Differences between revisions 237 and 337 (spanning 100 versions)
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Revision 337 as of 2023-05-13 01:32:31
Size: 14883
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 * [[http://regebro.wordpress.com/2010/10/09/is-there-a-better-python-ide/|Is there a better Python IDE?]] (Lennart Regebro, 2010-10-09)  * [[http://proyectojuanchacon.blogspot.com.ee/2016/01/thonny-python-ide-for-beginners.html|First look on Thonny]] (Jeff Elkner, 2016-01-23)
 * [[http://xcorr.net/2013/04/17/evaluating-ides-for-scientific-python/|Evaluating IDEs for Scientific Python]] (Patrick Mineault, 2013-05-27)
 * [[http://pythoncentral.io/comparison-of-python-ides-development/|Comparison of Python IDEs for Development]](Jason Fruit, 2013-01-14)
 * [[http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Do-Python-Coding-with-NINJA-IDE/|Do Python Coding with NINJA-IDE]](Dmitri Popov, 2011-07-13)
 * [[http://www.infoworld.com/d/developer-world/infoworld-review-nine-fine-python-development-tools-374|InfoWorld review: Nine fine Python development tools]] (Rick Grehan, 2010-09-08)
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 * Python Development Environments (IDEs) [[http://blog.showmedo.com/2007/04/04/get-going-with-python-2-python-development-environments-ides-part-1/|part1]], [[http://blog.showmedo.com/2007/04/04/get-going-with-python-2-python-development-environments-ides-part-2/|part2]] (Ian Ozsvald, 2007-05-14, updated 2009-04)
 * [[http://blog.showmedo.com/2007/03/08/choosing-a-python-ide/|ShowMeDo Blog: Choosing a Python IDE]] (Jeremy Jones, 2007-03-08)
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 * [[http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-cpyide/|Charming Python: Review of Python IDEs]] (David Mertz, 2003-12-11)
 * [[http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-pide/|Charming Python: A review of Python IDEs]] (David Mertz, 2001-05-01)
 * [[http://www.informit.com/content/index.asp?product_id={69D0061B-8EA5-4309-962A-3F6BD33B721C}&t={94AE5B48-1D7D-462A-A4A6-83CE19EC0705}&n={1CBD305F-D503-49FA-9699-8B2C06C9C520}|A New Harvest of Python IDEs]] (Boudewijn Rempt, 2000-11-27)
and these ShowMeDo videos for [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=DedxPxuMK|Wing 3 Professional]] [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PythonDevelopmentWithSPE|SPE]], [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PyDevEclipseList|PyDev]] (inside Eclipse) and [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PythonIPythonSeries|IPython]].
 * [[https://python.land/creating-python-programs/using-a-python-ide#What_is_The_Best_Python_IDE|What is the best Python IDE?]] Opinionated tutorial chapter about using VS Code for Python development (Python.land, 2021)

