Here's a way to make wiki-like syntaxes in Python.
Lines as Tokens
Usually, you tokenize input word-by-word.
For a wiki-like syntax, it can be easier to go line by line.
Data Flow
We start with:
= Hello, world! = This is an example. We want to demonstrate how you take text with multiple lines, and turn it into one paragraph.
...turn it into...
...and from there into...
...and finally into:
<h1> Hello, world! </h1> <p>This is an example.</p> <p>We want to demonstrate how you take text with multple lines, and turn it into one paragraph.</p>
Spec out Types of Lines
Our first task is to spec out the types of lines that exist.
Use RegularExpressions!
Let's start with just three types of lines. (It'll be clear how to add more.)
We'll have header lines, (like in wiki,) blank lines (seperating paragraphs,) and text lines, which will be anything that doesn't match the others.
== Level 2 Heading == Here's paragraph 1. Ladee dah dee dah. Here's paragraph 2. === Level 3 Header === Look, a paragraph without a blank line above it! No problem, we can parse it!
Here are our RegularExpressions:
1 header = re.compile(r"^(=+)(.+?)\1$")
2 blank = re.compile(r"^(\s*)$")
3 text = re.compile(r"^(.+)$") # if nothing else matched, use this
(Note that we store interesting information in regex groups. This is so we can get to it later on.)
This is good to start with. You can add more types now, if you want, though!
Tokenize a Line
Now, we'll teach Python how to tokenize a line.
It goes like so:
1 def tokenize_line(line):
2 """Tokenize a line, returning the token type and recognized groups."""
3 mo = header.match(line)
4 if mo is not None:
5 return ("HEADER", mo.groups())
6 mo = blank.match(line)
7 if mo is not None:
8 return ("BLANK", mo.groups())
9 mo = text.match(line)
10 if mo is not None:
11 return ("TEXT", mo.groups())
12 return ("ERROR", "this should never happen")
There's a pattern in the expression above; If you make a lot of line types, exploit it. But it's easier for me explaining this to show it all to you unrolled.
Okay! We can tokenize a line.
Next up, read all the lines in a string.
Tokenize All Lines
1 tokens = [tokenize_line(line) for line in text.split_lines()]
Well, that about wraps that one up.
Of course, you're going to have to get some text on your own. Not my concern.
Isolating Paragraphs
Lines and Paragraphs
We've done all the tokenizing. Now comes the trickier part.
We don't want text to just be a series of lines. If we do that, then we can't have anything like the following:
This is some text with ''some parts italic'' and with '''some parts that are bold.'''
You see the problem, right? The problem here is that "some parts italic" spans across lines. If you want your nifty bold-izing, italic-izing, link-izing, whatever-itizing magic substitutions to work on paragraphs, you're going to have to transcend the boundary of the line.
That, and: We want to put paragraph markers around paragraphs, not every single line they type.
But we can't just be naive, and just work on blank lines; Because, there are headers nestled right against paragraphs, and we want to recognize, "No, this is a header, and this is a paragraph, and even thought they are sitting right next to one another, they are actually very different things."
What we're going to do is: Whever text lines follow one another in series- roll that whole thing up into one big paragraph.
Turn Text into Paragraphs
There are probably better ways to do this. Please adjust this text here, if you know one. But, this is how I did it.
1 def text_to_paragraph(tokens):
3 """Group TEXTs into PARAGRAPHs."""
5 result = []
6 texts = []
8 for token in tokens:
9 (token_type, token_groups) = token
10 if token_type == "TEXT":
11 texts.append(token_groups[0])
12 else:
13 if len(texts) > 0:
14 result.append("PARAGRAPH", "".join(texts))
15 texts = []
16 result.append(token)
18 if len(texts) > 0:
19 result.append("PARAGRAPH", ("".join(texts),))
20 texts = []
21 return result
23 tokens = text_to_paragraph(tokens)
Now you have all your texts together!
Throw Out the Blanks
Now that we've grouped our text, we can huck our blank lines! They've served their purpose.
1 tokens = [x for x in tokens if x[0] != "BLANK"]
Render HTML
Now we can output some nice HTML.
