Differences between revisions 6 and 590 (spanning 584 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2002-07-19 08:11:04
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Revision 590 as of 2024-01-04 11:16:43
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Comment: Remove ShowMeDo content, since this now points to a dodgy website
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A large list of editors supporting Python can be found at http://www.python.org/editors/ If you have anything to contribute -- e.g. configurations for editors, new editors, or opinion -- don't hesitate to edit or create pages.
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[[TableOfContents]] There's an EditorConfigurationHowto available.
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=== ConText ===
I use a freeware text editor called ConText (for windoze only I'm afraid) from http://www.fixedsys.com/context/.
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It includes language highlighters for a lot of languages including python. It also allows customisation to execute a command using the loaded files (e.g. execute the loaded python script) then capture the output and decod the line numbers where the problem occurred. (!) Please keep wiki links as wiki links, use external links only if there is no existing page for the editor. Please add pages like BoaConstructor also to page IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments.
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Dave Moor === Multiplatform Editors ===
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Impl. Language''' ||'''License''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[https://github.com/aliafshar/a8|a8]] ||Linux, FreeBSD ||Python, GTK ||GPLv3 ||Embed Vim. Little brother of [[http://pida.co.uk|PIDA]] ||
||[[http://www.purl.org/net/alphatk/about.html|Alphatk]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Tcl/Tk ||Proprietary ||Extensible in Tcl, Tk; Can interact with python. ||
||[[https://atom.io/packages/ide-python|Atom]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python ||MIT ||Python language support for Atom-IDE, powered by the Python language server. ||
||[[http://www.codeblocks.org/features|Code::Blocks]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||C++, wxWidgets ||GPLv3 ||class browser does not currently work for .py files, but it's still a nice IDE to use for python projects ||
||[[http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/features.html|Bluefish]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||C, GTK+ ||GPLv3 ||The link points to the features page. ||
||[[http://cream.sourceforge.net|Cream]] ||Linux, Windows, FreeBSD ||C ||GPLv3 ||Cream is a free and easy-to-use configuration of the powerful and famous [[http://www.vim.org|Vim]] text editor for both Microsoft Windows and GNU/Lfinux. ||
||[[http://cssed.sourceforge.net|Cssed]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||C, GTK+ ||GPLv2 ||CSS editor with syntax highlighting for Python, and embedded Python interpreter. Extensible through a Python API. ||
||[[http://wiki.wxpython.org/PythonCardEditor|codeEditor]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||BSD ||Extensible in Python; part of [[http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/|PythonCard]]. Includes PyCrust shell. ||
||[[http://www.codelobster.com|CodeLobster]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python ||Proprietary ||Free version includes Python support. ||
||[[http://eric-ide.python-projects.org|eric]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, PyQt ||GPLv3 ||Complete IDE, very well integrated with PyQT development, but usable for any kind of project. Supports projects, debugging, auto-complete, syntax coloring, etc. It is extensible via plug-in system. Integrated version control interface for Git, Subversion and Mercurial through core plugins. eric6 requires Python 3 (and, if desired, PyQt5), and supports CxFreeze and PyInstaller, Django and Pyramid, PyLint and Vulture||
||[[http://www.crisp.demon.co.uk/|CRiSP]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X || ||Proprietary ||BRIEF-compatible, supports Python syntax, in-buffer Python interpreter, supports lots of languages. Powerful macro language. ||
||[[http://drakon-editor.sourceforge.net/|DRAKON Editor]] ||Windows, Mac OS X, Linux ||Tcl/Tk ||Public domain ||DRAKON diagram editor with code generation in Python. ||
||[[http://dreampie.sourceforge.net/|DreamPie]] ||Windows, Linux and Mac/[[http://MacPorts.com/|MacPorts]] ||Python, PyGTK ||GPLv3 ||Interactive shell with history box and code box, auto-completion of attributes and file names, auto-display of function arguments and documentation. Keeps your recent results, provides session history saving (optionally in HTML), interactive plotting with matplotlib. Extremely fast and responsive. ||
||DrPython ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||GPL ||Simple, Highly Customizable Editor/Environment. A Tribute to DrScheme. ||
||[[http://www.eclipse.org/|Eclipse]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Java ||EPL ||Eclipse is ... an open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular." Support for Python can be obtained via the [[http://pydev.org//|PyDEV]] plugin. ||
||[[http://www.editpadpro.com/editpython.html|EditPad Pro]] ||Linux, Windows || ||Proprietary ||Built-in Python syntax highlighting, Python class browsing, Python-compatible regular expressions, code folding, and extensive options for running external tools such as Python scripts. ||
||[[http://www.editra.org|Editra]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||wxWindows ||A general purpose developer's text editor written in Python/wxPython. It supports python syntax highlighting, auto-ident, auto-completion, classbrowser, and can run scripts from inside the editor. Extensible with plugins written in python. ||
||EmacsEditor ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS ||C, Lisp ||GPLv3 ||Python support with EmacsPythonMode. Extensible in Python using [[https://github.com/pinard/pymacs|pymacs]] ||
||[[http://www.lugaru.com/|Epsilon]] ||Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and OS/2 || ||Proprietary ||Customizable Python mode, syntax coloring, function tagging. ||
||[[http://matkuki.github.io/ExCo/|ExCo]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS ||Python, PyQt4 ||GPLv3 ||Extensible editor written in Python, Python/C/Nim code tree browser, 3-window editing, text diff, multi-language support, Python REPL, manipulate editor text with Python code ||
||[[http://fte.sourceforge.net/|FTE Text Editor]] ||Unix/X, Windows, DOS, OS/2 ||C++ ||GPL ||Supports lots of languages, including Python; doesn't seem programmable ||
||[[http://www.geany.org/|Geany]] ||Unix/X, Windows ||C, GTK+ ||GPLv2 ||A small and lightweight GTK+ IDE that supports lots of languages, including Python. ||
||[[http://www.gnome.org/projects/gedit/|gedit]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS ||C, Python ||GPLv2 ||gedit is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment, with Python syntax highlighting. ||
||[[http://www.projexsoftware.com/products/ideas/|ideas]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS ||Python, PyQt ||Proprietary ||Ideas is a feature rich IDE that supports debugging, interpreting and project management. ||
||[[http://armedbear-j.sf.net/|J]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Java ||GPLv2 ||syntax coloring for python, extensible with jython, supports many file formats, has folding, fully customisable, has sidebar for class and functions, fast for a Java application ||
||[[http://projects.hepforge.org/jhepwork/|jHepWork]] ||Unix, Windows, Mac OS ||Java ||GPLv3 ||IDE with Jython Shell. Syntax coloring for python, extensible with jython, supports many file formats, fully customisable, has sidebar for class and functions ||
||[[http://www.jasspa.com/|Jasspa's MicroEmacs]] ||Unix, Windows ||C ||GPLv2 ||Supports Python syntax and a Python-specific menu. ||
||[[http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/|JED]] ||Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, BeOS, QNX, and Windows. ||C ||GPLv2 ||Syntax highlighting and indenting, (optional) emacs keybindings, programmable with s-lang. ''Note: comment out "msw_help(..." line in pymode.sl if you are having problems on Windows.'' ||
||[[http://www.jedit.org/|JEdit]] ||Unix, Windows, Mac OS ||Java ||GPLv2 ||Has three plugins - one for Jython and one for Python/Jython [[http://jpydbg.sourceforge.net/|JpyDbg]] - interactive editing debugging, code browsing, highlighting. ||
||[[http://jpydbg.sourceforge.net/|JpyDbg]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS ||Java, Python ||GPL ||[[http://www.netbeans.org/|Netbeans]] [[http://www.jedit.org/|jEdit]] cross IDE plugin ||
||[[http://www.mirbsd.org/jupp.htm|Jupp]] ||Unix/OSX/Cygwin/Interix (curses), MS-DOS (DR DOS, FreeDOS, Win, OS/2 DOS-Box) ||C ||GPL ||Versatile WordStar-like editor (JOE fork) with many colourised syntax-highlighting modes ||
||[[http://www.kdevelop.org/|kdevelop]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS ||C++ ||GPLv2 ||Kde main developping app. Code folding, syntax highlighting, navigator. projects, class browser, version control, customizable keybindings. Comes also with some typical python project models: pyton Qt app, Tkinter app and simple script. ||
||[[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide|Komodo IDE]] ||Unix, Windows, Mac OS X || ||Proprietary ||Komodo is an award winning [[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide/python-editor|Python IDE]] from ActiveState. Fully-integrated [[https://platform.activestate.com/ActiveState/ActivePython-3.6|Python 3]] support featuring code intelligence with autocomplete and calltips, Python debugger (includes remote debugging), interactive shell, remote file support, macros, templating, emacs command support and great help documentation. There is also an open-source version called [[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit|Komodo Edit]] (Source), as part of the [[http://www.openkomodo.com|Open Komodo]] project started November 2007. ||
||[[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit|Komodo Edit]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X || ||Proprietary/Open Source ||[[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit/compare-with-komodo-ide|scaled-down version of Komodo IDE]] which also supports Python, but excludes the integrated debugger. ||
||[[http://sourceforge.net/projects/gecrit/|gEcrit]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||GPLv3 ||Python IDE with focus is on simplicity and ease of use. It is fast and lightweight. It features Python indentation, line numbers, code folding, syntax highlighting, shell access, code completion, a program runner, a source browser, indentation guides, a white space indicator, autosaving, an edge line, multiple tabs, printing, jumping to a specific line, word searching, word replacement, zooming undo/redo, pastebin.com code submission, Python syntax checking, the ability to change the indentation of many lines at once, autocompletiton, and bad brace checking. ||
||LeoEditor ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, PyQt ||MIT ||Outlining editor, fully scriptable and extensible, supporting [[http://www.literateprogramming.com|literate programming]]. 100% pure Python code. ||
||[[http://mooedit.sourceforge.net/|medit]] ||Unix, Windows ||C, GTK+ ||LGPL ||Gtk editor with python bindings, allows plugins written in python. ||
||[[https://www.nano-editor.org|nano]] ||Linux, Windows ||C ||GNU GPL ||Small, terminal-based editor, Syntax highlighting ||
||[[http://ne.di.unimi.it/|ne]] ||Unix, Windows, Mac OS X ||C ||GPLv3 ||Easy to use, small, powerful, fast, terminal-based editor. Supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, undo, autocomplete, macros, regexes, bookmarks. v2.4 released 2012-04 ||
||[[http://nedit.org/|NEdit]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||C ||GPLv2 ||X-Based, Python support builtin. ||
||[[http://www.netbeans.org/|Netbeans]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X, others ||Java ||GPLv2 ||Netbeans is an open extensible cross platform IDE ; Support for Python can be obtained via the [[http://jpydbg.sourceforge.net/|JpyDbg]] plugin. A new plugin exists for Netbeans 6.5 or newer - [[http://wiki.netbeans.org/Python|info]]. ||
||[[http://ninja-ide.org|NINJA-IDE]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS ||Python, PyQt4 ||GPLv3 ||Lightweight and extensible editor. Class browser, project manager, PEP8 finder, virtualenv, plugin support ||
||[[https://github.com/limodou/ulipad|UliPad]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||GPLv2 ||wxPython based editor. Can be easily extended with mixins and plugins, and has many features. Seems to be biased towards Python web development as contains FTP GUI, RSS aggregator and HTML preview. ||
||[[http://www.quickmediasolutions.com/software/powerpad/|PowerPad]] ||Windows NT, Linux (with GTK+ 2) ||C++, wxWidgets ||Freeware ||Easy to use text editor with syntax highlighting for Python. Embeds the Python interpreter to extend functionality of the application ||
||[[http://jetbrains.com/pycharm/|PyCharm]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Java ||Apache 2.0 ||Full-featured IDE for Python. Has Free and Open Source edition fully supporting Python as well as proprietary Professional Edition with Django, Flask, Pyramid and Google App Engine support. ||
||[[http://pydev.org/|PyDev]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Java, Eclipse ||EPL ||[[http://www.eclipse.org/|Eclipse]] plugin. Code-completion. Debugger. Under active development. ||
||[[PythonEditors?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=pye|Pye]] ||Linux, Windows ||Python, Tk ||GPLv3 ||Ultra-lightweight Python/text editor made in Python with Tk. Emphasis on easy customization and no-bloat attitude. ||
||[[https://github.com/pfalcon/pyedit|pyedit]] ||PyBoard, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python || MIT ||Written in Python - simple small editor, suitable for MicroPython/circuitPython/Pycopy. ||
||[[http://pype.sourceforge.net/|PyPE]] ||Unix, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||GPLv2 ||Written in Python - code folding, snippets, unicode, multiple documents, code completion, several languages, macros. ||
||[[https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python|Python for VS Code]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||NodeJs ||MIT ||Free [[https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python|open-source]] extension for Visual Studio Code. Supports syntax highlighting, debugging, code completion, code navigation, refactoring, with support for Django, multi threaded, local and remote debugging. ||
||[[http://pythontoolkit.sourceforge.net/|PythonToolkit (PTK)]] ||Windows/Linux/Mac (wxPython) ||Python ||GPLv3 ||An interactive environment for python features include: Multiple independent python interpreters. Interactively program with different GUI toolkits (wxPython, TkInter, pyGTK, pyQT4 and PySide). Matlab style namespace/workspace browser. Object auto-completions, calltips and multi-line command editing in the console. Object inspection and python path management. Simple code editor and integrated debugger. ||
||[[http://www.pyzo.org/|Pyzo]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python, PySide ||BSD License ||Open-source Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. Pyzo consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways: e.g. source structure, interactive help, workspace, file browser (with functionality for searching). Also includes a post-mortem debugger. ||
||SciTE ||Windows, Linux (GTK+) ||C++ ||MIT-Like ||A highly configurable light-weight source code editor (about 50 file formats) based on widely-used Scintilla rich text widget/control. Features: sytax highlighting, code folding, auto-indent, brace matching, codepage/unicode support, multiple documents, context help, code execution, output pane, external tools support, RegExp find/replace, text export (HTML, RTF, PDF, LaTeX, XML). [[http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/gen_python_api.zip|Python API]] for calltips and autocompletion available. ||
||[[http://wiki.python.org/moin/SPE|SPE]] ||Windows, Linux, Mac OS X ||Python, wxPython ||GPLv3 ||Stani's Python Editor. Auto indentation, auto completion, call tips, syntax coloring/highlighting, UML viewer, class explorer, source index, auto todo list, sticky notes, integrated PyCrust shell, Python file browser, recent file browser, drag&drop, context help. [[http://www.blender3d.org|Blender]] support with a Blender 3D object browser, runs interactively inside Blender. Ships with WxGlade (GUI designer), PyChecker (source code doctor) and [[http://project5.freezope.org/kiki/|Kiki]] (regular expression console). Extensible with WxGlade. ||
||[[https://www.spyder-ide.org/|Spyder]] ||Windows, Linux, macOS ||Python, PyQt5 ||MIT ||Spyder is a powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python,and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It features a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Furthermore, Spyder offers built-in integration with many popular scientific packages, including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, IPython, QtConsole, Matplotlib, SymPy, and more. Beyond its many built-in features, Spyder's abilities can be extended even further via first- and third-party plugins. It is conveniently integrated in the cross-platform [[https://www.anaconda.com/|Anaconda distribution]], and is the centerpiece of the [[http://www.pythonxy.com/|Python(x,y)]] and [[https://winpython.github.io/|WinPython]] distributions for Windows. ||
||[[http://www.slickedit.com/|SlickEdit]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X || ||Proprietary ||Syntax coloring, popup function arguments, class hierarchy browser, graphical debugger, and other nice Python features. Context tagging with class/module namespaces, code navigation, and smart indenting are also supported. ||
||[[http://www.sublimetext.com/|Sublime Text]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||C++, Python ||Proprietary ||Beautiful interface, Python syntax highlighting, Python plugins. ||
||[[http://thonny.org/|Thonny]] ||Linux, Windows, Mac OS X ||Python ||MIT ||For teaching/learning programming. Focused on program runtime visualization. Provides stepping both in statements and expressions, no-hassle variables view, separate mode for explaining references etc. ||
||[[Vim]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS ||C ||Charityware ||Highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. Syntax coloring, indenting, autocompletion, and source-navigation tools for Python. Can be scripted in Python. See also [[http://cream.sourceforge.net|Cream]]. ||
||[[http://wingware.com/wingide|Wing IDE]] ||Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X || ||Proprietary ||Powerful commercial IDE designed specifically for Python. Auto-completion, call tips, syntax highlighting, goto-definition, keyboard modes for emulating Visual Studio, VI/Vim, Emacs, & Brief, graphical debugger, code browser, integrated shell, scriptable in Python, and much more. ||
||[[http://soft.kaworu.it/wxKonTEXTen.htm|wxKonTEXT]] ||Linux, Windows ||Python, wxPython ||GPL ||Simple text editor written in python. Syntax highlighter, Code fold, Export code in HTML... ||
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=== jEdit ===
A nice Swing based editor for many languages and Java specially. You can add additional plugins like PyUtil and Jython for your Python work. Get it from http://jedit.org
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Ashish Shrestha [http://www.nyatapol.com.np Nyatapol] === Unix-Only Editors ===
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''FreeSoftware'''? ||'''ZeroPrice'''? ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[http://beaver-editor.sourceforge.net/|Beaver]] ||Unix + GTK || (./) ||X ||Supports debugging Python, Tcl, Ruby, Perl, Lua scripts. Code intelligence (Code completion, folding, auto-complete, code snippets, syntax highlighting matching tags, show keyword or variable information when mouse over...). Keyword help and improved script document. Integrated commonly-used scripting libraries (Tk, wxPython, Pygame, Pmw, Numeric...). Supports compiling python scripts to Windows EXE files. ||
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=== Gnu Emacs ===
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GnuEmacs is the editor of the gods (XEmacs even more so - it ships with PythonMode as a default). Does everything (almost) that you could want it to. PythonMode is very useful. === Windows-Only Editors ===
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Impl. Language''' ||'''License''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/|Notepad++]] ||Windows ||C++ ||GPL ||Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License. Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment. ||
||[[https://code.google.com/p/pyscripter/|PyScripter]] ||Windows ||Pascal/Delphi ||MIT ||Free and open-source Python IDE created with the ambition to become competitive in functionality with commercial Windows-based IDEs ||