See also Wikipedia's
[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#Python|list of Python IDEs]] and these ShowMeDo videos for [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=DedxPxuMK|Wing 3 Professional]] [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PythonDevelopmentWithSPE|SPE]], [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PyDevEclipseList|PyDev]] (inside Eclipse) and [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PythonIPythonSeries|IPython]].
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||<^tablestyle="width: 100%">'''Name''' ||<^>'''Platform''' ||<^>'''Updated''' ||<^>'''Notes''' ||
||<^>[[Komodo]] ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||<^>2010 ||<^>Multi-language IDE with support for Python 2.x and Python 3. Available as [[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide/python-editor|Komodo IDE|title=Komodo Python IDE]] (commercial) and [[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit|Komodo Edit|title=Komodo Edit]] (open source, as part of the [[http://www.openkomodo.com|Open Komodo|title=Open Komodo]] project). ||
||<^>NetBeans ||<^>Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows ||<^>2009 ||<^>Python/Jython support in NetBeans -- Open source, allows Python and Jython Editing, code-completion, debugger, refactoring, templates, syntax analysis, etc.; see also [[http://wiki.netbeans.org/Python]]. '''UPDATE:''' Netbeans 7.0 released without Python support. Check [[http://wiki.netbeans.org/Python70Roadmap]] for upcoming Python support. ||
||<^>[[http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/|PyCharm]] ||<^>Linux/Mac OS X/Windows ||<^>2010 ||<^>Commercial IDE with support for the Django Web framework, integrated unit testing and version control integration.||
||<^>PyDev ||<^>Eclipse ||<^>2009 ||<^>Free, open-source plugin for [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] -- Allows Python, Jython, and IronPython editing, code-completion, debugger, refactoring, templates, syntax analysis, etc.||
||<^>WingIde ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/Unix ||<^>2009 ||<^>Commercial with networked debugger, integrated unit testing, source browser, and syntax coloring/auto-completing editor. Free of charge license for non-commercial open-source developers with an established project. ||
||<^>[[http://code.google.com/p/pyscripter/|PyScripter]] ||<^>Windows ||<^>2009 ||<^>MIT licensed IDE written in Delphi with debugger, integrated unit testing, source browser, code navigation and syntax coloring/auto-completing editor. ||
||<^>[[http://dashingsoft.com/products/pyshield.html|Pyshield]] ||<^>Windows, Linux ||<^>2010 ||<^>Commercial IDE tool used to edit, debug Python script, publish encrypted scripts, build a standalone executable file, manage more files by project view, and make installation in various forms(.msi, .tar.gz, .rpm, .zip, .tar.bz2). It includes an editor simulating Emacs python-mode, a GUI debugger simulating GDB, a project view used to manage scripts, modules, extensions, packages, platform specific data files, and GUI interface to make installation.||
||<^>[[http://packages.python.org/spyder/|Spyder]] ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||<^>2009 ||<^>Free open-source scientific Python development environment providing MATLAB-like features: console with variable browser, sys.path browser, environment variables browser, integrated plotting features, autocompletion and tooltips - editor with syntax highlighting, class/function browser, pyflakes/pylint code analysis, inline find/replace and search in files features, code completion and tooltips. 100% pure Python, part of Python(x,y) distribution (Windows/Linux). ||
||<^>IDLE ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/All Tk Platforms ||<^>2009 ||<^>Multi-window colorized source browser, autoindent, autocompletion, tool tips, code context panel, search in files, class and path browsers, debugger, executes code in clean separate subprocess with one keystroke. 100% pure Python, part of Python 2.x and 3.x distributions. ||
||<^>[[http://sakurastudio.yolasite.com/micro-dev.php|µ.dev]]||<^>Windows (needs to be compiled manually for other platforms) ||<^>2010 ||<^>An open-source IDE, created using Lazarus. It's only for Python. include syntax highlighting, project manager, and uses pdb for debugging. ||
||<^>[[http://code.google.com/p/iep/|IEP]] ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||<^>2010 ||<^>Open-source Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. IEP consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways: source structure, interactive help, workspace, file browser (with functionality for searching), web browser, logger. ||
||<^>[[http://pythontoolkit.sourceforge.net/|PythonToolkit (PTK)]] ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||<^>2011 ||<^>An interactive environment for python built around a matlab style console window and editor. It was designed to provide a python based environment similiar to Matlab for scientists and engineers however it can also be used as a general purpose interactive python environment especially for interactive GUI programming. Features include: Multiple independent python interpreters. Interactively program with different GUI toolkits (wxPython, TkInter, pyGTK, pyQT4 and PySide). Matlab style namespace/workspace browser. Object auto-completions, calltips and multi-line command editing in the console. Object inspection and python path management. Simple code editor and integrated debugger.||
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Updated''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[http://thonny.org/|Thonny]] ||Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, more ||2020 ||For teaching/learning programming. Focused on program runtime visualization. Provides stepping both in statements and expressions, no-hassle variables view, separate mode for explaining references etc. ||
||[[Komodo]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||2017 ||Multi-language IDE with support for Python 2.x and Python 3. Available as [[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide|Komodo IDE]] (commercial). ||
||[[http://www.liclipse.com/|LiClipse]] ||Linux/Mac OS X/Windows ||2018 ||Commercial Eclipse-based IDE which provides a standalone bundling [[http://pydev.org/|PyDev]], Workspace Mechanic, Eclipse Color Theme, !StartExplorer and !AnyEdit, along with lightweigth support for other languages, and other usability enhancements (such as multi-caret-edition). ||
