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Revision 2 as of 2005-01-19 17:24:09
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Editor: upfrontsystems
Revision 3 as of 2005-03-09 16:38:07
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Editor: pool-70-22-156-147
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I don't think we should try to move it. They do an excellent job as far as I can tell. Why not let the community grow rather than try to restrict it?

ActiveState seems to have the python snippet market well served http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/334696. Its unfortunate they beat the python community to it, now they have a pretty big market share. JeanJordaan: I think they are *part* of the Python community, and they're doing a good job hosting the Cookbook.

Can we successfully encourage new contributions to come to this wiki instead? Do we want that? JJ: Why? Don't do the same job again. Rather add value, e.g. by coordinating editors who rate and edit recipes at the ASPN cookbook.

Can (legally/technically)/should we mine the content from ActiveState to seed this wiki?

I don't think we should try to move it. They do an excellent job as far as I can tell. Why not let the community grow rather than try to restrict it?


PythonCookBookVsActiveStateCookBookDiscussion (last edited 2008-11-15 13:59:46 by localhost)

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