=== Macintosh-Only Editors ===
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[http://alphatcl.sf.net|AlphaTcl]] ||Mac OS ||Python-mode extensible in Tcl ||
||[[http://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/|BBEdit]] ||Mac OS X 10.4 or later ||Full-featured text editor; includes Python support. TextWrangler is the free version (see below). ||
||[[https://chocolatapp.com/|Chocolat]] ||Mac OS X 10.7 or later ||General purpose editor with autocompletion for the Python standard library, plus inline documentation. ||
||[[http://www.panic.com/coda/|Coda]] ||Mac OS X 10.4 or later ||"text editor + file transfer + svn + css + terminal + books + more = whoah. welcome to coda. grow beautiful code." ||
||[[http://editxt.org/|EditXT]] ||Mac OS X (Cocoa) ||Programmer's text editor with Python syntax highlighting. Written in Python with PyObjC. Open-source (GPL). ||
||[[http://github.com/jfmoy/Fraise|Fraise]] ||OS X (Cocoa) ||Fork of Smultron. No longer under development ||
||[[http://www.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython.html|MacPython IDE]] ||Mac OS ||Included in MacPython distribution. ||
||[[http://www.mimikaki.net/en/mimi/download.html|mi]] ||Mac OS 68k Mac OS 9 Mac OS X ||Does not initially include Python support but new language modes can be created. One available here [[http://francois.granger.free.fr/MacPython/Mi%20Python.sit|Mi_Python]] ||
||[[http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/|SubEthaEdit]] ||Mac OS X ||Python syntax coloring. Allow multiple author to edit the same file collaborativelly over the network using "Bonjour" (previously Rendezvous). ||
||[[http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/|TextWrangler]] ||Mac OS X 10.4 or later ||Free and full-featured text editor based on BBEdit. Includes Python syntax highlighting. ||
||[[http://developer.apple.com/xcode/|Xcode]] ||Mac OS X ||Free IDE and text editor. Includes Python syntax coloring. ||
||[[http://macromates.com/|TextMate]] ||Mac OS X 10.3.9+ ||Great Cocoa editor with Python support including syntax coloring, integrated documentation, and a runtime wrapper with hyperlinked tracebacks. Note that code-folding of classes is currently broken for PEP 8 compliant code. ||
||[[http://www.peterborgapps.com/|Smultron]] ||Mac OS X 10.6 or later ||Again under active development, support for Python syntax coloring. Only available in the Mac App Store. ||
||[[http://projects.gandreas.com/scride/|ScrIDE]] ||Mac OS X 10.3 or later ||Free OS X based IDE for the Python (and other) programming language (replaces discontinued PyOXIDE), with syntax coloring, completion, tool tips, source level debugger, help browser, etc... ||
||[[https://codingfriends.github.io/Tincta/|Tincta]] ||Mac OS X 10.6 or later ||Free text editor, with Python syntax highlighting. A paid pro version with more features is also available. ||

