
Emacs (the major flavors being GnuEmacs and XEmacs) is a text editor which come with good support for writing Python code. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but in general either provide very nice environments for the Python programmer.

Tools for Python coders

Please get involved if you want to help.

Some tools have been written for using Python from Emacs:

Support for C Python core developers

Both Emacs and XEmacs have support for developers hacking on the Python C code itself. If you're developing Python 2.x, just use the standard python style that comes with c-mode. If you're hacking on Python 3.x, you'll want to add the following code to your .emacs file (given by Georg Brandl):

  '((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
    (fill-column      . 78)
    (c-basic-offset   . 4)
    (c-offsets-alist  . ((substatement-open . 0)
                         (inextern-lang . 0)
                         (arglist-intro . +)
                         (knr-argdecl-intro . +)))
    (c-hanging-braces-alist . ((brace-list-open)
                               (substatement-open after)
                               (block-close . c-snug-do-while)))
    (c-block-comment-prefix . "* "))

;; This is a very crude hook that auto-selects the C style depending on
;; whether it finds a line starting with tab in the first 3000 characters
;; in the file
(defun c-select-style ()
     (if (re-search-forward "^\t" 3000 t)
         (c-set-style "python")
       (c-set-style "python-new"))))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'c-select-style)

Note: We should try to get the style into upstream c-mode.

Other resources


EmacsEditor (last edited 2016-02-12 22:31:29 by OleskandrGavenko)

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