The idea of connecting Python developers on LinkedIn originated in a message sent by Tennessee Leeuwenburg to the python advocacy mailing list. Here are Tennessee's words:
"One way to help spread Python would be to have a strong presence of Python developers in various online networks. One that springs to mind is LinkedIn, a job related social networking site.
If we could encourage Python developers to start adding each other to their LinkedIn network, then we should be able to create a well-connected developer network with business and industry contacts. This should benefit everyone -- both people looking for Python developers, and also people looking for work."
The best solution would be to create a LinkedIn Group ( for python developers, rather than indidually adding dozens or hundreds of people (which is not really an option anyway for those who prefer to use LinkedIn to organize people they have actually met).
LinkedIn for Groups is not currently adding any more groups. One alternative is to add "Python Community" to your "Groups and Associations" in the Additional Information part of your profile. You can then be found within LinkedIn by searching for people associated with the "Python Community."
But if you prefer to add individuals there is a list of LinkedInPythonIndividuals.
You can now join the LinkedIn Group "Python Community". This makes it easier to separate Python individuals (some maybe less or unknown to you) from your "personal" contacts. See also the LinkedIn Groups Members FAQ and LinkedIn Groups Admin FAQ - (Danny W. Adair)