=== Online Editors ===
||''' Name''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[https://c9.io/|Cloud 9]] ||A general web-based IDE with support for Python. Provides a full Ubuntu environment with Python 2.7.6, and support for Django workspaces. ||
||[[https://www.getdatajoy.com|DataJoy]] ||An interactive Python IDE for data exploration and visualization. Provides a full online Anaconda-based Python environment, with real-time collaboration, interactive IPython sessions, and easy publishing of output figures and code. Includes syntax highlighting and autocomplete. The service was shut down on 2nd Jan 2017 ||
||[[https://www.pythonanywhere.com/|PythonAnywhere]] ||"Host, run, and code Python in the cloud!" Free and paid plans include access to multiple versions of CPython, PyPy, IPython notebooks, a large selection of third-party modules, bash and MySQL shells, and more. ||
||[[https://plon.io/|PLON]] ||An online IDE for numerical and data science computing experiments - includes: real-time collaboration, a customizable editor, a console and much more. The basic account is free of charge. ||
||[[https://cloud.sagemath.com/|SageMathCloud]] ||A collection of computational mathematics tools in the cloud, including IPython notebooks, SageMath, Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib, and Cython. ||
||[[https://wakari.io/|Wakari]] ||Continuum Analytics' (distributors of the Anaconda Python distribution) hosted data analysis environment. Includes IPython notebooks, data visualization methods like `matplotlib` and `bokeh`, ability to add AWS nodes and clusters, command-line shells, file storage, SSH access, and other elements. (Some features require paid account) ||

