Let's work on making ZODB better!

Leader: Tim Peters

Jim Fulton will present the ZODB architecture as a basis for work. This will be a good opportunity to learn about many of the nitty-gritty details of ZODB.

There are many things we could work on, including:

Note that to be able to make code contributions, you must be a Zope contributor: http://dev.zope.org/Subversion Note that you don't have to be a Zope user to be a Zope contributor. :) You don't have to be a Zope contributor either to participate in working out (and writing up) proposals for things ZODB could/should be doing better.

If you plan to participate, please put your name below, and, if you won't be there all 4 days, indicate which days you plan to be there.


If you don't sign up, you can still come and participate. The sign up is to give us an idea who will be there.

ChrisMcDonough says

We seem to have a nascent idea about working on ZODB "blob" suppport for at least some period of time during this sprint... for details, see http://www.plope.com/Members/chrism/zodb_blob_proposal

Other minor things:


ZodbSprint (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:17 by localhost)

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