Using GStreamer with PyQt
This example code was posted to the PyQt mailing list in a message by Baz Walter.
Toggle line numbers
1 import sys, os
2 import gobject, pygst
3 pygst.require('0.10')
4 import gst
5 from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL, SLOT
6 from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton, \
7 QFileDialog
10 class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
11 def __init__(self):
12 QMainWindow.__init__(self)
13 self.setWindowTitle('Audio-Player')
14 self.resize(120, 50)
15 self.move(500, 500)
16 self.button = QPushButton(self)
17 self.button.setText('Start')
18 self.button.setMinimumSize(90, 0)
19 self.setCentralWidget(self.button)
20 self.connect(self.button, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.start_stop)
21 self.player = gst.element_factory_make('playbin', 'player')
22 try:
23 # alsasink pulsesink osssink autoaudiosink
24 device = gst.parse_launch('alsasink')
25 except gobject.GError:
26 print 'Error: could not launch audio sink'
27 else:
28 self.player.set_property('audio-sink', device)
29 self.bus = self.player.get_bus()
30 self.bus.add_signal_watch()
31 self.bus.connect('message', self.on_message)
33 def start_stop(self):
34 if self.button.text() == 'Start':
35 filepath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Choose File')
36 if filepath:
37 self.button.setText('Stop')
38 self.player.set_property('uri', 'file://' + filepath)
39 self.player.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
40 else:
41 self.player.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
42 self.button.setText('Start')
44 def on_message(self, bus, message):
45 t = message.type
46 if t == gst.MESSAGE_EOS:
47 self.player.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
48 self.button.setText('Start')
49 elif t == gst.MESSAGE_ERROR:
50 self.player.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
51 err, debug = message.parse_error()
52 print 'Error: %s' % err, debug
53 self.button.setText('Start')
56 if __name__ == '__main__':
58 gobject.threads_init()
59 qApp = QApplication(sys.argv)
60 qApp.connect(qApp, SIGNAL('lastWindowClosed()'),
61 qApp, SLOT('quit()'))
62 mainwindow = MainWindow()
64 sys.exit(qApp.exec_())