Differences between revisions 10 and 11
Revision 10 as of 2007-05-14 14:00:23
Size: 1661
Editor: JeffRush
Revision 11 as of 2007-06-11 07:47:10
Size: 1185
Editor: JeffRush
Comment: Removed completed tasks
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Focus on Forrester Research survey and provide answers this week!
 * Participate in Forrester Research interview re plan for promoting Python
 * Post a meeting report for DFW Pythoneers to http://python-groups.blogspot.com/
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 * Send out a general announcement inviting usergroup leaders and wannabes to join the organizers list to share their wisdom, and grant existing leaders access to the usergroup blog for posting their meeting summaries and general announcements.

In mid-2006, the PSF agreed to hire JeffreyRush for full-time work on ["Advocacy"]. The contract was renewed for another six months starting March 15, 2007, along with a [http://www.python.org/psf/grants/advocacy/revised-tasks.pdf list of tasks to tackle].


Current Tasks:

  • Produce some "5-Minutes with Python" screencasts -- I've installed the necessary software and practiced a bit but have screencast block ;-)

  • Work on "Starting and Running a Successful Python User Group" paper, with select members of the Usergroup Support Committee who have volunteered to help.
  • Hold another online meeting of the Usergroup Support Committee.
  • Begin reviewing 12th edition of "Understanding Computers" textbook.

Existing Challenges (most recent at top):

  • getting the various screencast tools to play well and polish my presentation skills re screencasting

For active discussion on advocating the use of Python, please join the [http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/advocacy Advocacy mailing list] and visit the [http://advocacy.python.org/getinvolved Advocacy - Get Involved!] site.


PythonAdvocacyCoordinator (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:14 by localhost)

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