=== Glorified Editors ===
"IDEs" that don't integrate anything Python-specific go here.
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[http://anjuta.sourceforge.net/|Anjuta]] ||Unix + GNOME ||Cross-language IDE; syntax coloring & folding for Python. ||
||[[https://sourceforge.net/projects/codecrusader/|Code Crusader]] ||Linux x86 ||Commercial IDE with support to 30 other languages. ||
||[[http://www.codeforge.com/|CodeForge]] ||Unix ||Commercial cross-language IDE; nice multi-user project manager. ||
||[[http://www.datanaut.de/download|DataNAUT]] ||Windows ||Cross-language IDE with integrated SQL support and automation features (currently German only GUI) ||
||[[http://drpython.sourceforge.net/|DrPython]] ||Python + wxPython ||Simple, Highly Customizable Editor/Environment. A Tribute to DrScheme. ||
||[[Genie Jython]] ||Java + Jython + Python ||An OpenSource IDE for Python, Jython, and Java. Supports Syntax highlighting, Code Completion and many more. Developed in [[Java]]. ||
||[[IDEStudio]] ||Python + Tkinter + Tix ||An extended version of IDLE using [[Tix]]. ||
||[[http://jetbrains.com/|IntelliJ IDEA]] ||Java ||Java IDE with Python support through [[http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=631|Pythonid plugin]] - includes code completion, syntax & error highlighting, intra-file refactoring ||
||[[http://www.kdevelop.org/|KDevelop]] ||Unix + KDE ||Cross-language IDE for KDE - supports Python syntax/projects. ||
||[[http://netbeans.org|Netbeans]] ||Java ||A Java IDE with an optional plugin for Jython. ||
||[[http://pype.sourceforge.net/|PyPE]] ||Windows/X (Python+wxPython) ||Written in Python - code folding, snippets, unicode, multiple documents, code completion, several languages, macros. ||
||PythonWin ||Windows ||Available either as part of ActiveState's ActivePython distribution (which is not open source) or as part of the Win32All extensions from Mark's pages (which is open source). ||
||[[http://rope.sf.net/|rope]] ||Unix/Windows/Mac ||rope is a python IDE aimed at providing a rich set of software refactorings. ||
||[[http://sourcenav.sf.net/|SourceNavigator]] ||Unix/Windows with Tcl/Tk ||Cross-language IDE & Source code analysis tool. ||
||[[http://www.xored.com/trustudio|TruStudio]] ||Eclipse ||Python and PHP IDE; available in commercial Professional and open-source Foundation versions ||
||VisualWx ||Windows ||GUI designer for wxPython. ||
||[[http://activegrid.sourceforge.net/|WaveMaker]] ||Linux/Windows/Mac ||Full featured, free IDE bundled with wxPython, features projects, scintilla, and debugging ||
||WxDesigner ||Unix/Windows/Mac ||Non-free Cross-language GUI dialog designer with integrated support for editing your Python callback functions. ||
||WxGlade ||Unix/Windows/Mac ||A "designer" for WxPython (requires wxPython) ||
||[[http://code.google.com/p/ulipad|Ulipad]] ||Unix/Windows/Mac ||Multi-language editor that support python autocomplete, Direcotry/class browser, tags/multi-views editing, unicode, and Django wizard(requires wxPython) ||
||[[http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrope/|xrope]] ||Python Tkinter ||GUI, class browser, file manager, with code completion. Licensed under the GPL. ||

