Handling Qt's internal item MIME type
Normally, to perform drag and drop between two item views, the developer would create their own model, reimplementing the mimeData() method to return a custom MIME type and the dropMimeData() method to accept data with this MIME type. However, this seems like a lot of work, especially when the data comes from a standard model.
The following code implements a model that you can use for the view that accepts dropped data. The decode_data() method decodes application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist MIME type data supplied by a standard model. The reimplementation of the dropMimeData() method takes the decoded data and either adds a new item to the top level of a tree structure or increments a counter associated with each item.
Qt's item views pass around items using the internal application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist MIME type (see the Model Subclassing Reference for more information about this type). For practical purposes, it may be useful to be able to unpack data sent in this format when implementing a drop handler for a custom model. The example shown in this document shows how this can be done in Python.
The start of the dropMimeData() method queries the MIME data for the format we recognise. If it can supply data in the internal MIME type used by Qt, we call a helper method to unpack it. The helper method will return a list of dictionaries corresponding to each of the items dropped onto the view. Each dictionary maps a role number to corresponding data for that role. We are interested in the text supplied in the display role.
1 def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent):
3 if data.hasFormat('application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist'):
4 bytearray = data.data('application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist')
5 data_items = self.decode_data(bytearray)
7 # Assuming that we get at least one item, and that it defines
8 # text that we can display.
9 text = data_items[0][Qt.DisplayRole].toString()
11 for row in range(self.rowCount()):
12 name = self.item(row, 0).text()
13 if name == text:
14 number_item = self.item(row, 1)
15 number = int(number_item.text())
16 number_item.setText(str(number + 1))
17 break
18 else:
19 name_item = QStandardItem(text)
20 number_item = QStandardItem("1")
21 self.appendRow([name_item, number_item])
23 return True
24 else:
25 return QStandardItemModel.dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent)
The rest of this method just does what the requester wanted: it puts the names into the model with an associated number, starting at 1, or increments the number associated with existing items if they are already present in the model. Data not handled by us is passed to the base class's implementation of dropMimeData().
The decode_data() method relies on the internal format used by Qt when sending items as MIME data. The byte array is opened using a data stream and unpacked using the information that it contains a sequence of items, each stored as a pair of row and column integers followed by a map of role integers to QVariant values. (See Format of the QDataStream Operators for more information about how these are serialised by Qt.)
1 def decode_data(self, bytearray):
3 data = []
4 item = {}
6 ds = QDataStream(bytearray)
7 while not ds.atEnd():
9 row = ds.readInt32()
10 column = ds.readInt32()
12 map_items = ds.readInt32()
13 for i in range(map_items):
15 key = ds.readInt32()
17 value = QVariant()
18 ds >> value
19 item[Qt.ItemDataRole(key)] = value
21 data.append(item)
23 return data
25 app = QApplication(sys.argv)
27 window = QWidget()
29 listModel = QStringListModel(["John", "Jane", "Frank", "Henry"])
30 listView = QListView()
31 listView.setModel(listModel)
32 listView.setDragEnabled(True)
34 treeModel = TreeModel()
35 treeView = QTreeView()
36 treeView.setHeaderHidden(True)
37 treeView.setRootIsDecorated(False)
38 treeView.setAcceptDrops(True)
39 treeView.setModel(treeModel)
41 layout = QHBoxLayout(window)
42 layout.addWidget(listView)
43 layout.addWidget(treeView)
45 window.show()
46 sys.exit(app.exec_())