The following text has been derived from the proposed template CodeOfConduct, to create a PSF-specific variant. It has been submitted to the board as a counter-proposal to considering the CoC in isolation, that deliberately avoids any claims that might be construed as the PSF attempting to police the conduct of the entire Python community, while only being a small part of that community (albeit an influential part through the activities of our members and through the actions of the PSF board).

While I initially proposed this as as *alternative* to Brian's Code of Conduct, I have instead come around to the viewing it as a *complement* to that template: I think we should vote for *and approve* both of them, for different purposes. I therefore suggest the following (or similar) motions be presented to the membership as part of the upcoming ballot:

I believe that presenting two separate motions in this way greatly clarifies the purpose of the template Code of Conduct: my understanding is that it is intended as an *example*, something to inspire groups within the Python community when defining what they want *their* community to be and definitely *not* as a document that claims to speak for the entire Python community as it exists today. The Code of Conduct for PSF Members then serves a dual role as both explicitly declarin the adoption of the code by the PSF, as well as providing an example of a group within the Python community taking the example document and tweaking and tailoring it to make it specific to that group and explicitly adopting it *as a group*.

This document was originally titled a "Statement of Values" (hence the page title), but after further discussion with the board, I have reverted to the "Code of Conduct" terminology to help make the association with the template more clear.

Differences from the template code:

Code of Conduct for Python Software Foundation Members

The Python community is made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences great successes and continued growth. When we’re working with members of the community, we aim to follow these guidelines to help steer our interactions and strive to keep Python a positive, successful, and growing community.

Python Software Foundation members are:




In addition to striving to exhibit these traits ourselves, as Python Software Foundation members, we seek to promote and encourage these values throughout the broader Python community.

Overall, we're good to each other. We contribute to this community not because we have to, but because we want to. When we remember that, these guidelines will come naturally.

StatementOfValues (last edited 2013-03-23 00:19:01 by NickCoghlan)

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