Getting the version numbers of Qt, SIP and PyQt
When you report a bug in PyQt you need to supply information about the configuration you are using, including the versions of the Qt library, SIP and PyQt modules. The following code should help.
Toggle line numbers
1 from PyQt4.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR
2 from PyQt4.pyqtconfig import Configuration
4 print("Qt version:", QT_VERSION_STR)
5 cfg = Configuration()
6 print("SIP version:", cfg.sip_version_str)
7 print("PyQt version:", cfg.pyqt_version_str)
Note that the pyqtconfig module is deprecated in PyQt 4.10. See for more details. If you are unable to import pyqtconfig (for example when using Riverbank's packaged binaries) you can use the following:
Toggle line numbers
1 from PyQt4.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR
2 from PyQt4.Qt import PYQT_VERSION_STR
3 from sip import SIP_VERSION_STR
5 print("Qt version:", QT_VERSION_STR)
6 print("SIP version:", SIP_VERSION_STR)
7 print("PyQt version:", PYQT_VERSION_STR)
For PyQt5 getting the version is the same as in the last example above, just exchange PyQt4 for PyQt5
PyQt/Getting the version numbers of Qt, SIP and PyQt (last edited 2017-01-26 20:34:32 by TordDellsen)