
Markdoc -- a lightweight Markdown-based Wiki system, public domain. (Claimed as inactive)
Pyle -- GPL wiki with multiple VCS backends, email notifications, edit by FTP and lot of other features. (2012)
WyPy -- a ShortestWikiContest contender, 23-, 18-, and 11-line versions. (2004)
The following projects are not available anymore:
CyberPublishing -- a wiki-based web publishing framework written in Python; GPL
Hatta -- a Wiki which runs out of a Mercurial repository whose pages are just the files in that repository.
MonkeyWiki -- another PikiPiki fork that claims to be simple to install/use, single file, very flexible templating, rewrite-friendly.
Not-Yet-Named Wiki -- runs on Webware. Supports static publishing, WYSIWYG editing, reStructuredText
PikiePikie -- Python-based, lets you put a WebLog on any page (based on PikiPiki)
PikiPiki -- Python-based, completely standalone, GPL, famous ancestor of most Python wikies
Smug - GPLed content editing system with moderation queue.
Sycamore -- seems to have roots in MoinMoin, but looks a little slicker while not as full featured. Uses a PostgreSQL or MySQL backend. GPL.