Writing Exception Classes
Exception classes are not special, you just derive them from Exception:
1 class HostNotFound(Exception):
2 def __init__( self, host ):
3 self.host = host
4 Exception.__init__(self, 'Host Not Found exception: missing %s' % host)
You may later write:
See Also
HandlingExceptions, TracebackModule
How do you relay the traceback information? Relay the traceback information? Moving it higher up the call-stack? Could you try to explain your question?
When you're logging exceptions, you want access to the traceback information to. After some research, I believe what you use is extract_tb or extract_stack from the traceback module. -- LionKimbro 2003-09-07 15:23:43
Look at cgitb for how to do detailed TB introspection, and as an example of why mixing logic and (HTML) layout is a very bad thing.
- What better exception-foo is out there?
AlexMartelli's "Dos and Don'ts".
The new text involving super doesn't seem to work for me.
Using Python 2.3:
1 class LocalNamesSyntaxError(Exception):
2 def __init__(self, msg):
3 self.msg=msg
4 super(LocalNamesSyntaxError, self).__init__('Local Names v1.1 Syntax Error: %s' % msg)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "parser.py", line 92, in ? pprint.pprint(parse_text(test_string)) File "parser.py", line 69, in parse_text cursor=parse_record_type(cursor,line,results) File "parser.py", line 43, in parse_record_type raise LocalNamesSyntaxError("unrecognized v1.1 record type- require LN, NS, X, or PATTERN") File "parser.py", line 17, in __init__ super(LocalNamesSyntaxError, self)('Local Names v1.1 Syntax Error: %s' % msg) TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj
Is this a Python2.4 v. Python2.3 thing? Or is there a simple error in my code? -- LionKimbro
super() only works for new-style classes. Exception is still an old-style class: type 'classobj'. I've fixed the example. -- JohannesGijsbers
Thanks a lot, I was having hardtime figureing this out, as exactly the same construct worked in other places. -- HariDara
It might become a 2.4 vs 2.5 thing though, as 2.5 should allow new-style classes.
Don't forget the method name after super; it doesn't magically assume __init__. (fixed above) -kcarnold