PSF Fellow Work Group Charter

Purpose & Common Goals

The purpose of this working group is to accept, review, discuss, and vote on new Fellow Member nominations.

Active Time

This workgroup will be active indefinitely until the PSF Board decides otherwise.

Core Values & Internal Government

The core values for this group are:

The workgroup adopts the PSF Code of Conduct ( Any actions (found by a majority) made against the members in the Code of Conduct will result in the acting person being removed from the workgroup.

Internal Rules & Guidelines

Decision Making Policy

Below is the policy that the PSF Fellow Work Group is currently voting on (August 11, 2017)


In all that this person does, [Nominated Person] is an example of what we aspire to be in the Python community.

Timeline for nominations

Nominees we be reviewed and voted on 4 times throughout the year on a quarterly basis. Timeline is as follows:

Verification process

Verification can be done through any of the following (or combination of):

If it is someone we cannot find context on, we can ask the nominator to provide 3 references from within the community.

Communication Plan

The working group will communicate via mailing list ( and via Slack ( If needed, conference calls or additional communication channels can be set up.


No budget will be needed for this. Possibly in the future, this WG can address benefits of Fellow Membership beyond just recognition. At that time the WG will ask the PSF board for a budget.

Current PSF Fellow WG Budget



FellowWG/Charter (last edited 2023-09-28 15:56:21 by OliviaSauls)

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