Revision 44 as of 2008-10-29 23:26:21

Clear message

Boost.Python binds C++ and Python. Read ["/GettingStarted"] for an introduction.

This page serves as a forum to gather peoples' experience and as a cookbook, as it is more dynamic by nature and open to contributors.

Various items:


  1. /SimpleExample

  2. /ExportingClasses

  3. /OverridableVirtualFunctions

  4. /FunctionOverloading

  5. ["/Inheritance"]
  6. /SpecialMethods

  7. /PeekUnderTheHood

  8. /CrossExtensionModuleDependencies

  9. /WrappingEnums

  10. /PointersAndSmartPointers

  11. /InternalDataStructures

  12. /EmbeddingPython

Test cases:

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