||NetBeans ||Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows ||2016 ||Python/Jython support in NetBeans -- Open source, allows Python and Jython Editing, code-completion, debugger, refactoring, templates, syntax analysis, etc.; see http://wiki.netbeans.org/Python. Note: the Python plugin as a community-supported project, and may trail behind. Currently it works for 8.1, does not appear to be available for 8.2 ||
||[[http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/|PyCharm]] ||Linux/Mac OS X/Windows ||2018 ||Community is a free open-source IDE with a smart Python editor providing quick code navigation, code completion, refactoring, unit testing and debugger. Commercial Professional edition fully supports Web development with Django, Flask, Mako and Web2Py and allows to develop remotely. !JetBrains offers free !PyCharm professional licenses for open-source projects under certain conditions https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/, also for Student/Educational use. ||
||[[https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python|Python for VS Code]] ||Linux/Mac OS X/Windows ||2018 ||Free [[https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python|open-source]] extension for Visual Studio Code (now maintained by Microsoft). Supports syntax highlighting, debugging, code completion, code navigation, unit testing, refactoring, with support for Django, multi threaded, local and remote debugging. ||
||[[http://kdevelop.org/|KDevelop]] ||Linux/Mac OS X/(Windows) ||2017 ||Free open-source IDE with a focus on static analysis-based code completion, navigation and highlighting. Also features a VI emulation mode. ||
||PyDev ||Eclipse ||2018 ||Free, open-source plugin for [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] -- Allows Python, Jython, and IronPython editing, code-completion, debugger, refactoring, quick navigation, templates, code analysis, unittest integration, Django integration, etc. ||
||[[http://wingware.com/|Wing]] ||Windows, Linux, Mac OS X ||2023 ||Family of Python IDEs with advanced debugger, editor with vi, emacs, visual studio and other key bindings, auto-completion, auto-editing, import management, multi-selection, inline code warnings, snippets, goto-definition, find uses, refactoring, unit testing with code coverage, remote development, support for containers and clusters, array and dataframe viewer, bookmarking, project management with version control, Python environment creation with virtualenv, pipenv, conda, and Docker, Python package management with pip, pipenv, and conda, source browser, PEP 8 / Black / YAPF reformatting, and much more. There are several product levels, including free and paid versions with a fully functional trial and free licenses for educational use and unpaid open source developers. Extensive documentation includes help for using Wing with Django, Flask, Docker, AWS, Vagrant, Matplotlib, Jupyter, Blender, Maya, any many other third party tools and packages. See [[http://wingware.com/downloads|product comparison]] and [[http://wingware.com/store/purchase|pricing]] for details. ||
||[[http://code.google.com/p/pyscripter/|PyScripter]] ||Windows ||2012 ||MIT licensed IDE written in Delphi with debugger, integrated unit testing, source browser, code navigation and syntax coloring/auto-completing editor. ||
||[[https://www.spyder-ide.org/|Spyder]] ||Windows/Linux/macOS ||2018 ||A powerful, free/open-source scientific environment written in Python, for Python,and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. Features a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Furthermore, offers built-in integration with many popular scientific packages, including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, IPython, QtConsole, Matplotlib, SymPy, and more, and can be easily extended with plugins. It is conveniently integrated in the cross-platform [[https://www.anaconda.com/|Anaconda distribution]], and is the centerpiece of the [[https://python-xy.github.io|Python(x,y)]] and [[https://winpython.github.io/|WinPython]] distributions. ||
||IDLE ||Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/All Tk Platforms ||2018 ||Multi-window colorized source browser, autoindent, autocompletion, tool tips, code context panel, search in files, class and path browsers, debugger, executes code in clean separate subprocess with one keystroke. 100% pure Python, part of Python 2.x and 3.x distributions (may be packaged separately in some situations). ||
||[[http://idlex.sourceforge.net/|IdleX]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/All Tk Platforms ||2016 ||IdleX is a collection of over twenty extensions and plugins that provide additional functionality to IDLE, a Python IDE provided in the standard library. It transforms IDLE into a more useful tool for academic research and development as well as exploratory programming. ||
||[[http://sakurastudio.yolasite.com/micro-dev.php|µ.dev]] ||Windows (needs to be compiled manually for other platforms) ||2010 ||An open-source IDE, created using Lazarus. It's only for Python. include syntax highlighting, project manager, and uses pdb for debugging. ||
||[[http://www.pyzo.org/|Pyzo (formerly IEP)]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||2018 ||Open-source Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. Pyzo consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways: e.g. source structure, interactive help, workspace, file browser (with functionality for searching). Also includes a post-mortem debugger. ||
||[[http://pythontoolkit.sourceforge.net/|PythonToolkit (PTK)]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||2014 ||An interactive environment for python built around a matlab style console window and editor. It was designed to provide a python based environment similiar to Matlab for scientists and engineers however it can also be used as a general purpose interactive python environment especially for interactive GUI programming. Features include: Multiple independent python interpreters. Interactively program with different GUI toolkits (wxPython, TkInter, pyGTK, pyQT4 and PySide). Matlab style namespace/workspace browser. Object auto-completions, calltips and multi-line command editing in the console. Object inspection and python path management. Simple code editor and integrated debugger. ||