=== Enhanced Python shells ===
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/docs/html/wx.py.PyCrust.html|PyCrust]] ||Python + PyCrust ||Interactive Python shell included in wxPython. ||
||[[http://code.google.com/p/wxpysuite/|PySlices]] ||Python + PySlices ||New "notebook" version of PyCrust with save/load features and the ability to run blocks of code in separate "slices". ||
||[[http://ipython.org/|IPython]] ||Unix, Mac OS X, Windows ||Enhanced interactive Python shell. Also usable as pythonic system shell (bash/cmd.exe) replacement. Supports autocompletion. Inline syntax highlighting. ||
||[[http://dev.artenum.com/projects/jyconsole|JyConsole]] ||Java, at least 1.4 ||Interactive, embeddable Jython shell with code completion. Licensed under the QPL. ||
||[[https://pypi.org/project/pywin32/|pywin32]] ||Python, Windows ||Interactive python shell using wxPython. py script and exe for win. Data plotting capability from within the shell. Free. ||
||[[http://www.boddie.org.uk/david/Projects/Python/KDE/khpython/|khpython]] ||KDE ||An interactive Python shell using PyKDE and a KHTMLPart (for HTML rendering). ||
||[[http://www.boddie.org.uk/david/Projects/Python/Qt/|PEEQ]] ||Python 2.3 (or higher) and PyQt ||An interactive Python shell using PyQt. ||
||[[http://bpython-interpreter.org/|bpython]] ||Unix, Mac OS X ||Interactive shell with highlighting and autocomplete. ||

=== Mobile Device Editors ===
"IDEs" that run on mobile devices and tablets.
||'''Name''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Notes''' ||
||[[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/python-2.7-for-ios/id485729872?ls=1&mt=8|Python 2.7 for iOS]] ||iOS ||Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE. ||
||[[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/python-3.2-for-ios/id519319292?ls=1&mt=8|Python 3.2 for iOS]] ||iOS ||Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE. ||
||[[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/python-3.3-for-ios/id577911279?ls=1&mt=8|Python 3.3 for iOS]] ||iOS ||Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE. ||
||[[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/python-3.4-for-ios/id583476348?ls=1&mt=8|Python 3.4 for iOS]] ||iOS ||Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE. ||
||[[https://github.com/holzschu/python3_ios|Python 3.7 for iOS]] ||iOS || A patch of Python-3.7.1, designed to make it compile on iOS. Python becomes a framework, and your programs call python_main(argc, argv) to execute python scripts. ||
||[[http://users.on.net/~jon.dowdall/pypad/|PyPad]] ||iOS ||IDE for iPad ||
||[[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pythonista-3/id1085978097|Pythonista]] ||iOS ||IDE for iOS with native graphic and sound support through high-level API; games and interactive demos included ||
||[[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/python-box/id1355983473?mt=8|Python Box]] ||iOS ||IDE for iPhone and iPad with Python 3 support. Custom library is supported. See [[Python Box]] page for details. ||

=== Other Resources ===
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/pysmell|PySmell]] provides autocompletion for Vim, Emacs and TextMate

=== Never ending debate ===
 * EmacsVsVi

CategoryEditors CategoryEditors CategoryEditors

If you have anything to contribute -- e.g. configurations for editors, new editors, or opinion -- don't hesitate to edit or create pages.