1 def tokens_to_html(tokens):
2 result = []
3 for (token_type, token_groups) in tokens:
4 if token_type == "HEADER":
5 (level, content) = token_contents
6 level = len(level) # Turn == into the number 2
7 result.append("<h%d>%s</h%d>" % (level, content, level))
8 elif token_type == "PARAGRAPH":
9 (text,) = token_groups
10 result.append("<p>%s</p>" % text)
11 return "\n".join(result) + "\n"
13 print tokens_to_html(tokens)
Ta-da! That's basically it!
So, there's some things you might want to do.
Extensions and Alternatives
Escape for HTML
You might want to escape < and > and " to < and > and " before you output your paragraph text.
There's a page on this wiki about how to do it; The mis-named EscapingHtml, or something like that.
Italics, Bold, Links
Regexes, my friend, regexes.
But, it's a little more complicated, because you have to put <i> and </i> in the text in matching pairs in your paragraphs, you can't just substitute one type in.
The following function may help you, but there ought be a better way.
1 def join_by_pairs(lst, start, end):
2 """
3 if lst = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
4 and start = "a" and end = "b",
6 result = [1,"a",2,"b",3,"a",4,"b",5,"a",6,"b",7,8]
8 Notice that nothing is started that isn't ended.
9 """
10 num_links = len(lst)-1
11 stops_lst = [start,end]*(num_links/2)
12 result = []
13 while len(stops_lst)>0:
14 # add an item from lst
15 result.append(lst[0])
16 lst = lst[1:]
17 # add an item from stops_lst
18 result.append(stops_lst[0])
19 stops_lst = stops_lst[1:]
20 # copy over whatever is left
21 result.extend(lst)
22 return "".join(result)
Use it with this:
1 def bold_and_italics(text):
2 """Perform '''bold''' and ''italics'' replacements.
4 Note that, this assumes you've already called html_escape.
5 """
6 L = text.split("'''")
7 text = join_by_pairs(L, "<b>", "</b>")
8 L = text.split("''")
9 text = join_by_pairs(L, "<i>", "</i>")
10 return text
Link Patterns
Link patterns are easier than bold or italic.
1 def hyperlink(text):
3 """Turn links into <a href>'s."""
5 all_links = link_re.findall(text)
7 def make_ahref(matchobj):
8 link_url, link_text = matchobj.groups()
9 if link_text == "":
10 link_text = link_url
11 return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link_url, link_text)
13 text = link_re.sub(make_ahref, text)
14 return text
'Course, you'll need a link pattern.
Here's one:
1 link_regex = r"[[(.+?)](.*?)]" # As we think it
2 link_regex = link_regex.replace("[", "\\[") # [ isn't a character class
3 link_regex = link_regex.replace("]", "\\]") # ] isn't a character class
4 link_re = re.compile(link_regex)
That let's you write stuff like:
[[] Fresh Meat:] Don't worry- it's work safe.
By "regions," I mean things like:
/* # Region begins ... ... */ # Region ends
If you want to support special regions of text, you might not want line recognition, since the text within the region will parse as something other than "text-within-this-region."
The secret to dealing with regions, by this approach of coding, is to tokenize the entire region as one line.
So, make a special regex pattern, and suck up all the lines. This means you'll have to go to a positional system of regexing, though, which is a little more complicated than this page explains. But you should be able to figure it out, if you are so motivated.
Hint: Make your tokens of the form: (token_type, token_groups, start_pos, end_pos).
Another alternative is to, in your token, keep track of the original line. Then perform a grouping action, like we did when we grouped text lines into paragraphs. Only here, you'll ignore whatever type it thought the token was originally, when you come across the region.
See Also
TextFilter -- inventory of text filters like this
This is how I figured out how to do these things. If you know of better ways, please- by all means, list them here, point to them, or- probably best, just edit this text in-place.
-- LionKimbro 2005-05-06 20:03:23
A whole book is dedicated to it: TextProcessingInPython. But thank you for this page which is very useful. I think that kind of thing should be also directly plugged into the official documentation a bit like the PHP doc. That might help a lot. A full HowToCreateaWiki with extensive code would be good too. It would help to have a modular architecture of it.