||[[http://code.google.com/p/editra-plugins/wiki/PyStudio|PyStudio]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac OS X ||2012 ||Open-source plugin that adds syntax checking, integrated debugger and module search to [[http://www.editra.org|Editra]], a general purpose developer's text editor that supports python syntax highlighting, auto-indent, auto-completion, classbrowser, and can run scripts from inside the editor. ||
||[[https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/python/|Python Tools for Visual Studio]] ||Windows ||2017 ||[[javascript:void(0);/*1514994382979*/|Open-source]] plugin for Visual Studio 2010, 2012 onwards (now maintained by Microsoft). Supports syntax highlighting, debugging and rich intellisense, unit testing, refactoring, object browser, MPI cluster debugging, Django intellisense and debugging, development REPL window and a debugging REPL window. Supports mixed-mode Python/C/C++ debugging. ||
||[[http://celestialteapot.com/exedore/|Exedore]] ||Mac OS X ||2015 ||Commercial with feature-limited free trial. A Mac-native, single-window IDE inspired by Xcode. Features integrated debugger, tabs, code completion with tab triggers, syntax highlighting themes, search and replace with regex, integrated REPL sessions, goto definition, file browser, integrated documentation browser. As of June 2015, does not support input() meaning any console input using this function is not supported. ||
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||<^>'''Name''' ||<^>'''Platform''' ||<^>'''Updated''' ||<^>'''Notes''' ||
||<^>BlackAdder ||<^>Windows/Linux ||<^>2004 ||<^>Commercial; integrated debugger; interfaces with Qt Designer ||
||<^>[[eric]] ||<^>Python + PyQt + QScintilla ||<^>2008 ||<^>Open Source, interfaces with Qt Designer, Qt Linguist, unittest; integrated debugger ||
||<^>[[http://pythonide.stani.be/|SPE]] ||<^>Windows, Linux, MacOsX, FreeBSD, more ||<^>2008 ||<^>
Open-source with [[http://www.wxpython.org|wxPython]] interface. Code completion, call tips, class explorer, source index, auto todo list, [[http://www.blender.org|Blender]] support, integrated [[http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/|PyChecker]] (source code doctor) and [[http://project5.freezope.org/kiki|Kiki]] (regex console). [[http://pythonide.blogspot.com/2007/02/how-to-download-latest-spe-from_26.html|Download instructions]]||
||<^>[[http://pida.co.uk/|Pida]] ||<^>Linux, FreeBSD, ..., (Windows in progress) ||<^>2007 (2008 dev) ||<^>Open-source with GTK interface, written in Python. Supports different languages, python trough [[http://rope.sourceforge.net/|rope]] and pyflakes as well as rpdb2. Support '''different''' Editors (Vim, Medit, Emacs) [[http://pida.co.uk/trac/wiki/DeveloperRepos|Current Repos]]||
||<^>[[http://icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/Default.aspx|SharpDevelop]] ||<^>.net CLR ||<^>26/7/2009 ||FOSS IDE uses IronPython to support making python module solutions. ||
||<^>[[http://ninja-ide.org|NINJA-IDE]] ||<^>Python + PyQt + (Linux/Windows/Mac OS X) ||<^>2011 ||NINJA-IDE (from: "Ninja Is Not Just Another IDE"), is a cross-platform integrated development environment specially design to build Python Applications. ||
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Updated''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[Komodo]] ||Windows/Mac/Linux ||2012 ||[[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit|Komodo Edit]] (open source, as part of the [[http://www.openkomodo.com|Open Komodo]] project). Little brother to Komodo IDE. ||
BlackAdder ||Windows/Linux ||2004 ||Commercial; integrated debugger; interfaces with Qt Designer ||
||[[eric]] ||Python + PyQt + QScintilla ||2018 ||Open Source, interfaces with Qt Designer, Qt Linguist, unittest; integrated debugger ||
||[[http://pythonide.stani.be/|SPE]] ||Windows, Linux, MacOsX, FreeBSD, more ||
2008 ||Open-source with [[http://www.wxpython.org|wxPython]] interface. Code completion, call tips, class explorer, source index, auto todo list, [[http://www.blender.org|Blender]] support, integrated [[http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/|PyChecker]] (source code doctor) and [[http://project5.freezope.org/kiki|Kiki]] (regex console). [[http://pythonide.blogspot.com/2007/02/how-to-download-latest-spe-from_26.html|Download instructions]] ||
||[[http://pida.co.uk/|Pida]] ||Linux, FreeBSD, ..., (Windows in progress) ||2007 (2008 dev) ||Open-source with GTK interface, written in Python. Supports different languages, python trough [[http://rope.sourceforge.net/|rope]] and pyflakes as well as rpdb2. Support '''different''' Editors (Vim, Medit, Emacs) [[http://pida.co.uk/trac/wiki/DeveloperRepos|Current Repos]] ||
||[[http://icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/Default.aspx|SharpDevelop]] ||.net CLR ||26/7/2009 ||FOSS IDE uses IronPython to support making python module solutions. ||
||[[http://ninja-ide.org|NINJA-IDE]] ||Python + PyQt + (Linux/Windows/Mac OS X) ||2011 ||NINJA-IDE (from: "Ninja Is Not Just Another IDE"), is a cross-platform integrated development environment specially design to build Python Applications. ||
||[[http://aptana.com/products/studio3|Aptana Studio 3]] ||Linux, Windows and Mac OS X ||10/01/2012 ||Aptana Studio3 is a professional, open source development tool for the open web ||
||[[https://github.com/fortharris/Pcode|Pcode]] ||Windows, Linux and Mac OSX ||2014 ||Python 3x IDE with emphasis on power, usability and simplicity. ||
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= IDEs with integrated gui builder =
||<^>'''Name''' ||<^>'''Platform''' ||<^>'''Updated''' ||<^>'''Notes''' ||
||<^>[[http://monkeystudio.org/|MonkeyStudio]] ||<^>Windows/Linux/Mac ||<^>2010 ||<^>OpenSource (GPL) powerful cross platform (Win,Mac,Linux) RAD GUI IDE, includes a integrated QtDesigner supports Python+PyQt4||
||<^>BoaConstructor ||<^>Python + wxPython ||<^>2007 ||<^>RAD GUI building IDE for wxPython, similar to Delphi. ||
||<^>PythonCard ||<^>Python + wxPython ||<^>2006 ||<^>RAD GUI building IDE ||
||<^>[[http://developer.apple.com/|Xcode]] ||<^>Mac OS X 10.5 and later ||<^>2008 ||<^>Apple's free of charge IDE now with full Python GUI making. Requires free developer registration for download. ||
||<^>[[http://visualpython.org/|Visual Python]] ||<^>Python + Tkinter ||<^>2010 ||<^>Visual graphic interface. Python GUI ||