There's an EditorConfigurationHowto available.

(!) Please keep wiki links as wiki links, use external links only if there is no existing page for the editor. Please add pages like BoaConstructor also to page IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments.

Multiplatform Editors



Impl. Language




Linux, FreeBSD

Python, GTK


Embed Vim. Little brother of PIDA


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X



Extensible in Tcl, Tk; Can interact with python.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X



Python language support for Atom-IDE, powered by the Python language server.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

C++, wxWidgets


class browser does not currently work for .py files, but it's still a nice IDE to use for python projects


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X



The link points to the features page.


Linux, Windows, FreeBSD



Cream is a free and easy-to-use configuration of the powerful and famous Vim text editor for both Microsoft Windows and GNU/Lfinux.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X



CSS editor with syntax highlighting for Python, and embedded Python interpreter. Extensible through a Python API.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


Extensible in Python; part of PythonCard. Includes PyCrust shell.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X



Free version includes Python support.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, PyQt


Complete IDE, very well integrated with PyQT development, but usable for any kind of project. Supports projects, debugging, auto-complete, syntax coloring, etc. It is extensible via plug-in system. Integrated version control interface for Git, Subversion and Mercurial through core plugins. eric6 requires Python 3 (and, if desired, PyQt5), and supports CxFreeze and PyInstaller, Django and Pyramid, PyLint and Vulture


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X


BRIEF-compatible, supports Python syntax, in-buffer Python interpreter, supports lots of languages. Powerful macro language.


Windows, Mac OS X, Linux


Public domain

DRAKON diagram editor with code generation in Python.


Windows, Linux and Mac/MacPorts

Python, PyGTK


Interactive shell with history box and code box, auto-completion of attributes and file names, auto-display of function arguments and documentation. Keeps your recent results, provides session history saving (optionally in HTML), interactive plotting with matplotlib. Extremely fast and responsive.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


Simple, Highly Customizable Editor/Environment. A Tribute to DrScheme.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X



Eclipse is ... an open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular." Support for Python can be obtained via the PyDEV plugin.

EditPad Pro

Linux, Windows


Built-in Python syntax highlighting, Python class browsing, Python-compatible regular expressions, code folding, and extensive options for running external tools such as Python scripts.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


A general purpose developer's text editor written in Python/wxPython. It supports python syntax highlighting, auto-ident, auto-completion, classbrowser, and can run scripts from inside the editor. Extensible with plugins written in python.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS

C, Lisp


Python support with EmacsPythonMode. Extensible in Python using pymacs


Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and OS/2


Customizable Python mode, syntax coloring, function tagging.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS

Python, PyQt4


Extensible editor written in Python, Python/C/Nim code tree browser, 3-window editing, text diff, multi-language support, Python REPL, manipulate editor text with Python code

FTE Text Editor

Unix/X, Windows, DOS, OS/2



Supports lots of languages, including Python; doesn't seem programmable


Unix/X, Windows



A small and lightweight GTK+ IDE that supports lots of languages, including Python.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS

C, Python


gedit is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment, with Python syntax highlighting.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS

Python, PyQt


Ideas is a feature rich IDE that supports debugging, interpreting and project management.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X



syntax coloring for python, extensible with jython, supports many file formats, has folding, fully customisable, has sidebar for class and functions, fast for a Java application


Unix, Windows, Mac OS



IDE with Jython Shell. Syntax coloring for python, extensible with jython, supports many file formats, fully customisable, has sidebar for class and functions

Jasspa's MicroEmacs

Unix, Windows



Supports Python syntax and a Python-specific menu.


Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, BeOS, QNX, and Windows.



Syntax highlighting and indenting, (optional) emacs keybindings, programmable with s-lang. Note: comment out "msw_help(..." line in pymode.sl if you are having problems on Windows.


Unix, Windows, Mac OS



Has three plugins - one for Jython and one for Python/Jython JpyDbg - interactive editing debugging, code browsing, highlighting.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS

Java, Python


Netbeans jEdit cross IDE plugin


Unix/OSX/Cygwin/Interix (curses), MS-DOS (DR DOS, FreeDOS, Win, OS/2 DOS-Box)



Versatile WordStar-like editor (JOE fork) with many colourised syntax-highlighting modes


Linux, Windows, Mac OS



Kde main developping app. Code folding, syntax highlighting, navigator. projects, class browser, version control, customizable keybindings. Comes also with some typical python project models: pyton Qt app, Tkinter app and simple script.

Komodo IDE

Unix, Windows, Mac OS X


Komodo is an award winning Python IDE from ActiveState. Fully-integrated Python 3 support featuring code intelligence with autocomplete and calltips, Python debugger (includes remote debugging), interactive shell, remote file support, macros, templating, emacs command support and great help documentation. There is also an open-source version called Komodo Edit (Source), as part of the Open Komodo project started November 2007.

Komodo Edit

Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X

Proprietary/Open Source

scaled-down version of Komodo IDE which also supports Python, but excludes the integrated debugger.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


Python IDE with focus is on simplicity and ease of use. It is fast and lightweight. It features Python indentation, line numbers, code folding, syntax highlighting, shell access, code completion, a program runner, a source browser, indentation guides, a white space indicator, autosaving, an edge line, multiple tabs, printing, jumping to a specific line, word searching, word replacement, zooming undo/redo, pastebin.com code submission, Python syntax checking, the ability to change the indentation of many lines at once, autocompletiton, and bad brace checking.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, PyQt


Outlining editor, fully scriptable and extensible, supporting literate programming. 100% pure Python code.


