Education & Outreach Work Group Charter


To be completed when the PSF Board approves a resolution for this WG.

Purpose & Common Goals

The Education & Outreach Workgroup's (EOW) purpose is to support the Python Software Foundation’s mission to promote the Python programming language, especially in supporting and enhancing the education of Python. The Education & Outreach Workgroup is a workgroup of the Python Software Foundation’s (PSF).

The EOW’s goals include:


Education & Outreaching Workgroup voting members are required to confirm continuing participating in the workgroup in writing within one month of the annual PSF Board election. This will be led by chair/vice-chairs. If there is no response within two weeks, then the individual is automatically removed.

If a member fails to attend more than 50% of meetings over a 6-month span (4 out of 6 meetings), they will be moved to the Past Members list unless they make arrangements with the Workgroup in advance. They are welcome to rejoin at any time.

Folks who would like to join the Education & Outreaching Work Group should send an email to the WG introducing themselves. The WG will vote on new member requests.

Pending budget approval by the PSF, the EOW may hire services from outside experts or consultants. The EOW may accept volunteer services from outside experts or consultants without approval from the PSF. Advisors have no authority to act for the EOW or the PSF.

Meetings & Decision Making Procedures

The EOW will meet at least once per year between annual PSF Board of Directors elections. The EOW may schedule additional meetings as often as its Chair or a majority of its members deems necessary or appropriate. As necessary, the EOW will meet in a joint session with other committees regarding items of concern to both committees.

Meetings will occur either in person, telephonically, or electronically, and at such times, places, and manner as the Chair and Co-Chair may determine. Additional communication may occur in electronic message boards, email, and other electronic forums under the PSF’s control. The Chair or Co-Chair will develop an agenda in advance of each meeting and communicate meeting details to EOW members in a timely fashion.


The EOW will keep meeting notes of each meeting, which will include an attendance record, a copy of the agenda, and a report of meeting discussions, recommendations and decisions.

The EOW will issue an annual report to the PSF Board of Directors including a summary of activity, findings, and recommendations.

Review of Charter

The workgroup charter will be reviewed annually to ensure that it aligns with the community’s evolving needs.

PythonEduWGCharter (last edited 2024-12-18 15:21:24 by Cheukting)

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