Revision 7 as of 2014-02-05 06:29:49

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This page coordinates the Google Summer of Code projects involving Python under the umbrella of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) for 2014.

The Python Software Foundation serves as an "umbrella organization" to a variety of python-related projects, as well as sponsoring projects related to the development of the Python language.

The 2014 PSF GSoC coordinator is TerriOda (at Please direct any questions to her until the mailing lists are set up.

Prospective Students

If you are a student interested in working on core Python development or on a project that helps the Python community, we'd love to have you apply to the Python Software Foundation for this year's Google Summer of Code!

We're currently in the process of finding mentors and getting ideas pages set up, but if you want to get a head start, you might want to look at last year's page to find out what projects might be involved again this year. Choose a project or projects that sound interesting to you, subscribe to their mailing list or join their IRC channel, and try to set up a development environment. Usually, jumping right in and trying to solve a few bugs is a good place to start and way to make a good first impression!

Students should read SummerOfCode/Expectations to understand what is expected of accepted students.

Please read SummerOfCode/Application for help completing your application. Templates will be available once we have been officially accepted as a mentoring organization.

Have questions?

For dates and deadlines, see the GSoC official website. (Scroll down past the calendar to just get a list of dates.)

Prospective Mentors

Please read SummerOfCode/Expectations to understand what is expected of GSoC project mentors.

New mentors are always welcome, and we have a variety of experienced mentors who can help with questions you have about mentoring! If you're new or unsure about the time commitment, we can often have you be a "backup mentor" in your first year so that you're paired with someone who's done this before!

We've set up an IRC channel: #python-gsoc on Freenode. Stop by and to ask questions or help prospective students!

Prospective Projects

Please get in touch with TerriOda if you'd like to participate under the Python umbrella!

You will need:

  1. At least 3 mentors willing to mentor students for your project. (If you're having trouble finding enough mentors, talk to Terri to get linked up with prospective mentors who don't have projects.)
  2. An ideas page with clear project ideas for students to choose or use as a base to propose their own projects.

Alas, we don't have the resources to accept every project, but we try to support projects with a clear commitment to python!

If you're a python-related project that is hoping to apply as a separate mentoring organization (i.e. not under the python umbrella) we're also happy to link your ideas page here to help you advertise. Again, get in touch with TerriOda to make that happen.

Project Ideas

Ideas for projects and links to Python-related teams' idea pages will appear here once mentors have gotten in touch with TerriOda.

If you are unsure if your favourite Python project will be participating, ask them and encourage them to sign up!

NOTE: Many of these organizations have also applied as separate mentoring organizations so they may not be under our umbrella for 2014. We're listing them here to help students find python projects, and we'll make sure it's clear which ones are under our umbrella and which ones are separate once mentoring organizations have been chosen by Google. Thanks for your patience!

GNU Mailman

Mailing list package written in Python

Website | | #mailman on Freenode | Ideas Page

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