Unix, Windows



Gtk editor with python bindings, allows plugins written in python.


Linux, Windows



Small, terminal-based editor, Syntax highlighting


Unix, Windows, Mac OS X



Easy to use, small, powerful, fast, terminal-based editor. Supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, undo, autocomplete, macros, regexes, bookmarks. v2.4 released 2012-04


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X



X-Based, Python support builtin.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X, others



Netbeans is an open extensible cross platform IDE ; Support for Python can be obtained via the JpyDbg plugin. A new plugin exists for Netbeans 6.5 or newer - info.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS

Python, PyQt4


Lightweight and extensible editor. Class browser, project manager, PEP8 finder, virtualenv, plugin support


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


wxPython based editor. Can be easily extended with mixins and plugins, and has many features. Seems to be biased towards Python web development as contains FTP GUI, RSS aggregator and HTML preview.


Windows NT, Linux (with GTK+ 2)

C++, wxWidgets


Easy to use text editor with syntax highlighting for Python. Embeds the Python interpreter to extend functionality of the application


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X


Apache 2.0

Full-featured IDE for Python. Has Free and Open Source edition fully supporting Python as well as proprietary Professional Edition with Django, Flask, Pyramid and Google App Engine support.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

Java, Eclipse


Eclipse plugin. Code-completion. Debugger. Under active development.


Linux, Windows

Python, Tk


Ultra-lightweight Python/text editor made in Python with Tk. Emphasis on easy customization and no-bloat attitude.


PyBoard, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X



Written in Python - simple small editor, suitable for MicroPython/circuitPython/Pycopy.


Unix, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


Written in Python - code folding, snippets, unicode, multiple documents, code completion, several languages, macros.

Python for VS Code

Linux, Windows, Mac OS X



Free open-source extension for Visual Studio Code. Supports syntax highlighting, debugging, code completion, code navigation, refactoring, with support for Django, multi threaded, local and remote debugging.

PythonToolkit (PTK)

Windows/Linux/Mac (wxPython)



An interactive environment for python features include: Multiple independent python interpreters. Interactively program with different GUI toolkits (wxPython, TkInter, pyGTK, pyQT4 and PySide). Matlab style namespace/workspace browser. Object auto-completions, calltips and multi-line command editing in the console. Object inspection and python path management. Simple code editor and integrated debugger.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X

Python, PySide

BSD License

Open-source Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. Pyzo consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways: e.g. source structure, interactive help, workspace, file browser (with functionality for searching). Also includes a post-mortem debugger.


Windows, Linux (GTK+)



A highly configurable light-weight source code editor (about 50 file formats) based on widely-used Scintilla rich text widget/control. Features: sytax highlighting, code folding, auto-indent, brace matching, codepage/unicode support, multiple documents, context help, code execution, output pane, external tools support, RegExp find/replace, text export (HTML, RTF, PDF, LaTeX, XML). Python API for calltips and autocompletion available.


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X

Python, wxPython


Stani's Python Editor. Auto indentation, auto completion, call tips, syntax coloring/highlighting, UML viewer, class explorer, source index, auto todo list, sticky notes, integrated PyCrust shell, Python file browser, recent file browser, drag&drop, context help. Blender support with a Blender 3D object browser, runs interactively inside Blender. Ships with WxGlade (GUI designer), PyChecker (source code doctor) and Kiki (regular expression console). Extensible with WxGlade.


Windows, Linux, macOS

Python, PyQt5


Spyder is a powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python,and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It features a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Furthermore, Spyder offers built-in integration with many popular scientific packages, including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, IPython, QtConsole, Matplotlib, SymPy, and more. Beyond its many built-in features, Spyder's abilities can be extended even further via first- and third-party plugins. It is conveniently integrated in the cross-platform Anaconda distribution, and is the centerpiece of the Python(x,y) and WinPython distributions for Windows.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X


Syntax coloring, popup function arguments, class hierarchy browser, graphical debugger, and other nice Python features. Context tagging with class/module namespaces, code navigation, and smart indenting are also supported.

Sublime Text

Linux, Windows, Mac OS X

C++, Python


Beautiful interface, Python syntax highlighting, Python plugins.


Linux, Windows, Mac OS X



For teaching/learning programming. Focused on program runtime visualization. Provides stepping both in statements and expressions, no-hassle variables view, separate mode for explaining references etc.


Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS



Highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. Syntax coloring, indenting, autocompletion, and source-navigation tools for Python. Can be scripted in Python. See also Cream.

Wing IDE

Unix/X, Windows, Mac OS X


Powerful commercial IDE designed specifically for Python. Auto-completion, call tips, syntax highlighting, goto-definition, keyboard modes for emulating Visual Studio, VI/Vim, Emacs, & Brief, graphical debugger, code browser, integrated shell, scriptable in Python, and much more.


Linux, Windows

Python, wxPython


Simple text editor written in python. Syntax highlighter, Code fold, Export code in HTML...

Unix-Only Editors







Unix + GTK



Supports debugging Python, Tcl, Ruby, Perl, Lua scripts. Code intelligence (Code completion, folding, auto-complete, code snippets, syntax highlighting matching tags, show keyword or variable information when mouse over...). Keyword help and improved script document. Integrated commonly-used scripting libraries (Tk, wxPython, Pygame, Pmw, Numeric...). Supports compiling python scripts to Windows EXE files.

Windows-Only Editors



Impl. Language







Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License. Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.





Free and open-source Python IDE created with the ambition to become competitive in functionality with commercial Windows-based IDEs

Macintosh-Only Editors





Mac OS

Python-mode extensible in Tcl


Mac OS X 10.4 or later

Full-featured text editor; includes Python support. TextWrangler is the free version (see below).


Mac OS X 10.7 or later

General purpose editor with autocompletion for the Python standard library, plus inline documentation.


Mac OS X 10.4 or later

"text editor + file transfer + svn + css + terminal + books + more = whoah. welcome to coda. grow beautiful code."


