Web site: http://spycyroll.sourceforge.net/
I don't know much about SpycyRoll, except that it's an RSS aggregator of some sort. Though, looking through the code, I also saw a logger, so I'm not sure what that's about.
Neat things:
- It aggregates RSS feeds, so you don't have to!
It seems to do well at WorkingWithTime. Glancing at the time interpreter, it seemed to be pretty intelligent. I don't think ISO8601 time zones are going to fool it, or whatever else is predominant in RSS feeds.
Questions about it:
Does this go far beyond aggregating? For example, does it not just aggregate the feeds, but produce HTML as if you were using this PythonModule as your very own personal news aggregator?
- Is this something that is meant to run alone, or is this something that you can reuse in your own code. For instance, could you get a bunch of RSS feeds, mix them together and sort them by date, and then output the result in your own custom way?
I wish they had a wiki for their project.
We really need a nice easy RSS module, or collection of modules, that reads everything, and allows you to do everything RSS. That'd be nice. See RssLibraries.
-- LionKimbro 2004-04-16 08:37:29