= IDEs with integrated GUI builder =
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Updated''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[https://monkeystudio.pasnox.com|MonkeyStudio]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac ||2012 ||OpenSource (GPL) powerful cross platform (Win,Mac,Linux) RAD GUI IDE, includes a integrated QtDesigner supports Python+PyQt4 ||
||BoaConstructor ||Python + wxPython ||2007 ||RAD GUI building IDE for wxPython, similar to Delphi. ||
||[[http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net|PythonCard]] ||Python + wxPython ||2006 ||RAD GUI building IDE ||
||[[http://developer.apple.com/|Xcode]] ||Mac OS X 10.5 and later ||2008 ||Apple's free of charge IDE now with full Python GUI making. Requires free developer registration for download. ||
||[[http://vpython.org/|Visual Python]] ||Python + Tkinter ||2017 ||Visual graphic interface. Python GUI ||
||[[http://pytools.codeplex.com/|Python Tools for Visual Studio]] ||Windows ||2017 ||Integrated WPF GUI Designer for IronPython (Free/OSS) ||
||[[http://anvil.works/|Anvil]] ||Online ||2021 ||IDE for building full-stack, Python-only web apps, with a drag-and-drop UI designer and autocomplete (Freemium/OSS) ||

Line 48: Line 65:
Take a look at PythonEditors if you prefer something lightweight. IDEs that don't integrate anything Python-specific are also listed here. Take a look at PythonEditors if you prefer something lightweight. IDEs that don't integrate anything Python-specific are also listed at PythonEditors#Glorified_Editors.
Line 50: Line 68:
CategoryIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment CategoryEditors CategoryIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment CategoryEditors CategoryIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment

(!) Please keep wiki links as wiki links, use external links only if there is no existing page for the IDE.


See also Wikipedia's list of Python IDEs and these ShowMeDo videos for Wing 3 Professional SPE, PyDev (inside Eclipse) and IPython.

IDEs with introspection-based code completion and integrated debugger






Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, more


For teaching/learning programming. Focused on program runtime visualization. Provides stepping both in statements and expressions, no-hassle variables view, separate mode for explaining references etc.


Windows/Linux/Mac OS X


Multi-language IDE with support for Python 2.x and Python 3. Available as Komodo IDE (commercial).


Linux/Mac OS X/Windows


Commercial Eclipse-based IDE which provides a standalone bundling PyDev, Workspace Mechanic, Eclipse Color Theme, StartExplorer and AnyEdit, along with lightweigth support for other languages, and other usability enhancements (such as multi-caret-edition).


Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows


Python/Jython support in NetBeans -- Open source, allows Python and Jython Editing, code-completion, debugger, refactoring, templates, syntax analysis, etc.; see http://wiki.netbeans.org/Python. Note: the Python plugin as a community-supported project, and may trail behind. Currently it works for 8.1, does not appear to be available for 8.2


Linux/Mac OS X/Windows


Community is a free open-source IDE with a smart Python editor providing quick code navigation, code completion, refactoring, unit testing and debugger. Commercial Professional edition fully supports Web development with Django, Flask, Mako and Web2Py and allows to develop remotely. JetBrains offers free PyCharm professional licenses for open-source projects under certain conditions https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/, also for Student/Educational use.

Python for VS Code

Linux/Mac OS X/Windows


Free open-source extension for Visual Studio Code (now maintained by Microsoft). Supports syntax highlighting, debugging, code completion, code navigation, unit testing, refactoring, with support for Django, multi threaded, local and remote debugging.


Linux/Mac OS X/(Windows)


Free open-source IDE with a focus on static analysis-based code completion, navigation and highlighting. Also features a VI emulation mode.




Free, open-source plugin for Eclipse -- Allows Python, Jython, and IronPython editing, code-completion, debugger, refactoring, quick navigation, templates, code analysis, unittest integration, Django integration, etc.


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X


Family of Python IDEs with advanced debugger, editor with vi, emacs, visual studio and other key bindings, auto-completion, auto-editing, import management, multi-selection, inline code warnings, snippets, goto-definition, find uses, refactoring, unit testing with code coverage, remote development, support for containers and clusters, array and dataframe viewer, bookmarking, project management with version control, Python environment creation with virtualenv, pipenv, conda, and Docker, Python package management with pip, pipenv, and conda, source browser, PEP 8 / Black / YAPF reformatting, and much more. There are several product levels, including free and paid versions with a fully functional trial and free licenses for educational use and unpaid open source developers. Extensive documentation includes help for using Wing with Django, Flask, Docker, AWS, Vagrant, Matplotlib, Jupyter, Blender, Maya, any many other third party tools and packages. See product comparison and pricing for details.




MIT licensed IDE written in Delphi with debugger, integrated unit testing, source browser, code navigation and syntax coloring/auto-completing editor.




A powerful, free/open-source scientific environment written in Python, for Python,and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. Features a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Furthermore, offers built-in integration with many popular scientific packages, including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, IPython, QtConsole, Matplotlib, SymPy, and more, and can be easily extended with plugins. It is conveniently integrated in the cross-platform Anaconda distribution, and is the centerpiece of the Python(x,y) and WinPython distributions.


Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/All Tk Platforms


Multi-window colorized source browser, autoindent, autocompletion, tool tips, code context panel, search in files, class and path browsers, debugger, executes code in clean separate subprocess with one keystroke. 100% pure Python, part of Python 2.x and 3.x distributions (may be packaged separately in some situations).


Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/All Tk Platforms


IdleX is a collection of over twenty extensions and plugins that provide additional functionality to IDLE, a Python IDE provided in the standard library. It transforms IDLE into a more useful tool for academic research and development as well as exploratory programming.