Mac OS X (Cocoa)

Programmer's text editor with Python syntax highlighting. Written in Python with PyObjC. Open-source (GPL).


OS X (Cocoa)

Fork of Smultron. No longer under development

MacPython IDE

Mac OS

Included in MacPython distribution.


Mac OS 68k Mac OS 9 Mac OS X

Does not initially include Python support but new language modes can be created. One available here Mi_Python


Mac OS X

Python syntax coloring. Allow multiple author to edit the same file collaborativelly over the network using "Bonjour" (previously Rendezvous).


Mac OS X 10.4 or later

Free and full-featured text editor based on BBEdit. Includes Python syntax highlighting.


Mac OS X

Free IDE and text editor. Includes Python syntax coloring.


Mac OS X 10.3.9+

Great Cocoa editor with Python support including syntax coloring, integrated documentation, and a runtime wrapper with hyperlinked tracebacks. Note that code-folding of classes is currently broken for PEP 8 compliant code.


Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Again under active development, support for Python syntax coloring. Only available in the Mac App Store.


Mac OS X 10.3 or later

Free OS X based IDE for the Python (and other) programming language (replaces discontinued PyOXIDE), with syntax coloring, completion, tool tips, source level debugger, help browser, etc...


Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Free text editor, with Python syntax highlighting. A paid pro version with more features is also available.

Online Editors



Cloud 9

A general web-based IDE with support for Python. Provides a full Ubuntu environment with Python 2.7.6, and support for Django workspaces.


An interactive Python IDE for data exploration and visualization. Provides a full online Anaconda-based Python environment, with real-time collaboration, interactive IPython sessions, and easy publishing of output figures and code. Includes syntax highlighting and autocomplete. The service was shut down on 2nd Jan 2017


"Host, run, and code Python in the cloud!" Free and paid plans include access to multiple versions of CPython, PyPy, IPython notebooks, a large selection of third-party modules, bash and MySQL shells, and more.


An online IDE for numerical and data science computing experiments - includes: real-time collaboration, a customizable editor, a console and much more. The basic account is free of charge.


A collection of computational mathematics tools in the cloud, including IPython notebooks, SageMath, Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib, and Cython.


Continuum Analytics' (distributors of the Anaconda Python distribution) hosted data analysis environment. Includes IPython notebooks, data visualization methods like matplotlib and bokeh, ability to add AWS nodes and clusters, command-line shells, file storage, SSH access, and other elements. (Some features require paid account)

Glorified Editors

"IDEs" that don't integrate anything Python-specific go here.





Unix + GNOME

Cross-language IDE; syntax coloring & folding for Python.

Code Crusader

Linux x86

Commercial IDE with support to 30 other languages.



Commercial cross-language IDE; nice multi-user project manager.



Cross-language IDE with integrated SQL support and automation features (currently German only GUI)


Python + wxPython

Simple, Highly Customizable Editor/Environment. A Tribute to DrScheme.

Genie Jython

Java + Jython + Python

An OpenSource IDE for Python, Jython, and Java. Supports Syntax highlighting, Code Completion and many more. Developed in Java.


Python + Tkinter + Tix

An extended version of IDLE using Tix.

IntelliJ IDEA


Java IDE with Python support through Pythonid plugin - includes code completion, syntax & error highlighting, intra-file refactoring


Unix + KDE

Cross-language IDE for KDE - supports Python syntax/projects.



A Java IDE with an optional plugin for Jython.


Windows/X (Python+wxPython)

Written in Python - code folding, snippets, unicode, multiple documents, code completion, several languages, macros.



Available either as part of ActiveState's ActivePython distribution (which is not open source) or as part of the Win32All extensions from Mark's pages (which is open source).



rope is a python IDE aimed at providing a rich set of software refactorings.


Unix/Windows with Tcl/Tk

Cross-language IDE & Source code analysis tool.



Python and PHP IDE; available in commercial Professional and open-source Foundation versions



GUI designer for wxPython.



Full featured, free IDE bundled with wxPython, features projects, scintilla, and debugging



Non-free Cross-language GUI dialog designer with integrated support for editing your Python callback functions.



A "designer" for WxPython (requires wxPython)



Multi-language editor that support python autocomplete, Direcotry/class browser, tags/multi-views editing, unicode, and Django wizard(requires wxPython)


Python Tkinter

GUI, class browser, file manager, with code completion. Licensed under the GPL.

Enhanced Python shells





Python + PyCrust

Interactive Python shell included in wxPython.


Python + PySlices

New "notebook" version of PyCrust with save/load features and the ability to run blocks of code in separate "slices".


Unix, Mac OS X, Windows

Enhanced interactive Python shell. Also usable as pythonic system shell (bash/cmd.exe) replacement. Supports autocompletion. Inline syntax highlighting.


Java, at least 1.4

Interactive, embeddable Jython shell with code completion. Licensed under the QPL.


Python, Windows

Interactive python shell using wxPython. py script and exe for win. Data plotting capability from within the shell. Free.



An interactive Python shell using PyKDE and a KHTMLPart (for HTML rendering).


Python 2.3 (or higher) and PyQt

An interactive Python shell using PyQt.


Unix, Mac OS X

Interactive shell with highlighting and autocomplete.

Mobile Device Editors

"IDEs" that run on mobile devices and tablets.




Python 2.7 for iOS


Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE.

Python 3.2 for iOS


Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE.

Python 3.3 for iOS


Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE.

Python 3.4 for iOS


Universal iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) IDE.

Python 3.7 for iOS


A patch of Python-3.7.1, designed to make it compile on iOS. Python becomes a framework, and your programs call python_main(argc, argv) to execute python scripts.



IDE for iPad



IDE for iOS with native graphic and sound support through high-level API; games and interactive demos included

Python Box


IDE for iPhone and iPad with Python 3 support. Custom library is supported. See Python Box page for details.

Other Resources

Never ending debate

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