-- KarlDubost
Here's an alternate way to classify lines of text:
class LineClassifier(object): """classify a line according to its type""" def __init__(self, table): """build a table of tags and regular expressions""" self.table = ( (tag, re.compile(str)) for tag, str in table ) def catagorize(self, line): """find the first regex that matches the line""" for tag, regex in self.table: mo = regex.match(line) if mo: return (tag, mo.groups()) return (None, line)
And here's how to use it:
groups = LineClassifier(( ('HEADER', r"^(=+)(.+?)\1$"), ('BLANK', r"^\s*$"), ('TEXT', r"^(.+)$"), )) tokens = [ groups.catagorize(line) for line in text.split_lines() ]
The class definition may seem more complicated, but adding a new type of line only requires one line of code (actually, one line of data). For example, here are some more types of lines similar to those used by this wiki:
('HR', r"^----*$"), ('LIST_ITEM', r"^ \*\s*(.*)$"), ('TABLE_ROW', r"^\|\|(.*)\|\|$"),
Now you just need to add some code to text_to_paragraph to handle the new types of lines; or even better, we could fix things so that runs of one or more XXX_YYY tokens get turned into a single XXX token containing multiple YYY tokens. I'll leave that last bit as an exercise for the reader.
-- SamDenton3
It's been almost 3 years now. I have found a better technique for doing wiki-like syntax. I don't recall seeing this technique in TextProcessingInPython. (I suspect the RegularExpression (?P<...>) form didn't exist yet.)
The technique involves automatically turning (?P<...>) capture results into functions, and then recursing back into regexes.
Sheep:WikiCreole_parser_in_python demonstrates it, and is how I discovered it.
From a high level, the technique is:
* Make an object that emits parse tree nodes. * Write your grammar in regular expressions. (One big grammar.) * Use (?P<...>) in your grammar, to name significant parts of the regexes. * Call re.sub, starting with the S production, and instead of substituting with a string, substitute with a function ("_replace", described below.)
_replace is the trick.
_replace will read off the (?P<...>) captures via match.groupdict(), and turn them into function names. The function names are methods on the object that is emitting the parse tree.
The methods are called, and they use the match object to construct the node. This often times involves calling re.sub again on matched context, and this is where the recursive element comes in.
-- LionKimbro
Note also, that you can use re.finditer instead of re.sub if you want to have a little more control on the flow (for example, if you want to use yield to return partial parse as you go). Here is a nicer _replace function:
1 def _replace(self, match):
2 """Process a single match by calling an apropriate _repl method."""
4 groups = {}
5 for name, text in match.groupdict().iteritems():
6 if text is not None:
7 groups[str(name)] = text
8 for name, text in groups.iteritems():
9 repl = getattr(self, '%s_repl' % name, None)
10 if repl:
11 return repl(**groups)
I use unicode strings, so I had to convert the group names to strings first to use them as argument names. It expects the _repl methods to accept keyword arguments named the same as the groups contained in respective patterns. For example:
1 pattern = ur"(?P<link>\[\[(?<link_target>[^\]|]+)(|(?P<link_text>[^\]]+))?\]\])"
2 def link_repl(self, link, link_target, link_text=None):
3 if link_text is None:
4 link_text = link_target
5 return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cgi.escape(link_target, quote=True), cgi.escape(link_text))
Note how the link_text group is optional, so the corresponding argument needs a default value. -- RadomirDopieralski
See also: Sheep:2007-10-25_Wiki_parser_in_python
Key techniques:
dynamic linking by way of re.sub
tree construction via DocNode
re nesting (order & method)
comfort w/ RegularExpression re.X, re.U, re.M, multilining
- are the block-level regex's huge (representing whole tree) or small (representing tree high level)?
- what's a diagram of the nesting look like?
- GUI for construction of grammar
- stack match-object groups
- doc-node creation generic / automatic, modification manual; mirror the successful parse
- link not only to functions, but also to other regexes
-- LionKimbro