Windows (needs to be compiled manually for other platforms)


An open-source IDE, created using Lazarus. It's only for Python. include syntax highlighting, project manager, and uses pdb for debugging.

Pyzo (formerly IEP)

Windows/Linux/Mac OS X


Open-source Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. Pyzo consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways: e.g. source structure, interactive help, workspace, file browser (with functionality for searching). Also includes a post-mortem debugger.

PythonToolkit (PTK)

Windows/Linux/Mac OS X


An interactive environment for python built around a matlab style console window and editor. It was designed to provide a python based environment similiar to Matlab for scientists and engineers however it can also be used as a general purpose interactive python environment especially for interactive GUI programming. Features include: Multiple independent python interpreters. Interactively program with different GUI toolkits (wxPython, TkInter, pyGTK, pyQT4 and PySide). Matlab style namespace/workspace browser. Object auto-completions, calltips and multi-line command editing in the console. Object inspection and python path management. Simple code editor and integrated debugger.


Windows/Linux/Mac OS X


Open-source plugin that adds syntax checking, integrated debugger and module search to Editra, a general purpose developer's text editor that supports python syntax highlighting, auto-indent, auto-completion, classbrowser, and can run scripts from inside the editor.

Python Tools for Visual Studio



Open-source plugin for Visual Studio 2010, 2012 onwards (now maintained by Microsoft). Supports syntax highlighting, debugging and rich intellisense, unit testing, refactoring, object browser, MPI cluster debugging, Django intellisense and debugging, development REPL window and a debugging REPL window. Supports mixed-mode Python/C/C++ debugging.


Mac OS X


Commercial with feature-limited free trial. A Mac-native, single-window IDE inspired by Xcode. Features integrated debugger, tabs, code completion with tab triggers, syntax highlighting themes, search and replace with regex, integrated REPL sessions, goto definition, file browser, integrated documentation browser. As of June 2015, does not support input() meaning any console input using this function is not supported.

IDEs with introspection-based code completion /or/ integrated debugger








Komodo Edit (open source, as part of the Open Komodo project). Little brother to Komodo IDE.




Commercial; integrated debugger; interfaces with Qt Designer


Python + PyQt + QScintilla


Open Source, interfaces with Qt Designer, Qt Linguist, unittest; integrated debugger


Windows, Linux, MacOsX, FreeBSD, more


Open-source with wxPython interface. Code completion, call tips, class explorer, source index, auto todo list, Blender support, integrated PyChecker (source code doctor) and Kiki (regex console). Download instructions


Linux, FreeBSD, ..., (Windows in progress)

2007 (2008 dev)

Open-source with GTK interface, written in Python. Supports different languages, python trough rope and pyflakes as well as rpdb2. Support different Editors (Vim, Medit, Emacs) Current Repos


.net CLR


FOSS IDE uses IronPython to support making python module solutions.


Python + PyQt + (Linux/Windows/Mac OS X)


NINJA-IDE (from: "Ninja Is Not Just Another IDE"), is a cross-platform integrated development environment specially design to build Python Applications.

Aptana Studio 3

Linux, Windows and Mac OS X


Aptana Studio3 is a professional, open source development tool for the open web


Windows, Linux and Mac OSX


Python 3x IDE with emphasis on power, usability and simplicity.

IDEs with integrated GUI builder








OpenSource (GPL) powerful cross platform (Win,Mac,Linux) RAD GUI IDE, includes a integrated QtDesigner supports Python+PyQt4


Python + wxPython


RAD GUI building IDE for wxPython, similar to Delphi.


Python + wxPython


RAD GUI building IDE


Mac OS X 10.5 and later


Apple's free of charge IDE now with full Python GUI making. Requires free developer registration for download.

Visual Python

Python + Tkinter


Visual graphic interface. Python GUI

Python Tools for Visual Studio



Integrated WPF GUI Designer for IronPython (Free/OSS)




IDE for building full-stack, Python-only web apps, with a drag-and-drop UI designer and autocomplete (Freemium/OSS)


Take a look at PythonEditors if you prefer something lightweight. IDEs that don't integrate anything Python-specific are also listed at PythonEditors#Glorified_Editors.

CategoryIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment CategoryEditors CategoryIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment

IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments (last edited 2024-07-09 15:25:23 by StephanDeibel)

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