FRUncon 10: Front Range Pythoneers Unconference 2010

We're planning a Python Unconference. Date: November 13, 2010, all day Saturday starting at 9:00 AM. We will be following up with code sprints on Sunday the 14th.

To learn more about unconferences, click here.

Note that an unconference assumes participation by a majority of the attendees. The more you put into it, the more you'll get out. Please feel free to edit this page if you'd like to contribute.

Dates & Locations

Location: Inspiring Apps, on Boulder's Pearl Street mall. Here are some pictures: InspiringApps

Address: 1045 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO

Located just above Salt, on the corner of 11th and Pearl

Day 1 Unconference Sat November 13, starting 9:00 AM

Day 2 CodeJam Sun November 14

Social networking

Proposed Twitter hashtag: #fruncon10

(Registered: )

Day 1 (The Unconference)

The unconference will be an event where everyone is welcome be part of the actual conference other then just be an attendee. All are welcome to give a speech and/or presentation about Python or the tools that you use with your Python. If you're not sure what to talk about, there are a few ideas below, or if you would like to hear someone talk about something, please feel free to add to the list.


What would you like to talk about?

What would you like to learn about?

What would you like to do to help out with the conference?

I think this section could use a list of needed tasks/help/contributions. Not everyone knows what sort of help is needed.


If you are wishing to attend the unconfrence. We do ask that if you would please RSVP on the Meetup site @

This will help use in getting started the day of the event as well as planning for everything. Including food and drink.

Day 2 (CodeJaming)

FrontRangePythoneersUc10 (last edited 2010-11-11 21:12:23 by 75-148-123-234-colorado)

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