PSF Sponsorship Bundle Working Group Charter
Purpose & Common Goals
The initial purpose of this workgroup is to pick up where we left off for the International Sponsorship Bundle that we created in early 2015. We want to make it easy for companies like Red Hat and Bank of America to provide "minimal strings attached" funding globally. Sponsors would only engage more directly when they happen to have a local team interested in driving that engagement directly with the conference organizers.
Active Time
This workgroup will be active indefinitely.
Core Values & Internal Governance
The core values for this group are:
- Respect
- Support
- Positive Atmosphere
- Constructiveness
- Integrity
The workgroup adopts the PSF Code of Conduct ( Any actions (found by a majority) made against the principles in the Code of Conduct will result in the acting person being removed from the workgroup.
Rules & Guidelines
The initial guideline for this workgroup is for BetsyWaliszewski to re-create a sponsorship bundle prospectus that includes reasons for all changes/suggestions.
- This new proposal will be discussed on the mailing list.
- The final draft will be decided by the entire workgroup based on majority rule.
- After a final prospectus is in place, the WG will launch the sponsorship options via email.
Decision Making Procedures
- Process for coming up with bundles will be proposed to the group
- Sponsorship bundles will be proposed to the group
- Process for how invoicing will work and payment disbursement
- The revised prospectus will be discussed on the mailing list
- Amendments to the prospectus will be decided by a majority rule
- The team will vote on the proposed bundles. Decisions will be made by a majority rule.
- The WG will launch this to our sponsors, release on twitter and PSF blog
- The WG will maintain this process for as long as the “product” is viable to our community and the PSF
Communication Plan
The team will communicate via mailing list - If needed, conference calls or Slack chat meetings will be setup. The workgroup will vote via email and or on Slack chat setup for this WG.
No budget needed at this time.
List of Participants
- Betsy Waliszewski
- Ewa Jodlowska
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
- Nick Coghlan
- Van Lindberg
Support Requirements
Mailing list - (still waiting on postermasters@ to create this ML)
Subscriptions must be approved by the admins. EwaJodlowska & BetsyWaliszewski are the list admin.